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Everything posted by akay

  1. Wow, didn't think anything could piss me off faster than Twitter could lol
  2. If we're not planning on paying up now for a rising star, what are we planning on doing with these draft picks? John Collins for bouknight doesn't really sound like a consolidation trade, but it does allow us to keep assets in case...an all star becomes available for trade. I'm confused about what our road map to a championship looks like if we're not pushing in chips to get talent when it's available
  3. Because that "beef" was a disagreement during film session that Chris Kirchner blew out of proportion. The very next game after the beef rumors started, both of them made a show of dapping each other up after the game and showing they were fine.
  4. Idk why you guys think putting Murray up means putting John down. Murray in his most recent season had his best overall season doing things(rebounding, playmaking, high level defense) on his own that fit on any team, but especially ours like a glove. Is he gonna be a perfect PnR partner for Trae like our man JC? No, obviously cause that's not his role. It's not John's role on this team either. John does spot up 3's, and abuses mismatches, and rebounds. John is a good player, but he has to be in a good system with a clearly defined role, and a big defensive center to help him not get abused on defense. He's been asking for a clearer role on the team for years, along with more involvement in the offense, so when an opportunity has come that would be mutually beneficial, why would you hesitate to send John out. He's a wonderful person, and a positive leader on the team, but his on court fit with the team isn't perfect, and this is the most value we have seen for him in any trade scenario so far. If all it takes is John and 3 firsts, I am sure we can easily find those, and it feels inevitable that we pay the price. Murray is too good of a player/fit on our team to hold up a transaction all because of an extra pick or jc. I'm sure Travis is gonna get it done because there's no better option. Not getting this deal done would be monumentally disappointing, and I don't think Trae would really care about "Oh, they wanted a whole 3 Frp for their rising star who would play perfectly next you, sorry Trae, couldn't get it done. Enjoy talking to Brogdon on the bench, we'll use our draft picks later ". Off season is so exhausting, I wish any move would happen already lol
  5. Curious, what does John do that makes him untradeable for Murray? Truly feel Murray fills bigger holes and John's production would be easier to replace
  6. Is JC a major subtraction when we play fine when he's injured and others fill his production? He's a good player, but we have more pressing needs than the role he fill
  7. People literally have right above
  8. Yeah, keep bringing up team stats to explain individual impact, makes a lot of sense
  9. Cool, glad we're talking about Murray 3 years ago Why don't you get an actual reason to hate lol Sound like Trae's critics his freshmen and sophomore year talking about "winning". It's just silly, put current Murray on a better team, and the team wins more games. Idk what your point even is bringing up 2019-2020, players develop
  10. Yeah, guess all those boards, assists, and steals weren't helping the team be better. He should've carried that sorry spurs team off to the playoffs himself
  11. You're exaggerating how many picks would go out, and diminishing all his actual strengths. Doesn't seem you really care about how good he is, just focusing on the bad lol. Nothing I say is gonna change your mind, but Murray is in fact good, and he would fill in our biggest hole in the roster. He should easily be our #1 target as there are no other guards like him available, and Trae is gonna run a good offense anyways, I do not care about his shooting splits. Murray can playmake/drive when Trae gets doubled and that's the biggest thing (outside of defense and rebounding)
  12. He is not a one hit wonder like Randle at all. Randle had an all nba year shooting out of his mind, hitting crazy turn around jumpers and things all season. Hitting shots he basically never used to hit. Murray is good because his defense will be good anywhere, and his playmaking will also translate. He's not good enough to carry a team to a lot of wins, but he's a perfect second option next to Trae. Travis needs to stop playing around with Kd and just go get this man
  13. Also, Micic confirmed he'd like to be in the nba playing for a playoff team, do we know if we're going after him still?
  14. Currently, Huerter as our starting SG does not play defense or playmake nearly as well as Murray does, and you're underestimating the jump in improvement I think. One of the biggest issues in the Miami series was Trae was getting double teamed constantly, and we had no one who could punish that. Murray coming in instantly solves that problem. He is also a hound on the defensive end, creating a ton of transition opportunities with his steals. We're a great half court team, but transition points are easy points, and it was painful watching the hawks work so hard to take a tough low percentage shot ever possession again Miami. On top of that, he's a good rebounder. His poor shooting vs Kevin shouldn't outweigh everything else he brings. In the playoffs, Clint was injured so JC being gone meant we had no one to abuse Miami's size. Of course we would throw our hands up not having a healthy front court lol.
  15. Some things are easier to fix than others, and Murray's defense + playmaking has greater impact than his offense, which should come around as he wont be the focal point
  16. Agreed, Gallo + lotto protected Frp is the most id spend. I feel like GM's have similar feelings regarding Malcolm considering he's been in the trading block for a while. Him and Myles both have much lower value than the pacers are hoping for/expect otherwise they would have been gone already
  17. Availability is everything, especially with our squad always having something going on! I think fair value for Brogdon is a top 20 pick. Don't wanna touch Mr glass with a 20 foot pole in case it keeps him out for another 50 games
  18. Trading for Murray now puts us in a position to be top suiters when he signs his max in 2 seasons. Getting him now gets us potentially 6 years of a Trae x Murray backcourt, and it would instantly become the best in the league. I'd pay the 2 Frp top 5 protected, I trust Traes iron man-ness to carry us through regular seasons ensuring the picks aren't good
  19. Is trading JC for Brogdon buying low? I feel like John should be able to get a better return when considering Malcoms injury history. This team has lost too many games each of the past 2 seasons to injuries. It would be nice to get someone who can play at least 60 games For reference, Brogdon plays 50ish games a season, jc 60ish, and Murray nearly 70. Murray feels like the most obvious candidate for long term success on the Hawks
  20. I just moved to Oakland and have been enjoying the...medication. In a spin cycle quite often lol
  21. Let's hope so because Brogdon would be disappointing.
  22. Just re-read it and you're totally right lol, that was a lot of words on Mr Tony not amounting to anything more than long winded (deserved) rant more appropriate for reddit/twitter
  23. Fixed that for you lol. His comment on twitter calling someone broke was wild, can't believe he did that when his job is to be public facing.
  24. To be fair, Chris has been candid about the way he's spoken about the franchise, players, and Tony since I began reading his articles years ago. I don't think he's doing any unjust bashing here, billionaire owner making cheapskate moves deserves to be criticized. I think we just end up keeping him in that scenario. The only way I see John moving is if we get >= return to what John currently brings, and this is consistent with how TS has been operating the past few years. Though I hope we do trade him, it's the easiest and best way to get immediately better for next season. Can't rely on rookies/sophomores and this FA class.
  25. Sounds like we're going after KD until that's not happening, and then we'll probably meet SA's asking price under pressure from Tony. Also sounds like as long as we throw a max at Ayton we have a good chance of getting him as Detroit is probably out of the race. The weekend has just begun, gonna celebrate our inevitable KD/Murray and Ayton s
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