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Posts posted by NekiEcko

  1. Yay! Our goal has gone from making it to the second round to making it to the conference finals!

    Finally after 7 years ofcourse

    Why is a general manager talking to a player's parent in the offseason, and if so, why is whatever the parent saying relevant enough to be shared in a public conversation about the player's status?

    Now that is the mystery for me, why does he even had to go though the parents? Now that is the mystery for me and its all wrong.
  2. With Smoove and Marvin's contracts expiring at the end of next season, this could be the plan. Sell the team to someone who wants a fresh start. A new owner would want to put in their own GM and HC... I just hope its not going to be someone wanting to bring the Supersonics back...

    Nah, they want to go after Kings for that besides I think that Hawks is locked in at Phillips until 2025 (?) and the owner that wants to move the Hawks will have to pay alot of money for that. i think that Hawks is going to get sold but hopefully to local person or somebody that wants to keep the team here.
  3. Here is my take on it, there is two paths that this team can takePath #1: Keep Josh, Resigned Josh to a max-type deal but they wont have any money to signed other players, plus with Zsa Zsa and Teague (RFA) contracts is up next year as well, they might have to do lose Zsa or let Teague get a RFA deal from another team. Contiune to go down in 1st/2nd round with no improvementsPath#2 Trade Josh for picks and lesser talent, Lose his production and wins, but have enough money to improve the bench and set up for the "Last Ride" for Sund and Drew at the Hawks strongest. Might lose some spots in the playoff but still go there.Right now, Path #2 is what this team needs, unless this team is going try to be sold again. Josh is good player but I think its time for him to go to another place and hopefully become a better play. Here is the thing, the East is weak except for a few teams, so going back to the playoff isnt going to be too hard.

  4. Okay, I like to know what stuff you are on and if I can get some.Zaza a true center, are you serious about that. He did a good job filling in for Al when he is gone but here is the 2 things, 1) He is much better off the bench and 2) his contact is up too at the end of next year. Do you think he is going to resign here even know that he might get a good market for him.LD, I give him a belief of the doubt but he needs to step up unless you like coaches that stay quiet when we get crap on by refs (remember that play in the BOS series). If he doesnt stand up for this team, do you think they are going to play for him?I think we need more then a True PG and other stuff.

  5. But then again, we thought that Kirk was going to get traded but ASG did nothing.We thought that we would deal or resigned him but ASG did nothing.So what do yall think that the ASG is going to trade him or resigned him? They probably going to sit on their hands again and do nothing

  6. Hotlanta, maybe we could have done alot better with Horford as well, we will never know that.For the Josh Smith situation, I was thinking about this and if Smith doesnt want to return to the team after next year, you need to get him out of here, no question ask. Besides we dont want to go through the same drama like Magic went through with Dwight. Our ownership isnt the best when it comes down to decide like this.

  7. I think that he and this whole sham of an organization is in a delusion state right now. Everybody have injuries from minor to major but they are using that card this year. Shoot, everybody in the playoff except few teams had minor and major injuries but they didnt compalin about it or lampshade like this team does. I want to "face-palm" this, its no hope, no hope at all.

  8. And that is one of the big reason why this team doesnt get any respect at all.I trying to understand Coach Drew but the stuff he was sprout out made no sense at all, teams plays through injuries, heck every team that is still in the playoffs except Thunder/Pacers (maybe) had/has an major injuries but they kept playing through it. I still trying to figure out why he support Josh shooting 3 points (25% shooting over 100 shots) that is CRAZY!!! Its getting hard to support this team, it really is.I always like 3D, and I wish he could buy this team or anybody that wants to keep the team in Atlanta.

  9. I have to agreed with you on that Walter-san,He could been out there, complaining about that call. It might change the entire game but he was 'too cool" for that. Oh well, one more year of this (and the Magic deep-six both SVG and Smith, great)

  10. Believe me, I think alot of us is saying that statement in unison but I get back to that later.First of all, a short story, me and my dad(a very big basketball fan) talk about the Hawks weekend and he told me something that really got me thinking about this. He said "Those (Hawks) owners are business owners as well, so why do they want their product to be some distute like that?" If i was a owner I would do the best I can even if I did take losses and regret.That really hits me in the jaw, because the ASG is business owners to different companies as well or before they even brought this team. They know that if their business is failing and they are losing alot of customers, respect and money. They will make siginicant changes to right the ship as soon as possible. But they dont the same thing for the Hawks, I think they make too many excuse for this team. Heck, you can tell, that everybody is tired of the same thing over and over. No offense to Larry Drew but if those guys didnt listen to you this year, they would probably do the same thing next year, Hawks will keep losing fans, money and respect (We are the least respect team in the NBA right now right beside Bobcats and attendence wise too). I think that ASG needs to sell and somebody (NBA) pressure them to do it because they know when they started losein STO and not getting them back, they will lose more money then they will have to realize that this team needs to change for better/worst or ASG are going to be left with just change......in their pockets.

  11. This.This actually makes sense if they're planning to blow the team up and start from scratch this summer. Al will respond to him and the young guns may tune in where Josh and JJ tune him out. We wouldn't be getting a decent coach with a rebuilding team anyway.If the front office is just planning on making another run with the current group, though, then keeping him is just another piece in the krazy puzzle.

    I have to agreed with this, if they were going to bring him back, then the roster would be changed with only Al, Teague and one other as leftovers but it doesnt make any sense to bring him back with the current core we got. Also I read that Peachtree that its weird that Drew contact was pick up but Sund decision if he want to stay or go somewhere else. To me that is the weird thing every.
  12. Okay I finally calm down after my little rantI have no problem with Coach Drew, we all have to remember that he never had a head coach gig before this and there is alot of things he has to get better from like stand up for your players, better sub packages, knowing when to call TO and other things.But this does tell me one thing. There is no doublt in our mind and I think many(or maybe all) Atlanta Hawks fans can agreed to, that Atlanta Spirit Group needs to sell this team right now, because its getting to a point that many people is going to give up on this team regrads how good they were or how many times they went to the playoff, and etc, etc, etc. To me, they dont care about bring a NBA Title to Atlanta, they just worry about how much money they get at the end. As a fan of this team, its pains me so much about it. To me, i dont think that ASG is looking out for fans anymore, look at that "statement" by Rick Sund. This team, the fans, Atlanta, and the whole state of Georgia deserve alot better then these guys. Worst thing about it, they get on this shows and radio and complain that the Hawks get lack of attention for local and national media while fans doesnt want to come out. This is one of the reason. ASG needs to be sold to a person or a team that is willing to bring a NBA Championship to Atlanta.

  13. I wasnt going to vent about this(I got other things to worry about like what major should I do), but seriouslyI AM GETTING SICK AND TIRED OF THIS STUPID ----- ORGANIZATIONI understand that ASG is broke and they dont want to be in the business but seriously. I want to see the spin off of this, because I dont know what to say any more. This team isnt a championship team, period. This team needs change but they want to keep the same coach. My loyality to this team is almost gone.

  14. I think that ASG lives in their own world that doesnt pay attention to outside events and stuff like that. Because honestly, i think these guy is a bunck of Jack@-- . I swear they are doing this, so people can stop going to Hawks games, so they can sell this team to Chris Hanson, then he goes up to Seattle. If the Hawks is going to do this, they better make a change or they are going to feel the full blunt of the fans anger.

  15. Here is my take about this:61m for 6 players, that is a avg of 10 mil and that is way too much for this core, somebody has to move no matter what. I get nbasuperstar40 saying about trades but at the same time, I dont really feels that excuse is going to coax over the Hawks fans that been screaming for change since two season ago. My feeling is this, This team has ran its course and it time for some upgrades or they will be see more empty seats in Phillips and that wont be good anybody.

  16. Per MC on twitter, the Hawks decision on Drew is on hold right now while they are in talks to bring Rick Sund back.

    I hope that those talks bombed for some reason but we are dealing the most cheapest ownership, they wouldnt have the sets to go ahead Phil Jackson or even get a full HC here.
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