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Everything posted by Yeti

  1. After reading the writeups from Portsmouth, I think I am still hooked on Will Conroy of Washington. Team player, creates situations and feeds the ball. But I'll be happy so long as we get a PG and C at this point. The only thing that would really upset me is if we trade the #1 or #2 picks (Bogut and Paul). We got middle round players for years and got nowhere - we need a premium guy. And I don't think any big name FA will want to come to Atlanta until we can show we are a contender. Also we don't have much to trade except for the Josh's. So we are dependent on the draft. Have a great night, Yeti
  2. I half agree with taking a point guard. I don't think that we can afford to pass on Bogut, but lets hope that he does not turn out to be another Koncak. I would like to see us get Bogut in the first round and Will Conroy of Washington in the second. Conroy has the right size and attitude for a pg. He was very impressive at Portsmith. That would give us two excellent players who are smart and have a passion for the game. I don't think you can underestimate the importance of intelligence. I am not a fan of Paul especially after the bonehead mistake that got him benched for a tournament game. We don't need an immature PG on a team with a lot of young players. He would benefit more from working with some veterans. Anyway, what do you guys think about Conroy? Yeti
  3. Have you noticed that it was a French judge who tried to disqualify the swimmer Hall, but luckily it was overturned. Then we now have the Frenchman trying to penalize the gymnastics judges because an American won. What a pattern. I just spent nine months working in Paris and those guys hate us with a passion - especially in sports. They control it and don't usually say it, but when they relax and say what they think it always comes out. Remember the French reporters who broke into Lance Armstrongs hotel room to prove he was using drugs. THey think the only way the US wins anything is by using drugs. Sorry to vent but seeing those two Olympic news items together really set me off. I'll never go back to France.
  4. Personally I hope the Knicks get Dampier. He has been holding us up for weeks. The guy has not ever been a great performer in the NBA. Better last year - a contract year. And it is obvious he REALLY does not want to play for us. So why should we give him a big contract when he will not be motivated and will likely not perform at his best. We don't need another Koncak or Henderson. Good Ridance.
  5. The "pro's" suck. They forgot how to play as a team - if they ever learned. We ought to send the NCAA champ team to the olympics - not the dueling dunkers traveling band. But we fans are to blame, we get what we ask for. We like the big name stars and don't demand team ball. Maybe, a bright spot - any potential centers in the Games that the hawks could go for?
  6. I saw the game. Now I understand why my interest in the NBA has been dropping over the last few years. We are emphasizing the individual star rather than team play. Team offense and defense is rare in the NBA. Instead we get "dueling dunks". And now we have a group of world class athletes who don't play together as a team. When would they learn? Would we be better off taking the NBA or NCAA championship TEAMS - rather than our current allstars? No doubt we have the best athletes in the game - we just forgot what it is. Happy Wednesday
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