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Everything posted by TheRedStripes

  1. Oh and fire mike woodson, theres a rumor Don Nelson may take over as coach for the Kings after the season, so I would fire Woodson and hire Rick Adelman
  2. Chicago gets Harrington Atlanta gets Darko, Chicago's first, and Piatkowski (expiring contract) Detroit gets Duhon, Hawks 2nd rounder Detroit might be willing to trade Darko for a good young point guard to back up Billups and I'm sure Duhon would OK a trade to Detroit where he would be likely to win a ring. I don't think he would OK a trade to Atlanta though. Draft LaMarcus Aldridge Draft Rajon Rondo Rondo/Lue/Ivey Joe/Salim Marvin/Chill Smoove/Darko Aldridge/ZaZa/Batista
  3. Quote: with Chillz off the bench. In FA, I think we can get Speedy Claxton and I would put the pressure on Detroit and go after Ben Wallace... . I thought about both of those guys, I like Speedy, but I thought Collins would be a better fit considering his height, and I really like Salim at 2 guard with his scoring ability. Ben would obviously be better than Przybilla, I would be all for that if the Hawks could land him instead, but I have read that he hasn't even hired an Agent and is planning on resigning with the Pistons for sure.
  4. Trade 1: Hawks Trade: Joe Johnson, Al Harrington, and ZaZa Pachulia Hawks Receive: Chris Bosh, Raptors lottery pick, Anfernee Hardaway The Hawks should do this because they get Chris Bosh ( a true franchise player ) and the lottery pick to select Rondo. Hardaway's contract is over after the season so that will give the Hawks plenty of cap space to sign a free agent center and give Bosh an extension. Toronto Trades: Chris Bosh, Jalen Rose, Lottery pick Toronto Receives: Joe Johnson,Ron Artest, ZaZa Pachulia I think this is a fair deal for Toronto, they get 2 all star type players in JJ and Artest and ZaZa is an upgrade at the center position for them. Bosh is an awesome player but in this deal they fill more needs, Charlie V. has played well this year, and he can step into Bosh's spot in the starting lineup. The Raptors seem to have a hard time keeping their free agents, and JJ, Artest, and ZaZa are all under contract for a while. Knicks Trade: Anfernee Hardaway Knicks Receive: Jalen Rose The knicks want Jalen Rose, and this is an easy way of getting him. Pacers Trade: Ron Artest Pacers Receive: Al Harrington The pacers get the guy they want for Artest. Trade 2: Hawks Trade: Tyronn Lue, Donta Smith, and David Andersen Hawks Receive: Darko Milicic I think the Hawks should do this deal because Darko is still very young and has a lot of talent. Pistons Trade: Darko Milicic Pistons Receive: Tyronn Lue, Donta Smith, and David Andersen The Pistons would get a proven backup at the point guard spot for their championship run, a big man prospect to replace Darko, and Donta is a young guy with potential. Draft: 1st Round no. 1 pick: Adam Morrison Morrison is just a great player. I don't understand why more people on this board don't see it, but this guy is just awesome. I have watched a lot of his games, and I'm telling you theres a reason he is no.1 on the nbadraft.net board right now. I'm so sick of all this crap about him not being athletic enough, he can't defend, blah blah blah. The bottom line is...he is the best player in the draft period. He is the kind of player with the leadership ability and killer instinct to win big games, he won't disappear in the 4th quarter like the current Hawk " leaders"...he will win the game in the 4th quarter with his play, and his leadership. Finally...he also is an interesting personality, which will help draw fans. no. 5pick: Rajon Rondo The Hawks need a point guard and Rondo is an extremely quick player, a good defender, and a good passer, he once had 31 assists in a game in high school. I'm sure his assist numbers would be higher if Kentucky had the scorers they normally have. 2nd round no. 31 pick: Mardy Collins Collins will be a solid backup point guard and he is tall...6' 6" so he will be the perfect guy to play point while Salim is in the game at shooting guard. Free Agency: Sign Joel Przybilla I'm not sure if Przybilla hates Atlanta or what, but Knight made a mistake not resigning him. He would be a definite upgrade defensively. 2006/2007 Roster: Rondo/Collins/Ivey Morrison/Salim Marvin/Childress Bosh/Smoove Przybilla/Darko/Batista
  5. This is a good topic, and really it's one of the main problems with the way BK is building this team. He is not putting enough emphasis on a players personality when evaluating talent. The only players the Hawks currently have that i feel would be totally comfortable taking a big shot at the end of the game are Al (just because he is the leader of the team now by default) and Salim. Salim hit a lot of game winners for Arizona, but right now being a rookie, he isn't really looking to be that guy yet.
  6. I wonder if GS would give the Hawks Pietrus and Biedrins in a 3 way with Indy for Harrington...
  7. Quote: with Al, don't we basically have another 'reef on our hands. a good player, but someone you can't build a contender around? yes...
  8. Trades Childress to Detroit for Darko This gives Detroit more depth for their title run. It gives the Hawks a big man with upside, and sheds some of the SF surplus. Harrington and Delk to Chicago for no.7 pick and Tim Thomas Chicago wants Harrington, and they want to be rid of Thomas. The Hawks wouldn't resign Thomas in the offseason of course, so the contract comes off the books Draft no. 1 pick: Adam Morrison Morrison has the insane scoring ability, leadership ability, and killer instinct that the hawks roster lacks right now. The majority of the players on the Hawks just seem too passive to me, Morrison's fiery play would help this team immensely. Read this article if you need more convincing. nbadraft.net stock watch no. 7 pick: Rajon Rondo Rondo has the tools the Hawks need in a point guard, he is a good defender and distributor. He will not light it up from outside the arc by no means, but he will create easy baskets for his team-mates and perhaps his defense can keep the Hawks from getting torched by every point guard in the league. no. 31 pick: James White White may not fall this far, but if he is there at 31 he would be a very interesting pick. He is long and his athletisicm is just unreal. If you have seen his dunk highlight reel, you know what im talking about. He will probably win the Slam Dunk contest no problem. He has also improved his shooting and is putting up more points this year. Free Agency Sign Nene Sign David Andersen Hawks need big men and both of these guys are good options. Andersen probably won't be a starter in the NBA, but should be a solid backup at center. Nene could be a bit of a gamble with his knee problem, but If he recovers well, he would be a nice pickup. Roster Rondo/Salim/Lue Joe/White/Donta Morrison/Marvin Smoove/Darko/Batista Nene/ZaZa/Andersen
  9. Quote: Now we have something to build around. Al plays very well with JJ. They have good chemistry. Hawks fans ought to leave those welfare mentality behind and start to think about actually having a team that tries to win. Al Harrington is not a player to build a team around. JJ isn't a franchise player either, but the combination of the 2 is still not potent enough to build a team around, unless you mean build around them by somehow finding a true superstar player to play with them. Harrington scores 19 ppg...he probably gives up near that much a game with his crappy defensive play. He can't guard 4's or 3's, he is basically just a complete liability on the defensive end. For a player of his size his shot blocking ability is atrocious. He looks like he should be kind of athletic with his build, but he has no hops. It almost looks to me like he is playing with lead soles on his shoes. Smoove and Marvin are both going to be better than Harrington very soon. They are both far more athletic, and they both play better defense. Honestly...I think if they traded Harrington now the combination of Smoove, Marvin, and Chill at the forward spots would be just as competitive. Last year when Harrington was out, Chill and Smoove stepped their games up. I think Al is actually impeding their progress by taking the majority of the minutes and touches. I think Billy Knight is still looking to find the Franchise player to build the team around. I'm sure he hoped it would be Marvin, but that might be a stretch from what Marvin has shown thus far, though im sure Marvin is going to be solid, and all around a better player than Harrington. Trading Harrington for a draft pick would only be worth it if it was for a lottery pick so the Hawks could take Rondo. Chicago wants him, so I would trade him to the bulls for the higher of the 2 picks they have in this years draft.
  10. hmmmm...maybe it's for Lue, he didn't suit up for the wizards game, and before the game they said nobody was injured, then when Bob Neal addressed Lue being out, it seemed like he thought there was something fishy about it. I actually wondered then if there was a trade going to happen.
  11. TheRedStripes


    A pistons fan posted this trade idea on the real gm board... Darko For Childress I like it, the Hawks have too many small forwards, and Darko is still a 20 year old 7 footer with plenty of upside, and you have to remember how many years it took Jermaine Oneal to emerge as a star player, Darko has basically been sitting on the bench like Jermaine did to start his career. Jermaine's lack of progress wasn't talked about as much as Darko though because he was the 17th pick and not the 2nd pick. If the Harrington for Nene/Watson trade goes down the Hawks could have some serious depth at the C/PF positions next year, especially if they bring over David Anderson. If the Hawks trade Harrington and Childress...Smoove, Marvin, and Darko would get plenty of minutes and develop quicker than they would sitting on the bench, and the Hawks would probably lose almost all of their remaining games ensuring a top 3 pick, then they could take Rondo Watson/Rondo/Lue Joe/Salim/Donta Smoove/Marvin Nene/Darko Pachulia/Andersen That team could be really good with a year or 2 of playing together.
  12. Not to mention if that trade goes down, the Hawks will surely lose enough games this year to pick in the top 5 and get Rondo. I have to admit...I'm really getting sick of the losing, and getting a taste of winning right now only to have your 2nd best player shipped out for a couple of role players and a guy who is injured for the season is a bitter pill to swallow, but if Nene could come back next year and be solid, and If they could get Rondo, it would be worth it. It definitely wouldn't hurt to get Smoove and Marvin more playing time either. I never really considered Al to be a part of the big picture. Marvin, Smoove, and Chill are the future at his positions so it really doesnt make a whole lot of sense to just keep him around if he isn't part of the long term plans.
  13. The problem I have with it is this...finally the Hawks are starting to win some games, and gain some confidence, and now he is making these comments...what kind of message is that sending to his teammates? What kind of message is that sending to the fans? I mean just when I'm starting to get a little excited about this season the Hawks 2nd best player and one of the 2 key components to the recent wins is out talking to the media making his pitch to the Denver Nuggets. Thats all im going to say about this, I expect he will be traded soon anyway with all the rumors going around.
  14. Quote: The bottom line is that until Al signs a contract, he is an unrestricted free agent No actually he isn't, he is under contract with the Hawks, he won't be a free agent until after the season, which is why i have a problem with him making those comments. After the season is over, sure those comments are fine, but he isnt a free agent, he is a Hawk...obviously... Most players wouldnt even say that, they would just decline to comment and say something about focusing on the team they are with now. but not AL...
  15. JJ had the class to wait until after the season, and not talk to the media about how he would fit right in on the Hawks roster while in town to play the Hawks. I understand that it's a business, which is unfortunate...but in my opinion it's hard for the fans to get behind someone for the rest of a season that is already talking about causing matchup problems for other teams playing for Denver next year. That's just some bull-mess right there.
  16. I hope we don't get Olawakandi, ZaZa is already twice the player he is, and 9 years younger. The Hawks could use another big man though, Nene would be a good option, I just am not sure if he is worth Al.
  17. The knee injury scares me a little, but i read that he should make a full recovery, and he doesn't really rely on speed. He would definitely be an upgrade to the interior defense, he isn't much of a shotblocker, but he should be able to clog up the middle well. If the Hawks are trying to create some extra cap space...who will they go after in free agency? I'm not even sure who will be available, I was browsing through the list of free agents available next year on real gm a couple weeks ago and I didn't really see anyone worth signing. Maybe Wilcox, but he will be restricted.
  18. I really hope the Hawks don't trade Al and get basically only Nene in return, I don't understand trading a guy that averages 17/7 for a guy that averages 10/6 and is out for the season with a torn up knee. Nene is still young and he is big, but i'm not sold on him at all, I think he may never be more than a medicore big man. Surely we can get something better for Al, maybe at least someone that can actually play this season.
  19. I doubt Toronto would trade Bosh, but if they did...I don't see why the pacers would take Al and let us take Bosh...they would probably just give the raps Artest for Bosh...Bosh is a lot better than Al already plus...younger and cheaper
  20. Quote: While we're further on the trade rumors, a Pacers' board "insider" claims the deal is currently as follows: Harrington to Indy Artest to Denver Fred Jones, Scot Pollard, Nene to Atlanta That sucks IMO. I seriously doubt theres any truth to that, the salaries don't even match up. It wouldn't work. Even if it did, thats a horrible trade for the Hawks. Fred Jones is a mediocre undersized shooting guard, thats the last thing the Hawks need.
  21. I dunno if the Bulls would trade Duhon since he is their starting point guard right now, but how about Ben Gordon/1st round pick, for Harrington/Salim...Ben Gordon is unhappy in Chicago, he wants to start.
  22. I would trade Harrington for Livingston straight up if it would work salary wise, but since it doesn't...taking Wilcox to go along with it is ok by me as well...hell id even throw in Donta, Livingston is going to be a special point guard. JJ and Livingston would be the best backcourt in the league in a year or 2. I would be extremely happy if this trade went down, I don't want Al on the Hawks anymore anyway after those comments he made about Denver.
  23. Perhaps Al knows something we don't...maybe he has been informed by Billy Knight that he will more than likely be traded, and that's why he is so cavalier with these remarks about playing for Denver, because in his mind, he already knows he will not be a Hawk for much longer. If that's not the case, and the Hawks weren't for sure going to trade him, those comments would be enough in my opinion for a fine at least, but I would just trade him if there was a decent trade on the table. Phil Jackson just got fined for saying he would like to sign Chris Bosh when he becomes a free agent. The Hawks should fine Al for talking about playing for the Nuggets.
  24. haha I wasn't being completely serious, but after those comments, I really wouldn't mind seing him traded.
  25. Nobody else feels a little betrayed by these comments made by Al? I mean...how would his teammates feel? As a fan of the Hawks I feel more than a little bit betrayed by this. The fans deserve better. A player should not talk about playing for another team. Especially not during the middle of the season. That is utterly classless if you ask me. Quote: Harrington said he would welcome a trade to Denver. If that doesn't happen, he said he will consider the Nuggets when he becomes a free agent after the season. "Definitely, if they got some money out there for me," Harrington said before Atlanta's 110-107 overtime win Sunday against the Nuggets. "Denver is a place I would love to play. I think they've got a lot of pieces. They might be missing one piece, somebody like myself or Ron Artest." "(Carmelo Anthony) could play shooting guard," said Harrington, who probably would have to go to the Nuggets in the summer in a sign-and-trade because the Nuggets probably will not have enough salary-cap room. "That would create all types of mismatches." He's already talking about mismatches he and Carmello would create? Are you kidding me? Billy Knight, please trade this treasonist scoundrel. We don't need a player that would be disloyal enough to talk about playing for another team while wearing a Hawks uniform.
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