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Everything posted by davis171

  1. WHAT Dennis Schröder is a bottom 5 starting PG and Tuarean is a well below average starting SF
  2. so pay 90 million to have a guy mentor someone wooooo! You really think Paul makes this a playoff team we had a negative plus minus last year! And trade away the few assets we have I'm done with you.
  3. You have explained this several times. But instead of rebuilding what was the path to be as good as last year even? I'm tired of listening to you say you know more than the whole fan base and the GM
  4. The hawks in their existence have never been an honest championship contender. so take 20 years if thats what it takes to win a championship. AND the only person I see worried about the time frame is you.
  5. Thank you. Obviously it is ideal to stay relevant however what moves could we have made to both brighten our future and continue to compete?
  6. Well no one has ever done what you are saying so that makes no sense.
  7. Okay everyone else would thats the difference. You would rather live in mediocrity than have a chance at a title even if it means sacrificing a few years
  8. So you wouldn't give up 10 years to bring the first title to Atlanta since 1996? He really Isn't saying that because you can contend before that.
  9. Yes it does just not in the time frame that makes you happy.
  10. So yes it is a sore subject. No one saw a path to success after losing Al except restart.
  11. Well no one cares what you think or agrees that is a path to a title.
  12. who has ever won a championship 4-5 years into having their star? I don't know what you wanted the hawks to do this past offseason and unless you give me specific moves I'm not taking you seriously.
  13. After we missed on Al I figured a rebuild was coming
  14. I 100% agree if we sign Al that offseason allows us to deal millsap for assets and build a core to complement Al as a PF.
  15. because Al isn't a max player
  16. the hawks have no past success at anything so stop looking there.
  17. How would you have gone about this with no cap space and no assets other teams want?
  18. @KB21 @Watchman Okay what moves would you have made this offseason to do that without breaking the cap? The best we were going to be was mediocre with millsap and okay we keep dwight what else you doing with no cap space.
  19. WHAT DO YOU WANT THE HAWKS TO DO. If you could go back to this offseason what moves would you have made to make us good again without breaking the cap?
  20. So cap flexibility is bad and resigning players like millsap at 30+ to 90 million $ deals is okay. Please explain what you would do you got nothing dude!
  21. Because we took on 1 year deals in trades so we will have flexibility sooner I promise our front office knows more than you so relax.
  22. A serviceable center that Bud bid against himself for and is heavily overpaid and Marco who had the worst defensive rating on the team and statistically we are better without him it was for cap relief. You have no regard for cap space.
  23. Slink inherited no assets worth anything and cap hell where your highest paid player is at best a 7th man on a championship team.
  24. Couldn't do much worse than bud did as GM imo. he took a 60 win team with some assets to nothing.
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