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Plastic Man

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Posts posted by Plastic Man

  1. In 73 games this season, Johnson's has eight dunks. And even if you've watched every Hawks game, you probably don't remember any of them.

    True...sometimes I wish he would get nasty and throw down on someone. Then he drops a sweet unblockable floater and I forget about the dunks. I think he just like to conserve his legs/energy--not that he can't dunk.

  2. Don't know if you noticed, but they Boo'd you when they showed you on the jumbotron. That's how I knew I wasn't the only one there in a Hawks jersey, besides my son. Next year let me know...we can hook up before the game or if you make it to a playoff game.

    Haha no I completely missed that but I am not surprised. Something like that happens every time.

    Sounds good I will keep that in mind.

  3. Plastic, you wouldn't happen to be the guy with the Nique jersey on, last night..would ya?

    I'm thinking about buying sixers playoff tickets, just in case they face the Hawks....what about you?

    Yeah u saw me? That is crazy. I wasn't gonna go but I scored some good seats for cheap on ebay last week. Glad I went.

    I'd love to get to a playoff game but I'll be on vacation that week so it's not likely.

  4. I looked at the stats and the big difference was turnovers. Hawks had 17 turnovers to the Sixers 7. Sixers had 9 steals.

    The game was ugly for the first several minutes. ..looked like we couldn't complete a chest pass. There is just no flow to our offense and our guards either jack up a shot or force an impossible pass. We had 17 asssists to their 27.

  5. Why were they booing Smoove?

    They fear him and wanted him to be a sixer in the worst way. I was in Philly last year when Hawks won. Smoove killed them and was comcast player of the game. Everyone there was in awe of him. Last night's performance even topped that game last year...he was focused (minus the turnovers) and got NASTY. It was nice to see him in the low post and actually receive an entry pass and go to the baby hook.

    My seats were at halfcourt last night and I was SCREAMING when Smoove threw down on Daly...wish I woulda had your view HNJ. That was sick and I wanna see more of that tenacity. Howeva Flip on Lou Will was one of the most impressive dunks I've ever seen...I though he was gonna lay it in and try to draw a foul.

    HNJ you're right on with Big Al. He picked up mostly cheap fouls. Granted some weren't really fouls but seemed like he was guarding his man AND Bibby's man. Hard to be aggressive when your in foul trouble all game. Loved the play when he blocked a lay-up on one end then ran the floor and caught an oop. He had no rebounding help. EVERYONE needs to help get D-boards.

    I was begging for Flip in the 1st while freakin Willie Green/Dre were lighting it up and we couldn't throw the ball in the ocean. JJ was timid and kinda backed away from Iggy's solid D...never got anything going. Mo is a great athlete. His and-1 play was beastly. Too bad his shot was off too. Oh well it was fun and a close game at one point. Let's get Boston.

  6. Championships would be nice but outside of that I personally couldn't stand the guy. I'm more of an underdog fan and generally don't route for or with the masses. Plus, as good as he was the refs made it impossible for anyone to beat the Jordan led bulls and that was frustrating as hell. I wouldn't have wanted him but had any team in the west had him I bet we would have made it to at least one finals during his era.

    I couldn't have said it better myself.

  7. whiteflagtq3.jpg

    I only watched about 15 minutes of this game which was enough.

    Harpring is a puss (and I'm a GT fan). He had his left arm out in Josh's face in fear of getting his weak shot thrown into the stands...then charges after Smoove...and Smoove gets ejected?????

    I hate the Jazz and their fans...and the whole friggin state.

    Ugly game.

  8. I will say that many of our turnovers were crap, the refs called 2 moving picks (one was terrible) and palming violations like crazy. Where did that come from?

    Yeah that was ridiculous. It's like they got a memo from Stern and were trying to reach their quota of those calls.

  9. My main reason being he doesn't know how to set up offensive plays at all. I don't believe this team is playing up to it's potential and that solely falls into the lap of one person. Yes I'm happy were out of the cellar but i'm not satisfied.

    I agree. Tonight (and most other games) i wish we would have used Marvin more. 4 Field goal attempts is pathetic and it's not his fault. We are all one-on-one and it drives me crazy with all the talent we have.

  10. i dont care what the situation is, anytime the hawks are on fastbreak unless it is flip or smoove we should just set up a offense.

    i feel ya. marvin doesn't realize when you get past one defender, there just might be another one coming to slap your weak shtuff off the window. see this happen way too often. and jj, with his frame and shooting touch, needs to convert those lay-ups or get to the line. i disagree with hack-a-shaq unless he is about to dunk. there is no need to foul him 8 ft from the hoop after he picked up his dribble...he has no touch!

  11. Don't want to take anything from anybody but come on. U have to be a sucky player to turn the ball over when u never drive or barely step foot inside the 3 point line period.

    I think Bibby's good A/T ratio has more to do with his BBIQ. He's crafty and can read the defense better than any PG we've had in years. Also he is trusting the rest of the team more (not just feeding JJ).

  12. What does Mike Bibby have? 10 assists already in the first half alone!?

    And it's also so nice seeing Josh play within himself! No stupid treys!

    I think the two statements go together. If Josh sticks to his strengths, Bibby will get him easy baskets.

  13. Ugly game we could have won. JJ disappeared in 2nd half, which is when Bibby only started to play well. Smoove lost his battle with the refs in the 1st quarter and was pretty much out of it for the rest of the game. Marvin got mugged by Turiaf and spent most of the game at the hospital. Defense couldn't get stops or rebounds. Mo and Zaza played well.

  14. I just got home from Sixers/Spurs. What happened to Marvin??

    He got clotheslined by Turiaf under the basket and hit the floor HARD (no flagrant)...stayed in the game for a while but later went to the locker room. He had been playing aggressive.

    OT: How good is Thad Young for the Sixers? He looks like the real deal.

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