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Everything posted by Royjr9

  1. Hey winning 60 games didn’t exactly register in any meaningful free agent but hey.
  2. Silver is a f@$$ moron . With all the league has gotten wrong. And mind you he long ago could have stood up and hammered the 76ers. But choose to do nothing because he’s a stooge for the owners that signs his check. In reality he can’t do shit cause a little under half the league would be disqualified.
  3. No that was Wes and bud and to some degrees ferry although he was fired. It is my belief that that 60 win team was meant to be stripped and shipped for other pieces otherwise why did ferry pretty much not secure any of their bird rights. They just happened to really catch a down eastern conference that year. We still got nowhere with that team. Adding Paul would keep postponing the inevitable.
  4. Love Paul but history says that contract will be an albatross in seasons to come. It already is being that paul has only played 16 games. The hawks would have been swept in the 1st round if they even made it that far. Which I highly doubt they would. When horford walked the hawks should have been rebuilding. Intstead they signed Dwight ( approaching that middle build that you suggest) it blew up in there face and we are where we are now. Ersan was a bad gamble but then there is a reason he’s been traded so much. The one year deal was done to have expiring contracts that a contender might want to take on for the stretch run. Nobody figured he’d go all I want to be here. Yes the fans have a right to be pissed but that was bud and Wes’s doing. Schlenk is just cleaning the dog doodie off the floor. Exactly.
  5. Which is why I’m hopeful of schlenk. He’s two for two in my eyes Collins and Dorsey have been surprises. Give him four picks and I think we should come away with some talent. Also not all theses guys will stay with us. The next guy that cough cough is unhappy with his team the hawks could be in position to pounce and go from there.
  6. Actually they have. Golden state and Cleveland. Golden state was mediocre post the baron, Jackson years. They gutted the team signed David lee to a massive contract. Then they got lucky in the lottery people passed on curry and klay. Jettisoned monta and acquired bogut and Barnes and drsymond. Rest is history. Cleveland was in no mans land as they were an older capped out roster that wasn’t good post LeBron move to Miami. Couple years later acquired Bennett who was a bad pick, Wiggins and kyrie and flip a couple for love rest is history.
  7. Depends on where you are picking and if you get the pick right.
  8. The chances of you getting a harden type player are rare. Wound up being lamb, adams and I forgot the other one but still. And to pull that off you need assets that people want. But this decision by Oklahoma led to the break up of there group. Also Atlanta tried that middle build approach got creamed every year. Time to try something new.
  9. Love sap but he was not going to help the hawks except pad the win column by a couple games. And prolly be where Charlotte is now. Nope 16 games. Denver has done this without much help from Paul. Rumors are wrong sometimes but this was stuff coming from other teams. The hawks hardly ever release info. And remember whether you like it or not the entire team was on the trade block sans maybe Dennis who Phili was rumored to have offered some type 1st for. It wasn’t until a week before the deadline. Korver would up being the only significant move. But bud didn’t address it until a week before the deadline that milsap and co would not be moved. Which had the world baffled because why get rid of just korver who was in a funk.
  10. I agree letting them walk for nothing is just dumb. The funny thing is their were rumors of Denver having an interest in milsap and Boston with interest in horford. Bud/Wilcox rolled the dice and crapped out and yes I blame them for the milsap debacle. If I remember correctly milsap was receiving a lot of interest and trade rumors I think all the hawks were. Ultimately boiled down to him and bud meeting where he was told he wouldn’t be moved. I’m honestly baffled that people are mad at Schlenk. Bud and Wes long ago screwed the hawks.
  11. I was referring to should you entertain trade offers that make sense. Not in which is better.
  12. He’s right you know though. In a vacuum baze is playing better. Should the hawks go ahead and cash in prolly.
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