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marco102 last won the day on December 27 2022

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  1. Great video on Zacc. Explains why the Hawks took him. Starts around 13:40. Has some comments from Pop too on how great he is.
  2. Yes, it's summer league..lol We all knew he'd be rough offensively. We said figure that out and draft him for his defense which was good the first couple of games. I'm team Zacc now so you can bash Sarr as much as you like.
  3. They have the same agent...lol...y'all really overreacting to summer league?
  4. yeah, I forgot to add that detail. He asked what was the hold up with Ayton deal so I was just explaining in relation to Ayton. Thanks for the more specific info though. :).
  5. We can't trade the previously traded players for two months after receiving them. So the New Orleans players we received can't be traded until like September 4th or something like that.
  6. This makes sense from a roster construction and fit standpoint.
  7. Prayer for your family and son.
  8. Good! We need that foolishness to stop!
  9. It is when you have Covid. I was asking a question because I haven't looked it up myself. Thanks for video.
  10. Did you watch the entire press conference or are you going off the tweet?
  11. Did anyone check that video. Someone on twitter said it wasn't a recent video. I'm just not going to worrry, but Landry def needs to get up on his communication skills.
  12. My only issue with OO is his rebounding. I just think he's better off the bench. Give me Ayton and we have something cooking with this team. Offense and defense throughout. Probably won't happen though.
  13. I think the deal still may happen. Probably in September when the trade restrictions are removed from the players we just traded for. It makes no sense for us to have 4 centers on the roster.
  14. With a heavy heart....#blocked!
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