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Everything posted by chillzatl

  1. Of course you would say so, you are the confirmed Kobe-hater. You put them both on teams that are designed around them and then you judge. You don't just put them on teams. Kobe is on a team that, as the informed writer of the article said, is designed around having a big time center. The team isn't designed around a kobe or a T-mac. You put T-mac on that team right now and they would be no better than they are right now.
  2. on how a particular player performs. That's not to say that if Big Dog stinks it up, we will win. But rather to say, I think our guys are good enough at this point that and match up well enough that they can compete with most anyone. I think it's going to come down to coaching. Lon has lost us some games this season with his poor substitutions. IMO he lost the Twolves game for us. We were matching up well with a good team through one quarter and he goes and makes wholesale lineup changes. Only one starter left on the floor. That's madness!! I had given him credit over the last few games for becoming someone consistant with his subs. He hadn't made any wholesale changes for a few games. But man, when I saw that lineup walking onto the court to start the 2nd. It was like watching hulk hogan give a flying elbow off the top rope, in slow motion. I knew we were dead. If he manages the game right I think we'll be fine. We've got players that will deliver. He's just got to manage then properly.
  3. We have 3 players in the top 25 in scoring. JT, Reef and Grob. We have 3 players in the top 50 in rebounding. Alan Henderson is 13th in the league in Offensive rebounding We have 3 players in the top 50 in FT shooting %. JT is 8th! in the league in assists. We are 6th in the league in points scored. We are 3rd in the league in FG%. We are 3rd in the league in FT %. We no longer lead the league in Turnovers per game. We are 3rd on the list now. We are improving in that area. We are 16th in the league in fouls given per game. Just some stats that I found interesting. If those turnovers continue to drop. We are going to win a lot more games than we lose.
  4. you do that, you can see how much of a difference maker he can be. You'll see a few guys try to get to the basket early in a game and ye'll pack their lunch a few times. After that they don't try much more. But he'll go out of the game and it's like a layup line. Maybe not that bad but you can tell the other team said "theo is out, attack the basket". That's respect. He's way more than the stiff, offensively challenged shot blocker that some made him out to be. He's a solid rebounder, decent scorer and a much better man to man defender than he probably gets credit for. Then there's the intimidation factor he brings. That's huge. Beyond that you see him making the team better as well. We've seen stretches where we've been able to shut down solid offensive teams and it starts with Theo. JT is able to gamble as he likes to do and Big Dog doesn't have to cover his man too hard (not that he would anyway). That's a difference maker in my book.
  5. haha, you are a funny guy. Who cares if someone says something bad about them? There is a big difference in complaining about a loss and the crying you do. You whine and cry about every little thing and never bother to recognize the good. Big dog puts up 33 and almost pulls us back into the game. To most people that was good. To you it's inflated stats that were made when the game meant nothing. That's chumpish. Most people would try to be educated about their negativity. But you don't even bother. Shareef was a "non factor" in the 4th, even though they didn't throw him the ball at all because big dog was hot. But that's all Reefs fault, he just sucks. keep your eye out for teh waaaahmbulance, it's on its way.
  6. The loss was lons fault, not JT's. ARR just likes to whine and point fingers. To this point it's been shareef and big dog. But since they had the good games last night, he has to point his finger at JT. pathetic aint it?
  7. His value is about as low as it could get. An unproven player with a broken neck? He's not going to be getting huge offers from anyone. I think if the Hawks offer him a contract, he will take it regardless. Right now it's just too early to speculate. DJ is the ONLY person who says he will definitely play again. Nobody is going to gamble big money under that situation.
  8. you need to come back to teh real world. The lakers won the title last year, remember? You can talk all you want about refs and your weak conspiracy theories. But they won. Jordan got away with murder and as a result his team got away with murder. That means the bulls titles carry an asterisk. I mean Jordan had no peer. He had nobody at SG that was close to him. That makes his dominance an afterthought. He was only dominant because there was nobody else around as good as him. Mitch richmond? hahah. Allan houstan? Craig Ehlo? HAHA. What a joke. History will look favorably on the lakers. It's haters like you that will not.
  9. I agree there. Select upper level seats for a buck would be a great idea. Have a few upper end sections and offer them for 5 bucks and then have another section for like 1 buck, that are only available 1 hour before the game or something. That would certainly help.
  10. You're just creeping in the bushes for something negative to happen so you can jump out and talk about how this team sucks, how reef sucks, how JT sucks, how Kruger sucks, how dion sucks, how hendu sucks, how big dog sucks...THE LIST GOES ON. Since you went on your little crying spree about reef sucking, He's basically taken your words and shoved them down your throat. As has the team the team in general. How does it taste? But rest assure, I'm sure they'll lose another game this season and you can start crowing about how they should all be traded for picks and the team should be sold and babcock should be beaten and and...oh you know the rest!
  11. It's only been a few months since shaq was dominating the finals. Have you already forgotten how good the guy is? I know you are a hater, but don't act slow. He doesn't just score, he doesn't just rebound, he doesn't just play defense. He makes everyone on that team better by just walking on the floor. I don't know if they'll win another ring this year. But if shaq comes back within the next 4-5 games, They will be among the top 5 teams in the league by or before the all-star break. Shaq IS that good. Don't forget that Dallas and Sacramento were both "Super deep teams that always find a way to score" and BOTH of those teams got eliminated last season.
  12. you have a few thousand season ticket holders that are going to be pretty pissed off when some guy comes and sits down next to him and he only paid a buck for that seat. I know I'd be pretty upset. I agree that selling tickets is better than none at all. But if I were a season ticket holder I'd be demanding some money back of they just slashed all ticket prices like that.
  13. haha, laughable. You haven't had anything to [censored] and moan over for the last few games because we've been playing well and winning. So now you want to trade everything away for AI so we can sell tickets. Simply Amazing.
  14. I know the media spins a lot of crap about AI. But C'mon, this guy is NOT what you want. At least not on this team. I mean did you hear his 20 minute rant about "PRACTICE" last season? that's just childish. You think his teammates think it's COOL that he ditches practice and then jokes about it. They might not say it, because they are gutless. But you know they feel it. I don't want that guy on this team. Besides, injuries are going to ruin him. Once he loses some of his quickness he will be a forgotten superstar.
  15. Should be a good game. But there is no reason we shouldn't win it. Just because they have a "superstar" in KG doesn't mean they are better than us. Newble will shut wally down. They have nobody to cover both JT and Grob and our bench is better. It will probably be a tough night for Reef. But he's played KG plenty of times before, he knows what to expect. He won't make it easy for KG either though.
  16. [censored] that was the only time in Hawks history that they've had good fan support. Because they were exciting to watch. We didn't have many fans in the Lenny era becuase their style of baskeball was boring for the average person to watch. That's why I said exciting. Mike Vick is exciting to watch. That combined with wins = sellouts. If they were a losing, scrub team, they might still sell lots of tickets on Vicks name alone. But they wouldn't be selling out. If this team shows it can win and play an exciting game of ball, consistantly, the fans will come out.
  17. but seriously. I see Hawks stuff all over and I travel all week long. It's going to take winning and playing good ball. Once they do that consistantly, the fans will come.
  18. This team is marketed just fine as it is. The only thing that's going to help them get more fans is winning and playing exciting basketball. There are hawks billboards all around Atlanta. I see and hear Hawks commercials constantly. they are being marketed as well as you can market an up and coming team. Say what you want about arthur Blank. But had the falcons came out and gotten crushed in their first few games, they wouldn't be selling out either. Winning, or at least playing exciting ball, does that. So unless Mike Vick suits up in a Hawks uni, the Phil will be empty until we get some more wins and make a name for ourselves.
  19. I think your ideals of what a franchise player are and are not are warped. Who is a franchise player? KG? Francis? T-mac? Vince Carter? WTF have ANY of these guys won? Nothing. So wtf makes them a franchise player? Drawing a big crowd? How long do you think that lasts? I don't care how good they are, if their team sucks nobody is going to come see them. I don't care how good those guys are, if their teams sucked, nobody would come to see them. You don't consider Reef or JT "franchise players". But you want Miles who is less than either of these two?!? That's just warped. Winning will draw in more fans than any flash in the pan "superstar".
  20. any way you cut it, playing five of your first seven games on the road is hard. Especially for a team that is not very good on the road. Stop trying to discount it just to try and prove a meaningless point. For THIS team, we had a hard schedule to open the season. Maybe it's not hard for every team in the league. But for this team, a team that has stunk on the road in the last few years, it was a difficult schedule.
  21. Pretty solid rotation. This team looks like it's learning each other better. They took on a veteran team tonight and beat them handily. They got a lead and held on to it. The rotations were slimmed down. Maybe the coach is learning who he can count on and when? Solid effort all around.
  22. I don't disagree that his substutions are confusing, to put it nicely. But you can't shovel all this credit on the players for "motivating themselves" and refuse to give any credit to Kruger. I've raised this point many times with you and you always ignore it. The players said he helped keep them motivated. The GM said he did a great job keeping the players motivated. The media (denberg) said he did a great job of keeping them motivated. Why is that so hard to accept? I won't argue that the players deserve some credit for it as well. But if they deserve any credit, Lon deserves an equal share. Do you not understand how a coach can demotivate players? It's gone on for years and has been well documented. Some coaches just don't know when when they've yelled enough. They will keep dogging the players effort, telling them to work harder. When they've lost any chance of making the playoffs a lot of players take that pretty hard and I can't imagine that it makes them feel very good. I mean they've basically just failed at their job, not a good feeling. And then to have to keep on playing and still getting yelled at. It's going to rub players the wrong way. Some will get pissed, some will get depressed. either way you probably aren't going to get the same effort you were getting when the games counted. Now on the other hand you can have a coach who steps in after the games stop counting, and says "OK, we're out. But that doesn't mean we can't keep improving". There are a million possibilities of things a coach could say or do at that point in a season to keep his team playing like they care! If not about making the playoffs or winning a title, at least about becomming a better team. There are LOTS of coaches that fail to ever learn that. There are too many people that feel that way about kruger for there not to be some truth there. It's obvious that he has the ears of his players. They listen to him and hear what he is teaching them. We've seen too many spurts of amazing play to think it just happens, like some freak of nature. They are being coached and are listening. That's a very important and telling thing to have, especially on a losing club. I agree his subs are just crazy. Painful to watch sometimes. I've called his failure many times already this year. I'll see someone coming in and I say "OH NO" and bam, we are suddenly down by 7 after being up by 12. But you have to give credit where credit is due. He's doing some things right.
  23. I agree that Hams flagrant. he pushed Rush down, period. I doubt he meant to push him as hard as he did. But he did it, it's a flagrant. I thought we did really well with turnovers. 14 per game isn't that bad.It's better than the near 20+ that we averaged early last year and so far this year. I'll take it. JT had more than I'd like to see but again, many of his TO's get credited to him But are due to guys not being ready for his pass.
  24. Lon puts them in there all at once. That's why they are ineffective. Dion is the only true one on one scorer on the bench and we have NO distributors on the bench. So it's either scrape out points or let dion try to 1v1 his way to the basket. Neither will be effective often.
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