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Posts posted by hylndr11

  1. 3 hours ago, Final_quest said:

    Those Utah teams weren't exactly stacked in hindsight.  It's looking like getting Snyder is huge for us and a big win for Landry and Kyle.  

    Also, Utah did win playoff series where they were the underdog.  They just didn't get to the finals.  

    Looking ahead will winning unlock and attract talent?  Not to bring up something that triggers people, but I believe it would also excite Ressler towards spending as much as it takes once we have interested talent.  

    Fairly certain that's why aj is being sat, keep him super safe before trade inevitable trade with bucks for Middleton,  - sources    


  2. 3 hours ago, TheNorthCydeRises said:

    I'm not against the current philosophy.  Just don't lie and say that the team didn't win or was ineffective when Trae scored a ton of points. All of those points were necessary in past years, just to keep us afloat.

    With us running a heavy pick and roll system, Trae was going to have the ball in his hands a ton. And he was masterful at it.

    If the new system leads to more wins, while Trae shoots and scores less, that is not a problem for me.


    Just don't lie and act like when he scored a bunch of points, it was bad for the team.  It absolutely was not.  It led to wins.

    Lie? Seems awfully like you are looking to be the victim of some internet tragedy. Way out of context man, nobody is attacking Trae or that he was a bad person for scoring, or trying to lie to the message board folk and fool them into thinking a certain way.  It's harder to win in the playoffs that way we have seen it numerous times now, it's not an indightment on Trae in anyway, it's about basketball. But since you signaled that you were confused by my post with your emoji and don't understand FTS given the location of our latest game it begs many more questions we simply don't have time for.

    • Confused 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, TheNorthCydeRises said:


    There's a reason for that.




    The facts are that we didn't have a consistent enough group that could score, to have Trae take less shots and not score a ton of points to win a game.

    Trae only took 15 shots tonight, and we scored 123 points as a team.  That does not happen in past years.

    That's great and never works in the playoffs , just like some other players we talk about 

    • Confused 1
  4. 6 hours ago, thecampster said:

    Who I like and who I don't like isn't as simple as good player vs bad.

    I'm more into players living up to their contract/draft slot.

    JJ - Greatly exceeding contract, good/great for draft slot.

    Trae - Living up to draft but underperforming contract right now. If you get alpha contract, you need to give alpha production.

    Hunter - IMHO didn't earn the contract he got, he's close to living up to it now. He has some bad habits he's breaking and I'm withholding judgement right now.

    DJ - exceeding contract.

    CC - underperforming which is why I give him crap.  He's fine, but he's not living up to his hype/contract.

    BB - underperforms contract/hype

    Bey - better than expected

    OO - exceeds contract, a bit below draft expectations (due to be undersized). He just has some limitations that he makes up with when giving great effort.

    Bruno - If he could just stop moving on screens I'd like him a lot more.

    AJ - Jury is out but he's not a contract liability. I get the feeling he'll figure things out and be a huge win.


    I don't hate any of them. I love JJ, at times love Trae. at times love DJ. There are times that CC makes me shake my head in disgust but its not hate. I love OO's heart but I know his limitations. BB gives me the biggest emotional swings.  DH is the player I want to root for more than any, I really do.  I just think he's a great athlete playing basketball, but doesn't have that killer in him.  I hope he proves me wrong.  If there's anyone on the team I don't like, its Meth Bogi.  Garrison Matthews just rubs me wrong.


    u dont like the white guys, we got it 

    • Haha 2
  5. 1 hour ago, benhillboy said:

    😆 Get you licks in.  Them boys look like ass no question.  Gabe Vincent was infinitely more important to them than any other team he could go to.  Kyle Lowry is stuck to the skillet he’s so well done and thinking they could get something outta Thomas Bryant and Josh Richardson was quite ridiculous.  You know how I feel about The Unnecessary Herro.  Still got faith in Jimmy, Bam, and Spo to right the ship but them muthaf&@kas best get to paddling.

    Bucks got the worst rated defense in the league so I’m taking solace in that.

    Yea and the celtics got even better, Ill call that a net negative, they are stacked af

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