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warcore last won the day on June 4 2023

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  1. RZA looks sick. Loving what I saw from him. DD fits great as expected.
  2. Reminder to not watch this clown's videos.
  3. you just gotta remind us that we lost Lauren Jbara don't ya?
  4. No we still hear that all the time because the talking heads don't actually know what's going on. They aren't aware we don't have our picks. They're not paid to think -- just talk.
  5. what's sadder is the thought that no other team even needs to have a 6th man section. The entire arena does what they do for other teams.
  6. fk you Landry fk you Tony fk you Nikki Thanks for your service Bruno.
  7. I believe that was from the Soul Train episode that featured 'On and On' from the soundtrack to the film Claudine. Awesome episode.
  8. couldn't decide between the laugh and thank you emoji's.... bottom line - that made me laugh. And sheeeeei - I wish! I'm working 12 hour shifts all weekend I ain't havin' no fun.
  9. what flowed out? Your jealousy!? Yeah we all saw it.
  10. Chris Crawford was "great"... I dunno about Claxton. We should argue about it.
  11. You make a great point, but there's an answer -- to trade him for picks this year. They gonna showcase him with the elite playmaking of Ben Simmons and cash in baybay.
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