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Everything posted by Thomas

  1. Don't know about exact numbers but you would hope the players and FO can work it out. Somehow the Spurs pull it off. Your idea on Baze starting at SG is right on. Maybe next year Baze and Hardaway at SG. Big ? at SF with Thabo and Korver off the bench. Korver could back both positions up but hopefully he plays less total minutes. Al,Baze and a SF is going to be seriously expensive I fear.
  2. If our threes actually hit a little better and our team defense is all over the Cavs it should be a tighter series than ESPN would ever consider. Hoping Thabo gets over half of the SF minutes to at least irritate their charging machine. Maybe the refs will have some fear of the last two minute video (unlikely). Go Hawks!
  3. Seems like Thabo getting most of the SF minutes would be our best bet. His offense can be a problem but during the season most of the time our defense ignited our offense. It was plainly better than our offense. Bazemore and Hardaway at SG then Thabo and Korver at SF? Wonder if this is the rotation next year if we keep Baze.
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