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warcore last won the day on June 4 2023

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  1. I believe that was from the Soul Train episode that featured 'On and On' from the soundtrack to the film Claudine. Awesome episode.
  2. couldn't decide between the laugh and thank you emoji's.... bottom line - that made me laugh. And sheeeeei - I wish! I'm working 12 hour shifts all weekend I ain't havin' no fun.
  3. what flowed out? Your jealousy!? Yeah we all saw it.
  4. Chris Crawford was "great"... I dunno about Claxton. We should argue about it.
  5. You make a great point, but there's an answer -- to trade him for picks this year. They gonna showcase him with the elite playmaking of Ben Simmons and cash in baybay.
  6. That was a test. You passed.
  7. I mean if there's ever an NBA player that gets that nickname... prolly the guy whose last name starts as "Ri-Za" Zacc prolly don't know who he is but it'll be a good cultural lesson for him.
  8. not so fast kitty kat. You speak as if Dre's contract is the same amount. I don't see his contract as a bad thing for what he tries to bring to the table.
  9. RZA looked pretty good. Loved the behind the back pass.... hopefully Dre is doesn't bounce if off his shoe when it happens in game. Sarr looked exactly like I thought he'd look - a defensive menace that you always gotta account for. Mo did not.
  10. Dude looked good I'm glad we signed him. Might need him if Kobe/Trae miss time.
  11. I mean.... peacock? Amazon? Sliver is bih...
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