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Everything posted by Kaviar1

  1. Good to hear from someone around here who knows something about the NBA from time to time. The people you mentoned do not post much any more, along with Traceman and others. Just like the overall quality of the NBA, the overall quality and age of this Board has gone down. That would be OK if they were open to more knowledgeable posters such as yourself and the ones mentioned, but they are not, thus this Board is getting to be a bore. They have already made a sport for people who are obsessed with statistics, and that's Baseball. The NBA is plyed in 3D compared to MLB being plyed in 2D. My point is for the Stat Mongerers, don't worry about Walker's pretty boxscores, watch the overall flow of the game and how he makes his team better around him, like you suggested. Here's an interesting Stat though: Walker has the worst +/- rating when on the floor, of anyone in the NBA.
  2. I think he still has market value, but Walker has to go to a team with an established SOLID front line. Dallas was not that place, the Hawks obviously are not that place, and he just solidified Boston's mediocrity. He would be a good role player for a team like the Knicks, but I agree with others on this board, what do they have that the Hawks would want in return? Maybe draft picks and ending salaries? Remember, the next and most important step in the re-building phase of this team, is aquiring quality Bigs. no one is just going to give Bigs away for a Walker. So draft picks are the best bet while roling the dice with FAs. I do not think Josh Smith will ever be a PF, he seems to shun contact, hard to change that mentality. He is a Dominique type.
  3. Walker made O'Brian want to scream, because of his lack of focus and mental toughness. Bird was very reluctant to give up Harrington, but thought Bender was ready and needed Jackson badly. Harrington does bring defensive toughness and winning basketball, when he has a "4" and "5" behind him that plays a little "D". How can any SF play defense on this team with its current roster of "Bigs"? Maybe you are talking fantasy B'ball where the guy with the better stats is the most important. Losing teams have plenty of those players, also.
  4. Right now the Hawks do not have an average NBA caliber "4" or "5" on their roster period. To move forward that has to be addressed. But, even though Harrington does not have terrific range for a starting SF, he is an adequate starting NBA SF and above average in defensive toughness. He is not an NBA starting PF. You are right about Twan being a SF. But Al is a better all around player, and will get better, at half the price. I also do not think J.Smith will ever be a starting PF (could one day start at SF, though). So where does Twan fit in for the Hawks? No where.
  5. Well, nobody keeps everyone more informed on the Hawks than Jay does, and I enjoy his insights. But, I know something too, BK is not going to keep Twan around....sorry to disappoint some.
  6. Chilldress has a chance to be special. He has an amazing wingspan for a SG, plus quickness and explosiveness. But just as important, is his competitive fire and leadership qualities. We have not really seen that yet at the Pro level, but will expose itself with more confidence. I liked Josh at the 6th spot before the darft, but BK still went against the the thinking of most GM's by taking him that high (Paxson/Clev would not have taken him at #10). Now it's apparent that he will possess an all-around game. Scottie Pippen: certainly within the realm of reason. Good start BK, you know what you are doing! Add Ivey to list of doing things right. Diaw was taken at #20 something, so you would not expect that pick to work out, but is still a disappointment because he has the ability (just born without the fire Josh has, can't change that). Hawks now need to cut Walker loose, and focus on Bigs. With Walker as PF the Hawks are not going to put a competitive team on the court. I am amazed with what Jay Walker knows about basketball, that he is so infatuated with this guy. Walker simply needs to walk, with toughnes, rebounding, defense, and team concept added in his place.
  7. The nature of things now, is that you will not find many or any "franchise players" not already in the NBA past the 17-19yr. range, either coming from HS or Europe. Some good players slip through unrecognized like the guy from UCONN, but not many real franchise players. Some franchise players decide to stay in college 4yrs.(Duncan), but you already know who they are. If you are rebuilding you have to roll the dice earlier and earlier. Many of them will be "busts" just like back in the old days when many "can't miss" college seniors were busts. The NBA is another level and no one knows for sure until you get there how you are going to do.
  8. Your not getting it Diesel, you can come up with exceptions all day long, but you don't do very well with addressing the main issue which in this case is....when starting over in a rebuilding mode what is the best course for giving your team the best probability of developing a CHAMPIONSHIP caliber team in a few years...simple. I gather that you, Babcock, and Gabrielle disagree with my premise that this is usually done through the draft, and then you bring in role (flawed) players via the trade or FA route?
  9. Billy Knight finally did everything that I said should have been done then. As for Boozer, I thought it went without mention what he was about. Wagner IS going to be a star in this league, Silas however demands that a player be a complete player (defense) before he gives them significant minutes. As for Miles, yea he has fooled a lot of people. But, that brings up another good point. When someone gets passed along in a trade or they are allowed to walk as a FA, there are generally flaws somewhere in their game, that the buyer who does not see them practice and play every day should be aware of! The core of the Cavs team are their drafted players. You have to get a little lucky in the draft (Stern?), but that is usually the only way you get their. Now I know there are exceptions Diesel. By the way, the Hawks have somebody the Cavs want. He has already stated that he wants to play for them next year, and Silas was quoted as saying he loved the way he sparked his team last night. He would be their missing piece, but he just may have to take James out to dinner.
  10. This summer I pointed out the different directions that the Cavs and Hawks were headed in. Mainly because the Cavs had built through the draft where as the Hawks had mortgaged away their draft picks. I was issued a challenge by several on this site to report back later in the season when the Hawks were solidly in the playoffs and the Cavs would be competing for the top draft pick again. Well here we are. I used to report on the Hawks and still follow them along with the Cavs, but I all I can say is thank god Billy Knight aborted this baby half way through the season. Now the Hawks can control their own fate through the draft and maybe get lucky on a FA or two.
  11. If the Hawks have three picks between 30-40, they should definitely get at least one "player". The NBA is full of quality players drafted there. The only problem for Knight with that many picks in the 2nd round would be knowing which ones to offer two year guaranteed deals with a team option for a 3rd year to, giving the Hawks full Bird Rights (see Boozer). I would never recommend just a two year deal for 2nd rounders (see Arenas). The Hawks may or may not be under the Cap two years from now.
  12. It has been a while since I've posted here, but I must say everything I said about the Cavs and the Hawks this summer proved to be very prophetic. Everyone talks about Denver's rebuilding plan, but the Cavs have much greater upside than the Nuggets. Get used to watching them march to the finals every year. Now for the Hawks, I am still a Hawks fan and have admired what Knight has done (except that Rahim should have brought picks and a few rookie contracts). This was my formula last summer except Billy did it 1.5 years sooner. It does not take a genius to know that your core talent usually has to come through the draft. Babcock did not seem to grasp that, probably becuase he could not evaluate talent(only "character"). I like BK's evaluation of young talent, with his main drawback not being able to gauge the "heart" factor. But then who can? Their upcoming pick is going to be so important this year. That is where their core player will have to come from. Then do a good job of picking in the late 1st and 2nd rounds and surrounding him with young emerginging FAs. By next year's draft and summer they should have their future in place (instead of just beginning the process) Both of my teams are looking up!
  13. It would appear from NBADraft.net that the pick does not kick in until 2007, and is lottery protected. It looks like the Hawks rebuilding efforts will have to come from somewhere else. Besides the draft does not look strong, and unfortunately for the Hawks may not be for a while.
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