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Everything posted by Bonkers

  1. This loss is 100% on Nate What a horrible coach he is
  2. I hope someone mollywhops Embiid so he really has something to cry about Big 7ft punk
  3. Nate is holding this team back BIG TIME
  4. Glad I didn't get excited by that lil run lol
  5. Hawks team defense is straight HOT DOG WATER
  6. Will Dre finally stop underachieving???
  7. I blame Nate 100% for all of this Terrible coaching from him
  8. Nate hates AJ and Arthur Smith hates Desmond Ridder smh
  9. Dre is gonna be traded playing like this
  10. I've never seen a big hit the floor as many times as Embiid's clown ass
  11. Dre has REALLY disappointed me
  12. AJ is a stud!!! Kudos to AJ, Jalen and OO
  13. Jalen has played some good defense
  14. Been a long time since I've seen a Hawks player play defense like that That was exciting!!!
  15. RJ Barret is really stat padding in garbage time Pathetic
  16. DJM is the Glove 2.0 out there
  17. The Knicks are trash lol The kinda team that can boost your confidence lol
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