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Everything posted by ATLnightwing

  1. Agree with this 95%. I still like Dalembert.
  2. I don't know about you but I don't want to spend my prime years watching an 8th seed mediocre hawks team with monta Ellis being the leader.
  3. To be honest, I'm more disappointed by the fact that we missed out on all the other center options. I would have been ecstatic to have Jennings with dalembert but even that is unlikely
  4. May I add that our free agent signings are either already at their peak or are declining. Ferry did not set us up for the future.
  5. No major free agent signing. Samuel Dalembert (the last starting caliber center) is likely gone. We have hyped up this summer so much and what did we end up with? Millsap, probably Monta Ellis, and Horford at Center again? We're looking at: Monta Ellis/Schröder Jenkins/Williams Korver Millsap Horford Seems like a mediocre team to me. This is worse than that Summer where our major signings were TMac and Willie Green.
  6. Dalembert and Kaman. This off-season is a failure to me.
  7. It said "signee" I believe. I think it's someone new. It wouldn't make sense just to introduce one of our three major signings.
  8. Does anyone have any updates on Bynum's health? Is he ready to play? Still in rehab?
  9. Brandon Jennings. I think he would bring some excitement to Atlanta. He also clearly has star potential. Him and Al could start a nice dynamic duo. I just don't see it in Teague.
  10. Brandon Jennings and Bynum. Dalembert with Jennings would be very acceptable as well.
  11. God please let Samuel Dalembert be a part of this deal.
  12. Samuel Dalembert and Chris Kaman are acceptable centers.
  13. I have been saying we should get Kaman for a long time. He's a veteran, a pure center, and was an All-Star not too long ago. I would love to have him.
  14. I haven't watched many Utah Jazz games. I know about his 46 point outburst against the Heat. I recall him being an All-Star snub a couple of years ago. What I don't know: What position did he primarily play? PF or SF? How did he do last season? How is he going to mesh with Al Horford?
  15. That's terrible. Another year of Horford not playing his natural position... damn.
  16. I disagree. He isn't going to be flashy or score late in games. But he is that true center we have been missing for all these years. I can see him taking a Ben Wallace role in that he defends and rebounds, basically taking care of the dirty work.
  17. I agree with you all that getting Tyreke would also be worth celebrating for. It will take a year or two for him establish himself as a star here. I think Iggy would bring an immediate change. Nonetheless, Tyreke would be an exciting addition.
  18. I don't think Splitter is particularly better than Asik in any skill. I do agree with you however that I would hate to have to get Lin's contract.
  19. Are there any FA players that after we signed, you would get up and celebrate for? Maybe no players are with celebrating for besides Howard? Maybe Asik alone is worth celebrating for? Maybe we get a good deal on Bynum? Personally, if we got Iguodala, I think I would go nuts out of happiness and order his Hawks Jersey the same day. He has always been one of my favorite players.
  20. Much appreciated. I have yet to meet another Hawks fan in person. I've been lurking the boards for a year or so now. It's good to be involved with fellow fans. That's why I want Asik so bad. Think about it, when was the last time we had a good true center that is 7'? Our last 7 footer was Petro and he is by no means starting material. Unless we have Lebron on our team, we need a true center to compete with the Marc Gasols and Andrew Bynums of the league.
  21. I really don't understand people's interest with Al Jefferson joining the Hawks. To me, he is nearly identical to Al Horford in that he has a PF's height and an offensive skill set. If we want Horford to play to his potential, we need a defensive true center (preferably about 7'0.)
  22. Throughout my time as a Hawks fan (pretty much since the year Horford got drafted), we have never had a solid true center. Zaza is good off the bench, not as a starter. I truly believe that getting Asik, a defensive complement to Al Horford, would be a great success under Danny Ferry. My bold prediction is that if we start Horford at the PF for all of next year, he will average 20+ ppg and will emerge into more of a star than he already is. The signing of Tyreke or Iguodala will give us that player that can finish games for us (along with Lou) and can take that last second shot. They don't have to be prime time scorers to be useful to us. So looking at the lineup (assuming we resign Teague): Teague Iguodala/Evans - Lou FA SF Horford Asik I really think this allows us to compete and develop at the same time. What are the chances of this happening? Does anyone else agree with my prediction about Horford?
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