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Everything posted by lush23

  1. Your statement that "Diaw is the glue that holds the pieces together..." is hilarious. Have you seen his stats for there finals. In game#1 he lit it up for 7 Pts. and in game #2 Diaw came back to earth and scored a big 4 Pts. We can really use his 5.5 pts per game next year. The Hawks continue to take chances with draft picks (D.Johnson) instead of taking players that can help this team win immediately. Howard can flat out play. He does all the little things. Mark Cuban stated that they (Mavericks) were trying to trade up in the teens or low 20's to pick Howard. Of all the teams in the NBA, the Mavs know the foreign talent better than anyone and they still went after Howard. B. Knight said that he has seen Diaw play in person only twice. To me, no way I take that risk on Diaw. When the Hawks drafted Diaw, Jay Bilas of ESPN didn't have Diaw in the top 15 players left on the board. I hope Knight enjoys his trip to Paris because that is the last trip he will take on the Hawks dime.
  2. Look up his stats. He shot less than 35% from the college three point line.
  3. Bogans is twice the shooter Hansen is. People are mistaken if they think Hansen is a great shooter. Look up their stats.
  4. What a joke! We draft a soft (and I mean panzzzzy) player who can't shoot in Diaw. This guy doesn't even start in the French league and you people have him starting in the Hawks back court. Josh Howard is a proven leader and very solid. We worked out 55 players and then draft a player we didn't work out. Has Knight even seen Diaw play in person? Then at 37 we pass on English who can flat out light it up for Hanson who is 25yrs old and can't shoot either. He made only 30 three pointers last year. Good by Billy Knight, what a joke. Good by to the Hawks, I give up.
  5. Josh Howard will be taken in the first round and we had him in yesterday. I also believe Dante Jones and Carl English have shots at being taken in the first round. Just because these mock drafts don't have them there doesn't mean their not worthy. I believe several of the European players will fall into the secound round once all is said and done. The other answer is that the Hawks don't want to give away who they are interested in since the draft is so wide open. At #21 I believe I would take eithe Boris Diaw or Josh Howard. At #37 I would hope English is available.
  6. lush23


    I believe Diaw is a very good fit for the Hawks needs. I would pick either Diaw or Josh Howard at #21. Diaw can handle the ball, dish the ball and play defense. Howard continues to get better each year and he has all the intangibles. At #37, I would look at either Mario Austin for a big body or possibly Maquis Daniels or Carl English. Daniels and English have point guard skills along with good size.
  7. If I where the GM of the Hawks these are the players I would be looking at: PF- David West, Mario Austin, Brian Cook SG/SF- Josh Howard, Marquis Daniels PG- Chris Thomas, Troy Bell, Mo Williams I think the Hawks could actually get two quality players due to the overall depth because of all the foreign players. One guy who is intriguing to me is Marquis Daniels from Auburn. If you saw him play in the NCAA Tourn. against Syracuse then you know what I'm talking about. Daniels is extremely athletic, can handle and pass the ball and he plays great defense. He probably will be available with the 37th pick unless he shows off at some of the workouts. I think the Hawks can definetly add some depth with potential future starters with this draft.
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