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Everything posted by TRUEINTELLECTPLAYA

  1. You beat me to it, Marvin hurting the Hawks again. If he can not do anything basketball for 6 to 8 weeks that might keep a team from taking him in a trade for the next 2 months and that's not good
  2. Not even in the same ballpark. So was cocaine and marijuana. I say life would be better with both of them legal as opposed to alcohol since alcohol is the one that has never been used for medical reasons and does more reported damage to the body than marijuana.
  3. Colin is on the clock and has been notified.
  4. Not even in the same ballpark. The zone defense in football has never been illegal from my knowledge.
  5. Monta/Jeff/Earl Watson Joe/Afflalo/Pape ?/Jimmy Butler/Damien Al/Reggie Evans/Rolle Dalembert/Biedrins/Collins We would still need a SF if we could trade Kirk to Sac for Dalembert in a sign and trade, but without a doubt Monta is starting PG. Playing Monta at SG and Joe at SF is not a playoff caliber lineup. The whole reason to move Al to PF is to get bigger, stronger, and tougher you would be defeating that purpose by moving Joe to 3 and letting Monta play SG.
  6. It was a team win. LD deserves some credit for moving Al from Center for the most part, but the team had to buy into LD's plan and that could not have been easy being that LD was bad for most of the season
  7. With the 83rd pick I select possibly the most athletic young SG in the NBA. He averaged 17.2 pts and 3.8 rebounds a game as the 2nd option on his team in just his 2nd year. He shoots 46.7% from the field which is good for a SG. He will be the 4th best offensive option at best in my lineup if I choose to start him. He will be only 22 years old when the season starts. With the 83rd pick I select DeMar DeRozan
  8. So, the Heat are hated for tainting the NBA by stacking this great unbeatable team in the minds of there haters. They will also talk about the way Lebron did the decision. Lebron and the Heat are simply bad guys that are going about winning the wrong way and ruining there legacies and tainting the NBA but what about the Mavs? No NBA team in my lifetime has used the zone as much as the Mavs because honestly they can't get enough stops to win against the level of competition that they are currently playing without playing zone. So, what do you think about this is it good for the NBA? Does it taint the championship if the Mavs win it? Zone defense was not legal during the Jordan, Bird, Magic days. Actually, zones were not completely legal in the NBA until 2001-02. http://www.nba.com/a...es_history.html Personally, I am not totally against zone because when I started playing organized ball on my 6th grade Pee Wee team that's when I started learning zone. So, since 11 years old I was learning about zones, and I think it is pretty much the same for most of these professional athletes. On the other hand, that does not take away from the fact that the true greats were not allowed to use this defense which can be lazy, gimmicky, and simply used because you can't play defense well enough to beat your competition without it. Yes it is currently legal so the Mavs are not breaking the rules, but this is not what Bird, Magic, and Jordan used. This is not what Russel used when he was winning 10 and this is also not what Phil Jackson who is ridiculed for winning with better talent every used, even though he could have from 2001-02 until now. IMO, I do look at the Mavs as a weaker opponent win or lose this championship due to them not being able to get enough stops to win without using the zone.
  9. Yes, I would do that but only after trying to see if we could move Marvin with someone for a more significant piece
  10. You can always resign your on free agent under the current CBA
  11. He would be okay for portion of the MLE, but Dallas will be able to pay him more than we can. So, I doubt it is even worth too much back and forth
  12. Good pick with Ray Allen he was going to be one of my next two picksCoachX is on the clock. Technically he has until 2:35 PM tommorrow
  13. ngc7 technically has until 7:17 AM to make his pick
  14. I am all for trading Josh for Monta because Monta is just as young with just as much star potential, but with a more defined game. If we are really looking for more structure and stability Monta is better than Josh. Monta plays the same way against everyone, while Josh even though I like him a lot, settles way too often, Monta can get to the rack and score against PG's or SG's. With guys like Westbrook and even Rose taking 25 shots on the regular, I don't see how people could be worried about Monta playing PG, heck let Joe run the offense since he does not have that go to scorer mentality anyway and he has played PG before.
  15. Teague and Monta are very close to me, Monta is a bigger better version. I like Teague as a player, no doubt, but at the same time I would not mind him backing up Monta and learning from him. Also, I am not a big Biedrins supporter because of his contract but the dude can rebound no doubt about that, and boy is it obvious that we need someone that will do that.
  16. Because I don't have to see your opinion as fact. I think we get better. PG Monta/Teague SG Joe/Kirk SF PF Al C Biedrins I'll take it.
  17. I posted this trade on June 1st. Josh Smith, Marvin Williams, and Zaza for Monta and Biedrins. They get a wing in Marvin, a wing that can play some PF in Josh, and a big in Zaza. They get a little of everything and they get to unload there 2 biggest contracts. Get her done Sund http://www.hawksquawk.net/community/index.php/topic/359912-josh-smith-trade-idea/
  18. I PM'ed supporter about 2 hours ago. That has already been taken care of
  19. Supporter is on the clock. 3:06PM until 8:10 AM is the duration.
  20. Detroit is a better fit. Toronto and Minny are offensive teams that have no defensive makeup.
  21. Round 569 jy21- Luis Scola70 diesel- Wilson Chandler71 sultanofatl-72 capstone21-73 whassuphawks-74 ahf-75 supporter-76 nicholasp27-77 seano-
  22. What every other sensible person is saying. If it makes us a better team do it, but no way you make a lateral move for Josh just because you are tired of him doing whatever it is that pisses you off. If I were in the ASG or even Sund's shoes there would be no fear because I trust my decision making and talent evaluation. On the other hand, I am afraid that the ASG or Sund will make another trade in which they give up too much and get too little back like the Hinrich trade. I would much rather get some people who know how to evaluate players in here before any move is made.
  23. Deng has long ago been picked
  24. Technically Sultan should have had until 7:08 AM in the morning to make his pick, just saying.
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