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Posts posted by akay

  1. Well,

    Now that this part of the Will they - wont they with Nate is done, what's the drama for the rest of the season? Would love it if Snyder somehow joined before the season is up

    My best case:

    We make the play-in, it's a struggle to win the game but we knock the annoying Heat out as revenge for last year

    Easily win the first round, no struggle, bye bye 76rs, Joel Embiid you are now a Hawk

    Second round we take it to 7 and get knocked out by likeable champions the Bucks

    We enjoy our run at the end of the season, but it's not so good that Prunty is given a multi year offer

  2. 1 hour ago, KB21 said:

    Seriously, the guy had an extramarital affair.  He didn't beat on a women.  He didn't get caught doing drugs or anything like that.  I just don't see that as a reason to blackball him, especially when the league is full of people who have done far worse things.  

    Wasn't he making unwanted comments towards women in the org?

    Keeping it in your pants gotta be the first step in having some emotional maturity at work, doubt he gets the pick 

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  3. 2 minutes ago, sturt said:

    Horrendous look yes.

    But horrendous look for Atkinson, or horrendous look for Charlotte and its front office?

    Think that's a valid question.


    It would be somewhat reassuring to me for a widely-regarded former head coach... Atkinson or otherwise... to decide to come to ATL.

    I don't see a world where it's a horrendous look for the FO.

    If Charlotte was bad enough to pull out of at the last second, those signs did not just appear the final day after you had agreed to sign.

    It's definitely a character issue on Kenny's part, and while he's of course entitled to the best for him and his fam, logistically the onus at that part was on Atkinson and he dropped the ball and caused this look

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, Watchman said:

    Because they come from the Coach Bud (Popovich motion offense) tree, and are not "heliocentric" one on one oriented.  Since Trae prefers one on one, he might not be interested in alternative philosophies.

    I suppose that's one way to look at things, but I feel like the coaching search is gonna be deeper than hiring the offense Trae would prefer 

  5. 15 minutes ago, Spud2nique said:

    My list is :

    1. Mark Jackson

    2. Becky Hammon

    3. Sam Cassell


    I haven’t voted for this puppy yet because I honestly only know 2/3 dudes really well and that’s the white dudes. I like them both but I also don’t like going back to the past in some ways but in others I do. 

    Not gonna lie, I loved Bud and wanted to give him a “life” contract to coach the Hawks. His style of spacing and the school of Pop is right up my alley.

    Snyder and Atkinson from the same school. @kg01 why is Atkinson so bad, I think he got Kyme’d in Brooklyn but at the same time, I’d pick Snyder over him. But as far as player development goes, it has to be Atkinson, no? 


    Idk about what KG is gonna say, but ik Kenny dropping out of the Hornets HC job at the last second is a horrendous look. 

    Having someone who's done that would make me real hesitant to hire them. I want someone who WANTS to be Hawk like a mfer, just all in on this franchise.

    The more I look at Quin, the more I see the crazy eyes leading us to the promise land, I'm gassing myself up on his hype😈

    Random, but I don't really want Ime's creeper self on this team either; having a history of harassing women at work should be an auto dq from any job at such a high level when there's a lot of talent at this level without that stain on their history.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, Watchman said:

    No confirmation that they are interested, especially if Trae is not interested in motion offense coaches, which several folks on here have indicated.

    Only confirmation we have is Hawks are interested in certain people, and that's the info we have to go off of until we hear otherwise.

    Not sure why Trae's opinions on motion offense would have anything to do with interviewing people like Snyder

  7. 3 minutes ago, Sothron said:

    Glad he is gone. He refused to alter his offense or how he treated players. 

    Refused to change how he treated players in reference to things like vets > youth and not developing them? Or was he actively being not nice to people on the team?

  8. 1 minute ago, SalvorMallow said:

    OK here are the weaknesses.


    Q: What are Quin Snyders weaknesses?

    A: One area where Snyder has received criticism in the past is in his team's defensive performance. While the Jazz have been a strong defensive team under Snyder overall, there have been times when they have struggled to defend the three-point line, and some critics have suggested that Snyder's defensive system may be overly complex or reliant on too much switching.

    Additionally, some have suggested that Snyder may sometimes struggle with player management or with getting the most out of certain players. However, it is worth noting that these criticisms are relatively minor and do not detract from Snyder's overall track record of success as a coach.


    Q: What are Kenny Atkinsons weaknesses?

    A: One area where Atkinson has been criticized in the past is in his in-game decision-making, particularly with regards to player rotations and end-of-game situations. Some critics have suggested that Atkinson can be overly analytical or reliant on data, and that this may sometimes lead to him making decisions that are not in the best interest of the team.

    Additionally, some have suggested that Atkinson may sometimes struggle with managing star players or with dealing with locker room issues. However, it is worth noting that these criticisms are relatively minor and do not detract from Atkinson's overall track record of success as a coach, particularly in the areas of player development and culture-building.


    Q: What are Charles Lees weaknesses?

    A: One area where Lee may need to continue to develop as a coach is in terms of his overall coaching experience. While Lee has been credited with playing a key role in the development of young players like Giannis Antetokounmpo and Khris Middleton, he has only been an assistant coach in the NBA for a few seasons, and has not yet had the opportunity to serve as a head coach or to fully develop his own coaching philosophy.

    Additionally, as with any coach, Lee may have areas where he can continue to develop his skills and expertise, such as in-game decision-making, player management, or strategic planning. However, at this point in his career, it is difficult to assess any specific weaknesses that he may have as a coach.


    CC: @akay

    Based on ChatGPT's description, I'd lean towards Quin more comfortably since he has experience in the big chair, but Charles Lee also looks promising.

    We can only go up from here, so I'm happy with whoever on the Kyle Korver tree list 😄 

    • Like 2
  9. 1 minute ago, SalvorMallow said:

    OK guys, time to put ChatGPT to work.


    Q: What kind of coach is Quinn Snyder?

    A: Quin Snyder is the head coach of the Utah Jazz in the NBA, and he is known for being a very detail-oriented and innovative coach. He emphasizes a team-oriented approach to the game, and he is known for his ability to make adjustments both during games and over the course of a season.

    Snyder is also known for his focus on player development and for his ability to get the most out of his players. He is highly regarded for his offensive coaching, as he has been able to develop an effective offensive system for the Jazz that emphasizes ball movement, spacing, and three-point shooting. Defensively, he is known for his emphasis on communication, positioning, and team defense.

    Overall, Snyder is considered to be a highly skilled and respected coach who has been able to get the most out of his players and build successful teams.


    Q: What kind of coach is Kenny Atkinson?

    A: Kenny Atkinson is a former head coach in the NBA who is known for his player development skills and emphasis on team culture. During his time as head coach of the Brooklyn Nets, he was credited with helping to develop young players like D'Angelo Russell, Caris LeVert, and Spencer Dinwiddie into key contributors on the team.

    Atkinson is also known for his emphasis on a fast-paced, ball-sharing offensive system that emphasizes three-point shooting and player movement. Defensively, he emphasizes a system that is built around switching and versatility, with an emphasis on defending the three-point line.

    Overall, Atkinson is considered to be a skilled coach who is particularly strong in player development and culture-building. His offensive and defensive systems are well-regarded, and he has a reputation for being a hardworking and dedicated coach.


    Q: What kind of coach is charles lee?

    A: Charles Lee is an assistant coach in the NBA who is currently serving as an assistant coach for the Milwaukee Bucks. Lee is known for his expertise in player development, and he has been credited with playing a key role in the development of young players like Giannis Antetokounmpo and Khris Middleton during his time with the Bucks.

    Lee is also known for his ability to connect with players and build strong relationships with them. He has a reputation for being a highly motivated and energetic coach who is constantly looking for ways to improve himself and his players.

    In terms of coaching style, Lee is known for emphasizing an up-tempo, fast-paced offensive system that emphasizes ball movement and player spacing. Defensively, he emphasizes a system that is built around switching and versatility, with an emphasis on defending the three-point line.

    Overall, Lee is considered to be a highly skilled coach who is particularly strong in player development and has played a key role in the success of the Milwaukee Bucks in recent years.

    The issue with ChatGPT is you never know when it's making ish up and spewing it to you, and unless you're familiar with the search topic you may leave with bad info.

    This looks solid though, thanks!!

    Going to see what it says about our former HC's to test it out....

    What kind of coach is Nate Mcmillan?

    Nate McMillan is a professional basketball coach who is currently the head coach of the Atlanta Hawks in the National Basketball Association (NBA). He has also previously served as the head coach for several other NBA teams, including the Seattle SuperSonics, Portland Trail Blazers, and Indiana Pacers.

    As a coach, McMillan is known for his emphasis on defense and his ability to get the most out of his players. He is also known for his calm and steady demeanor on the sidelines, which helps him to maintain a sense of composure and focus during high-pressure situations.

    McMillan has a reputation for being a strong leader and a mentor to his players, and he is highly respected by many of the athletes he has coached. He has been credited with helping to develop the skills of several NBA stars, including Brandon Roy, LaMarcus Aldridge, and Victor Oladipo.

    Overall, Nate McMillan is considered to be a highly skilled and experienced basketball coach who has had a successful career at both the collegiate and professional levels.


    I mean, he do be looking calm and steady on the sidelines with those arms crossed..

    What kind of coach is Lloyd Pierce?

    Lloyd Pierce is a professional basketball coach who most recently served as the head coach of the Atlanta Hawks in the National Basketball Association (NBA) from 2018 to 2021. Prior to becoming a head coach, he was an assistant coach for several NBA teams, including the Memphis Grizzlies, Golden State Warriors, and Philadelphia 76ers.

    As a coach, Pierce is known for his ability to develop young talent and build strong relationships with his players. He has a reputation for being a highly analytical coach who emphasizes the importance of communication and teamwork.

    Pierce is also known for his commitment to social justice and advocacy for racial equality. He has been an outspoken advocate for criminal justice reform and has worked to create positive change both within the NBA and in the broader community.

    Overall, Lloyd Pierce is considered to be a highly respected and talented coach who has had a positive impact on the teams and players he has worked with. While he was let go by the Atlanta Hawks in 2021, he is widely regarded as a rising star in the coaching world and is likely to have many opportunities in the future.


    Again, I suppose this stuff is true - he certainly did create some strong relationships with Trae lol

    • Like 2
  10. Just now, theheroatl said:

    The only person that wants Trae gone is Supes and it makes me wonder about his sanity.

    At least Supes justifies his reasonings with basketball context, other people just don't like his attitude lol

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  11. 2 minutes ago, terrell said:

    So is Tony Ressler still considered "cheap", since Fans say that's the only reason Nate was still here?

    I thought he was considered cheap more so for not going into the lux tax.

    The Nate thing I always thought was cause it would be a bad look to lose another HC in the middle of a season

  12. 1 minute ago, Hawkmoor said:

    Good luck with that.


    There's 2 sides to this right?

    1. Hawks players are so thick-headed they won't listen to anyone and will not hold themselves accountable. Essentially saying players are too cocky to be coached and grow as players/humans

    2. There are no coaching candidates available who have the skillset needed to connect with the players and communicate with them in a way that holds them responsible for their actions (accountability)

    Where do you see the problem being?

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