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Everything posted by BlackHawkDown

  1. The Pacers are a crap team they can kiss my..... I cant believe they would be so foolish. MY GOD!!! Smite th Pussyballing Pacers
  2. After years of pain I'm just going to let go. I was militantly suppoprtive of the team when I was 12 like Hawksfreak is today but I dont see this team winning. EVER. Other than the Braves Atlanta is loserville and I'm just about ready to change my address. Look at the Heat add Butler, Dwayne Wade, Haslem and Odom in only a year. Dallas loads their lineup LaFrenz/Novitzki/Jamison/Finley/Nash with Fortson and Bradley Minnesota adds Cassell, Olowakandi and more LA, Cleveland the list goes on. But what do the Hawks do Suck and suck and suck some more. And were a boring team to boot being lead by a heartless wonder Sareef " a Fake " Raheem. JT is to small to ever be dominant. GOD smite them. I HATE THE HAWKS, I HATE THE PUSSYBALLING HAWKS.
  3. The Hawks GM Billy Knight is doing an outstanding Job so far. Lets review he with a crap #21 pick got a player that we wont have to wait 3 years to develop. And dropped the untradeable Big Fraud for nearly $12 mill in cap space. If he hires Dennis Johnson he will deserve GM of the year. But to the main point of my post look at the exciting things the Miami heat are doing. 1) Getting a future star in Caron Butler at the 10 slot 2)Drafting Dwayne Wade to make E.Jones and his contract expendable. 3) Dropping Zo's old but 4)Signing Elton Brand 5) Signing Udonnis Haslem to a 2 year deal. - Haslem is way better than even a year ago Haslem/Brand/Butler/E.Jones/Wade Thats a winning team in the East. Our hometown sissybirds aka Hawks could learn a thing or two.
  4. F---- George Karl's racist @ss he is a wannabe, and a fraud. List of accomplishments - Disgrace Team USA by turning them into the sissyballing Milwalky Bucks Part II - Take a team with three stars and miss the playoffs - Insult and alienate every African American coach and GM in the league - Be an absolute fool in Seattle and Milwalky Leave his fat old @ss in the unemployment line like 3,000,000 others who have lost their jobs in the Bush Economy. George Karl takes all stars and turns them into sissyballlers. George Bush takes a titan economy and turns it into the sissy@ss European economy. 2.5% growth My God
  5. Kobe is amazing, he is probably the first black athelete to not only get the benefit of the doubt amoung the media and the fans. But he also has the media hoping he didnt do it. No OJ Simpson thats for sure. As for the girl I will say this with the bad ass sistas he had throwing themselves at him before he got married and his wife, the first white woman I personally though was fine in like the past 6 years, I'll say this Kobe is F-----g idiot.
  6. JT is the only player on this team with any enthusiasm or even a pair of nuts. He is worth a decent deal and if the Hawks wont give it to him someone else will.
  7. Boris Diaw is the perfect match for the hawks a 6-9 pass first point gaurd, he can be everything we wanted without the baggage or price tag of penny hardaway. Deal for #15 pick #15 Sofoklis Schortsianides/ #21 Boris Diaw ?Kendrick Perkins if we can make a deal for another pick #34 Travis Outlaw Sign Udonnis Haslem C: Ratliff Haslem PF: SAR Sofoklis Schortsianides Hendu SF: Big Fraud Christy Crawford SG: Boris Diaw Ira PG: JT Litttle Dicky Next season SAR becomes trade bait, We will have a top 7 lotto pick, Big Fraud will have only a year left on his deal + plus an expansion draft to drop him off in. Ratliff will have enough value to package with Hendu in a deal.
  8. Nazr + cash to Orlando for #15 pick #15 - Sofoklis Schortsianides #21 - Kendrick Perkins Sign Haslem to 2 year deal Resign JT to a worthy Deal Shop Ratliff and Hendu in a packaged Deal Move Big Fraud Robinson throught the expansion draft Sofoklis Schortsianides will put up Dirk Nowitzki numbers after 1.5 years. Perkins will develop into another Jermaine O'Neal given a year or two. Haslem will be the next Kevin Willis. Next year 2004 we will have Perkins/Schortsianides/Haslem/JT + Our Lotto Pick,(dont get it twisted we arent going to make the playoffs),We will have SAR to keep or shop for a qaulity SG, and I dont mean Eddie Jones.
  9. Remove that ugly shmoe from your post. Isnt it bad enough we have to hear his stupid commentary during the games now we have to see him on the web. HEE HEE. But seriously I hate that guy please remove him.
  10. the Malachi Group. But I know David Stern will try to block them out when McDavid blows the deal.
  11. BlackHawkDown


    THe truth of the matter is Haslem didnt want to go to Poland anymore than I want to have my nut cut off. Hawks management gave him the impression that they werent serious about him. Haslem would be a great addition and new ownership could get him in uniform.
  12. Its not that I want to get rid of Nazr, even though I think he is useless, its more so that I think Sofoklis Schortsianides is going to be the next great player, I see him as a Karl Malone/Alonzo Morning hybrid with a jump shot and passing skills.
  13. I would be estatic if Alex English was named Head Coach and Rick Mahorn was his assistant. Mahorn told me the reason he left was in truth because he was tired of watching Kruger run the team into the ground and he told him just what he thought of Kruger. I wont qoute him because he didnt tell me for me to run off on the internet with it. But in my words I say this Mahorn - NBA career, Championships, Respect. Kruger - Ran the Florida basketball program into the ground, Losingest coach in NBA history, general all around Shmoe. Dell Harris is a old scrub who knows nothing about the game of basketball. And if you disagree PLEASE TELL ME WHY IF HE IS SO GOOD THEN WHY IS HE OUT OF WORK. I HATE IDIOT COACHES, BRING IN SAM WEISS, LON KRUGER, and STOTTS IF YOU WANT TO GO THE DELL HARRIS PATH.
  14. Good to see you're still around Graymule. Aren't you and Walter buddies? Maybe you can get him to come back. It not the same without him whining about dribble and calling me a racist. Hey maybe I can get a show with Chickenstanley, Playmaker007, Diesel, Walter and Dolfan23. We could be a low budget McLaughlin Group. We could call it the Conspiracy roundtable, every week Chickenstanley and Play could throw out Conspiracies. Dolfan could whine about how it adversely affects whites, I could complain about how it affects blacks. Walter could call me a racist and Diesel could join in with meto call Walter an idiot.
  15. Good to see you're still around Graymule. Aren't you and Walter buddies? Maybe you can get him to come back. It not the same without him whining about dribble and calling me a racist. Hey maybe I can get a show with Chickenstanley, Playmaker007, Diesel, Walter and Dolfan23. We could be a low budget McLaughlin Group. We could call it the Conspiracy roundtable, every week Chickenstanley and Play could throw out Conspiracies. Dolfan could whine about how it adversely affects whites, I could complain about how it affects blacks. Walter could call me a racist and Diesel could join in with meto call Walter an idiot.
  16. When it comes down to it the NBA is entertainment. Sportsa are entertainment. Mike Vick is more apt to get highlights on ESPN than Brett Farve because he is more exciting to watch he has more style and charisma. The NBA has always been short on people who are both professional and interesting. Teams that win championships usually arent as entertaining to watch i.e. S.A., L.A., CHI. Jordan wasboring during his championship runs but great to watch when he was young and the bulls where mediocre. Nique was always fun to watch but never won sqaut, same for T-Mac. Can we have another " Showtime" the Lakers were a fun team when Magic/Worthy/Kareem/Scott ran the show
  17. I didnt want to go to that extreme those two couldnt be more boring. People like Reef, Duncan and Robinson are professional, Yes and boring a sin also. I just want the players to keep it off the court. Since his rookie year AI has calmed down on the court and kept his anticts for press conferences and his personal life.
  18. Amen HotlantaDude,Why should ESPN care about the Hawks. All you Hawksquawkers are Shmucks last year you ripped into that Ford guy for dissing the team. Wrote him a letter, gloated about how he didnt know anything about the team. Truth of the matter is he was right about everything except the Dickau/Terry situation. Yet no letter of apology. The Hawks dont deserve highlights or respect. You need to start showing the Braves some love they win every year, which is no easy trick, yet their attendance and ratings are way down. Yet let the Falcons or Hawks even manage to wipe their own a$$ and its time to celabrate. theScout I guess you are new around here so I cant fault you but this pack of zealots are always whining about how ESPN doesnt respect the Hawks yet every year turns out ESPN are right about the hapless Hawks. APOLOGIZE TO FORD. YOU WERE BIG AND BAD BEFORE. APOLOGIZE.
  19. Maybe I am getting old but why is it that NBA players find it acceptable to whine like children on the court. You are professional atheletes, yet behave like children when you dont get your call. ie Rasheed Wallace, he has a wife and kids and is acting like a child on the court. This utter lack of professionalism is sickening. The fighting and whining has to end. This includes coaches who join in. I felt a certain coach should have been ban from the league earlier this season. Grow up act like grown men, be flashy cocky show offs, not whiny little women, Look at And1 they entertain and dont beeach when they dont get their way.
  20. Again like last year I am putting my credability on the line. Outside of the top 3 picks of which truth be know Carmelo Anthony is the best. The picks of this years draft are Sofoklis Schortsianides and Kendrick Perkins my sleeper is Travis Outlaw. The latter two will need at least 2 -3 years to develop. The hawks have to package Nazr + 3 million and a future second rounder to Orlando for the 15 pick to get Schortsianides. If necessary trade #15 and #21 to get into position to get him. But Ideally the Hawks can pick up Schortsianides and Perkins in the 1st round and pick up Outlaw at #37. Pavel Podkolzin smacks of Jon Konkak and Priest Lauderdale. I think he has huge upside but if he is worthwhile then why is it that why is it no one is touching him until mid to late 1st round. At his size he should get the same reception Shawn " I'm tall but that is the extent of my qaulifications " Bradley. Bradley even with his complete lack of intelligence, professionalism, and physical talent was a lotto pick. Why not Pavel why not Priest, because they suck on a different level
  21. I dont really have the time it would take to go into it fully, but my accusations are based on a series of comments made by Croce. From his "I'm down with the brothers" comments to rumors about inappropriate comments he supposedly made. Even if I am wrong about him being a racist. Noone will dispute my contention that he is a clown, infact his comments might be more due to stupidity than racism who knows at any rate keep his dumb--- on NBC at least then I wont be stuck with him for the next 10 years the way I was with Babcock.
  22. The truth is these list are pointless, most peopl hometown their picks. THe Top 50 of all time didnt even include Dominique but did include Scotty " I'm a F---ing fraud and an overhyped corny ba---rd " Pippen. Top 5 1. Shaq 2. T-Mac 3. AI 4. KG 5. Stevie Franchise I know #5 is controversial but look at Houston with and without him it is night and Day. Definitely not on my list is Kobe. He is a ballhog.
  23. Pat Croce is a racist circus clown and Dunleavy is a burned out hack. Want personality hire Barkley, GM, and The Jet Smith, Coach. Bring in new people or winners. If we could hire Jordan the GM and not Jordan the ego go after him. -BHD
  24. I was also wrong about D. Miles he isnt anything more than an overhyped And 1 player. But I was right about Dajaun Wagner and the NEts but not Deke. What happened with the Clippers? " Kwame [brown] got no fundamentals, which is okay if he had some atheletic talent but that ... got no kind of chance. If he had some talent he would at least get one or two highlights per game. .....Yeah he atheletic compared to the average person but for the NBA that... is garbage" - UF player that will remain nameless
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