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Posts posted by shakes

  1. 12 minutes ago, Atlantaholic said:

    Tyson Chandler was a huge bust for Chicago and blossomed into a very solid player like 8 years into his career on his fourth team. 

    that's complete nonsense.  Chandler was solid for Chicago and was getting better every year over his 5 years there.   Was coming off the bench most of his time there, but became a starter his last season in Chicago.   His 4th year he finished with votes for DPOY, MIP and 6th man.   hardly a "huge bust".   More like an slow developing 18 year old straight out of high school.

    The bust from that draft was Eddy Curry.

    • Like 2
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  2. 34 minutes ago, KB21 said:

    No they didn't.  Their record is organic.  It wasn't a forced move.  They still focus on winning habits, which tanking teams do not do.  

    oh yea, starting Sochan at PG for half the season while Jones rode the pine was definitely "organic" and "focusing on winning habits" 🙄

  3. not commenting on the lottery win, changing his avatar to ominous all black, his earlier comments about the team needing to be competitive.  Yea, you don't need to stare at tea leaves to read these signs.

  4. 24 minutes ago, AHF said:


    There has been a bunch of derailment with personal comments about other posters on this thread.  This should sound like a broken record but stop talking about other posters.  Don't call their posts unintelligent, don't do a pyschoanalysis of why they are posting the way they are posting, don't impute motives to them, etc.  Just address the merits of their post if you think it is a bad take.  Name calling like saying people are low IQ or don't know the game or don't know what they are talking about, etc. is not what this board is for. If someone does it, a friendly reminder to treat others with respect is probably going to be fine but it is a short road to getting dragged into problem behavior yourself so flagging for the mods should be step #1.  (And kudos to the multiple people who flagged posts over the last 24 hours.)

    The same goes for anything along the lines of "I know poster X is wrong because look where they've been wrong in the past." If you want to talk about a past item, dig up the old thread and revisit it there (and do that on the merits not as an indictment of another person).  If the topic is something happening now like what the Hawks should do with the #1 overall pick then stick to that.  The fact that AHF was right about AD or wrong about Obi Toppin has nothing to do with whether his view on Alex Sarr has merit or not.  Stick to the here and now and avoid opining on other posters and we will spend more time talking about the Hawks and less time dealing with useless drama.

    It should also go without saying that profane outbursts at other posters are not OK.  If someone has inappropriately addressed you in a post, flag it for the moderators.  Even responding in kind will get you in trouble just like in a basketball game (and there it is often the retaliating player who ends up with the foul).  So avoid engaging in kind with inappropriate posts and just step away if you feel the frustration getting to be too much such that you might lash out at someone.  Frustration during online discussion is going to happen.  Deal with it the right way or step away before you cross lines. 




  5. 1 hour ago, TheNorthCydeRises said:


    Great defensive teams are defined by their frontcourt players

    The guys you named don't play the type of defense that you all are expecting from Trae and DJ, other than Holiday and McConnell.

    People act like Trae gives up 30 ppg.  This defense is still below average even when Trae is out of the lineup.  The reason for that is our frontcourt players are below average defenders.  Only JJ is right at average, and even he has glimpses of lack of off ball awareness.

    And people always clown our ECF run, like we were fully healthy and just lucked up on wins.

    • No Reddish until the ECF
    • No Hunter after the Knicks series
    • Won 2 games on the road @ New York
    • Won 3 games on the road @ Philly
    • Won Game 1 vs Milwaukee
    • Had "The Knife" ( Solo ) playing key backup minutes at PF

    That run wasn't luck.  That run was spurred on by our young up and coming stars playing up to their potential, with solid vets making up the supporting cast.  Lemon Pepper Lou and Gallo averaged 20 ppg combined off the bench.  Capela and Collins were our defensive rocks on the frontline.  Huerter made timely shots, and went into takeover mode in Game 7 vs Philly.  Trae was the engine that ran the show.

    And I'm sorry, it's a loser mentality to say that the Hawks were ahead of schedule, which implied that they should've kept losing and not making the playoffs, just to get higher draft picks.  The mistake the Hawks front office made, is that they re-signed guys even after we proved the following season that we needed additional help. 

    Plus our guys ( specifically our frontline guys ), have been injury prone.  That kills your team chemistry, and especially your defensive continuity. It leads to guys like Nate playing TLC or guys like Quin playing Saddiq Bey as your PF in small frontline lineups.


    Nice to see someone has taken up the Homers lament 101, we're bad because of injuries!!!!!  🤣

  6. 26 minutes ago, JeffS17 said:

    I'd take our situation 10 times out of 10 over the Suns who are balls deep into the tax with a complete albatross contract with a NTC in Beal (who is completely redundant with Booker), and an over the hill KD.  And they do not have any of their own picks until the next decade lol...

    Our season was disappointing but getting swept in the first round and having no control over your future with that chemistry-less roster would be depressing. 

    I can see the Hawks slogan for next season already:



  7. 5 hours ago, Spud2nique said:

    ya they are in it for sure. 






    Pressure is on! 


    🤣 imagine being a Hawks fan and having the audacity to make that list with a straight face.

    36 minutes ago, bird_dirt said:

    How close do you se the Hawks making this list? Pretty damn close to me if not officially on it while Spurs control our picks and we’re already at the luxury tax line. 

    Hawks are more screwed than any of those teams.  Those teams all made the playoffs and don't owe the Spurs all their upcoming draft picks lol.

  8. 4 hours ago, AHF said:

    You say this like we might not have made a similar run of mistakes had we gotten bounced by New York early in the playoffs.  I can certainly envision scenarios where we did a lot of the same things or even made some worse decisions.

    I disagree.  I think all those decisions were motivated by the team mistakingly thinking they were a piece away from contending.  And that belief is all based on that ECF run.

  9. 7 minutes ago, NBASupes said:

    The franchise ain't ruined. They been selling out, 6th highest ticket prices. The franchise is doing better than ever. One of the few teams to make a profit every year since COVID 


    sorry, but I base success/failure on wins/losses/playoff record.   But, congrats on having the 6th highest ticket prices I guess. 🤷‍♂️

    • Like 2
  10. 15 hours ago, macdaddy said:

    We were 5th in the east.  That's a lot of winning to be a mirage. We had a good year and a great playoff run. 

    and it completely ruined the franchise in the process.   That's not even arguable.   Every bad decision that came after that was a direct result of the team trying to build on the "momentum" of going to the ECF and thinking this team was ready to contend.


    If you were to list the worst things that ever happened to the Hawks, making it to the ECF several years ahead of schedule is easily near the top of the list.

    • Like 1
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    • Confused 1
  11. 9 hours ago, deester11 said:

    So the ECF run where Trae showed he could carry a team was mirage. \

    lol I think the answer to that question is about as definitive a YES as you can get.   It was not only a mirage, but it was the single worst thing that could've happened to this franchise.

  12. On 4/20/2024 at 2:25 PM, Vol4ever said:

    Believe this organization top to bottom will turn it around?  

    yes, 100%.   You can't look at 50 years of ineptitude coupled with the horrific track record of the current owner and come away thinking this organization is anything better than a hopeless laughing stock.

  13. 1 minute ago, AHF said:

    Stats are also something that teams take extremely seriously.  Because they are dumb jocks amiright?


    just more nerds pushing their narratives on front offices and if they dare ignore the data they immediately are forced to watch the movie Moneyball and then have to write on the chalkboard over and over "I WILL NOT IGNORE THE NERDS IN THE ROOM".


    Nerds have become the bullys of the sports world.

  14. On 4/20/2024 at 1:36 PM, REHawksFan said:

    Distance Miles on Offense per NBA.com/stats: 


    Trae is 2nd on the team at 1.40 miles per game on offense.  And here is where that ranks in the entire NBA (26th out of 572 players):


    Trae has the same distance miles as Steph Curry on offense.  The difference is he does most of his with the ball while Steph does most without.  But some basic math shows the allocation like this:

    Trae on Offense:   3,250 feet per game WITH BALL / 4,140 feet per game WITHOUT BALL

    Steph on Offense:  2,200 feet per game WITH BALL / 5,190 feet per game WITHOUT BALL

    Bottom line:  Claiming Trae does nothing but stand around on offense without the ball is patently false.  


    stats sure are fun!  Allows nerds to act like they understand sports.

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