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Everything posted by sturt

  1. This is the route I'm interested in for Sharife... It's all hands on deck for 21-22 to win a championship. Give me a vet in every cell of the 3rd column of the depth chart grid if I can get it. If the kid earns his way on to the 15-man at some point, great. But let him earn it. Maybe he will. But it's a viable question. Not everyone comes into the NBA w/o a reliable shot, and develops enough of one to stick.
  2. If it's as I think I understand that you really want to avoid going into luxury tax for multiple years (?), seems we'd probably try to stick to $4.8m if we could... (Tony, see, I'm just trying to save you a buck, man ) .
  3. Hold up. Could Schlenk not sign, in theory, a Justise Winslow (SF but who like Hill can give you SG and PF minutes) @ $4.8m, and then LouWill as a minimum? Thus, making for an arguably-exceptionally potent back-end bench of LouWill Winslow Hill Johnson Dieng (...and/but sending Cooper and Mays to the 2-way column)?
  4. Update... some nominal tweaking still possibly needed to the JC and Dieng numbers, but close enough to say Schlenk is in a good position to spend some money if he wants to for LouWill or similar. But, short of a Gallo trade that can't be totally ruled out, we've seemingly closed up shop on the bigs slots in the depth chart grid, and you can either grab another guard of some kind. And of course the other still-not-completely-off-the-table scenario is that Cam would be dealt. As for filling the other 2-way, if we don't learn of something on that front today, count me as persuaded that Schlenk is persuaded to just wait and see if there's someone who stands out in summer league, either on our own SL roster or someone else's who isn't under contract with anyone.
  5. Which may have been the tipping point issue all along. Who knows. Maybe we will soon enough.
  6. Gallo!?! Cam?!? LouWill?!? One of youse guys are up next!
  7. No doubt, prompted by JC reading this thread. Surely.
  8. I should have added... at least as I understood that story, it turned out that McM took JC's side on that one. Just because one ascends to superstar status at some point doesn't mean he's to be assigned righteous status as-if every opinion ever held was necessarily valid. JC is not "trouble." If anything, in that case, he spoke some wisdom into a situation.
  9. Yes, those are "complicated characters," but not even one little bit is JC that. You don't make yourself an equivalent of Schröder or Smoove in the span of 48-72 hours. Those boys were that, not merely as a result of any contract negotiations, but by virtue of reputations built over years. If "it's not personal, it's just business" works for one side, it works for both sides. Mind you, I certainly agree that this seems to be, for now, a lapse in judgment by JC and his agent. But we have to acknowledge, we don't really know everything. In fact, we know very little. What little we even think we know we only think we know based on what is being reported--which sometimes, we have later found out, wasn't especially accurate. Patience. There will be ample time to judge. But let the actual substantive intel come to light. Don't judge based on rumor and suspicions.
  10. We're not the only ones scratching our collective head on this one...
  11. Had forgotten about this... hehe.... the Kris Dunn / Trae Young antagonism had nothing on this pair.... now, teammates...
  12. Whiteside backing up Gobert? That could work out.
  13. Hollinger on the DeRozan debacle... as it's almost certain to be regarded by history... https://theathletic.com/2750537/2021/08/03/bulls-demar-derozan-deal-rates-as-biggest-head-scratcher-of-2021-free-agency/
  14. There's definitely a void for a starting PF in OKC, though.
  15. I'm not keeping track but I'm hearing OKC still has room. And they are the kind of opportunistic team that gets fairly creative sometimes in turning others' situations into their gain.
  16. Definitely felt good about your contributions to the ATL cause, and of course, in particular one night in Tampa vs. the Raptors. Good luck in Portland.
  17. Broken record here... there's practically zero incentive for us to make a serious effort at a Kvon extension, and practically every reason, therefore, to expect us to be doing the Collins dance this time next off-season with him. Might offer him something just a little above the "that's just disrespectful" line, but nothing he's likely to jump on.
  18. Bookmarking for next post season.... join me as we add to the collection through the next several months....
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