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Everything posted by emeans

  1. I used the form on the webpage. EVERYONE needs to blow his email box up!!! EVERYONE!!! Make him read everyone of our emails!!
  2. I email that fool and landed a few facts on him and told him to stop spewing a bunch of unresearched lies about the Atlanta Hawks!! I told him while the Atlanta Hawks are in the midst of a rebuilding process, no one can ever say that this organization has been the worse organzation in the history of the NBA. I pointed out if it wasn't for Larry Bird and the Celtics the Hawks probably would have 2 or 3 NBA Championship Banners hanging in Philips Arena. I also pointed out that the Hawks have one of the highest percentage of consistent playoff appearances in the 80s and early 90s. This is by far not even close to the worse franchise in the NBA. Yes we are having internal problems right now but who doesn't have problems. Also, this is one of the most talented YOUNG teams in the NBA, especially if we can land another big man.
  3. Is he one of the biggest lottery bust ever or is he just injured often? Should the Hawks be interested in this former lottery pick? He is a big body, but does he have any skills?
  4. I think we need to look at him seriously this year as either a trade item or a serious piece of this teams rebuilding. Right now unless we get a good big man for him, we have to keep him. Who knows, it is contract time and he may have a breakout year this year!!
  5. emeans

    Curry to LAL

    If this goes down, the Lakers are doing exactly what I thought the Hawks would do this offseason. Pick up Kwame Brown and Eddy Curry. If the Lakers turnout to be successful with this frontcourt I am going to be a little disappointed we didn't bring these two guys into the fold. Remember this is what everyone thought the Hawks were going to do this offseason.
  6. Think about it. The Clippers just gave up Jaric and a 1st rounder for a Washed up Sam Cassel!! Giving up 2 lottery protected 1st rounders that we will not need anyway is not too much. We need to start looking at adding young veterans at this point of the rebuilding stage anyway. At first when I looked at the proposal, my first reaction was wow that is a lot, but based on our teams rebuilding situation and the fact that teams have to give a lot for RESTRICTED free agents, it is not a lot. Denver gave up 3 1st rounders for Kenyon Martin. Basically in comparison this is about the right deal in terms of what we are giving up for a young player hitting his prime.
  7. Believe me guys......JJ and Salim and whoever will not be effective at all without an interior SCORING threat on the inside. Amare was a beast in the interior for Phoenix and he with the help of Nash at the Point opened up one of the most prolific offenses in the NBA. We haven't had a back to the basketball legitimate post player and Curry is that guy. Now I agree I would be cautious with the heart situation and we don't know all the facts, but if the facts show that he is 100% healthy I think the Hawks would benefit tremendously with a BIG body skilled Center like Curry. YOU CAN'T WIN GAMES ON THE OUTSIDE ALL NIGHT especially when there is no threat in the middle!!
  8. We need interior scoring more than ever now. Especially with JJ and Salim on the outside. Both of them will be useless without Interior scoring to free them up to do what they do best......SHOOT from the outside!! We don't need Interior Scoring????????Huh!!
  9. In a simple answer......YES. The Hawks interior would be much improved with Curry. Collier vs. Curry is a mismatch of great proportions. Curry is still reaching is potential and is a BIG body. He hasn't peaked yet and he would be a huge upgrade over Jason Collier. My only question is his health, not his potential and his skill. Curry and Zaza would be a nice very nice combo.
  10. Exactly!! We would have won many more games with a better interior last year. Zaza is a very good pickup but a healthy Curry would be even better.
  11. If the JJ deals go through with no snags, we need to look at signing Curry. Even with Zaza we will need more big bodies. We essentially only have 1 Center who is really a Power Forward. We will not win many games with an interior like what we presently have. A healthy Curry will immediately legitimize our middle, especially offensively and will open up this offense. You can even play Curry and Zaza at the same time. We need to get Curry at a reasonable deal!!!
  12. I am not quite understanding why they have to go back to court?? This is what they are saying on 790thezone. Why back to court? More delays coming.
  13. I agree Jason is garbage. I would rather have Tractor Traylor or Jahidi backing up Zaza. You are right Jason should be in the NBDL.
  14. Tomorrow is a MAJOR day in this organization. We will find out whether BK is staying or Belkin will be the Head Man in Charge. If Belkin wins BK is gone and I have absolutely no idea where the building of this team goes. BK had a vision and plan and he was slowly building this team in his image. Tomorrow will determine the future of this organization and OUR Fan support.
  15. I really hope Jason is NOT our starter. I hope Zaza is the starter and Jason comes off the bench. Jason is garbage and if I could package him and get a different Big body I would. I now wonder if we are going to get a BIG banger off the bench like Tractor Traylor or Jahidi to take up a few fouls??
  16. The problem with this entire situation is the order in which things happened. I don't have a problem with Belkin wanting to only give a 2nd rounder and Boris. The problem is that the proposal should have been ironed out with BK and ownership well before it was presented to Phoenix, the NBA and the media. This is what is making us look like fools!!
  17. I know this is not the popular opinion, but Belkins problem is that he thinks we are giving up too much for JJ. Two 1st round picks, Boris Diaw and a trade exception plus a max contract is a lot for one player. His contention is that the Hawks don't need to give that much up to Phoenix and in a sense I kind of agree with him. I can see 1 1st round pick and Boris and a max contract, but 2 is asking a lot. Actually I am not totally against his issues. The problem I am having is this shouldn't have been release to the press until a unanimous proposal by all owners and GMs were put on the table. The proposal should have been talked about before all of this mess. That is the problem I am having with this, but I can kind of understand were Belkin is coming from in terms of what we are giving up.
  18. The longer this takes and the longer absolutely NO ONE knows what the problem is the worse this looks. My biggest problem is that no one knows the problem and of course this gives way to negative speculation. That is only natural!! At least give the fans (the ones paying all of their salaries) the benefit of knowing the problem if it is indeed a minor problem. This is why I think it is a bit more than a "procedural issue". More like an owner disapproval issue.
  19. How in the world can we hit a "procedural issue". The NBA is a joke!! They take 2 months to sign a damn CBA deal, delaying it 3 times and now they are trying to screw us out of a deal. I hate the NBA organization. If this deal doesn't go thru I swear there has to be some kind of conspiracy against the Hawks!!
  20. This may not be the right move here. ZaZa is like another poster said not much of an upgrade if any over Collier and Drobs. I remember distinctly the game he had against us and Josh Smith owned him to the point he was afraid to shoot the ball anymore. He wanted absolutely no parts of Josh Smith. Josh took his heart during a game and that sticks with me. I am not sold on this guy manning the middle. I still think they need to take a chance on the heart and get Curry. He is much better and more of a banger than ZaZa.
  21. Someone post this guys email address PLEASE!!! We need to blow his email box out the computer with emails dogging his sorry uninformed butt!! This is a great organization that has great history and would have one or two NBA championships if it were not for the Boston Celtics. If you have his email please post it!!
  22. Dude............................................................................................................................I was going to say something else, but I will hold it. I will simply say this....WE ARE NOT GOING TO TRADE CHILDRESS. REPEAT THIS AFTER ME...WE ARE NOT GOING TO TRADE CHILDRESS. Stop wasting key strokes, your fingers may start hurting!! lol
  23. emeans

    No Good...

    One question.....Who gives a darn about Penny. Why are we even discussing a comparison with Penny Hardaway. Is this comparison somehow going to make us better? A Penny Hardaway, JJ comparison is totally irrelevant. What is relevant is the Hawks are continuing to get better. We overpaid a little but the Hawks are much better than last year when we had absolutely no shooters on the roster. We finally have 2 deadly outside shooters. That is all we need to be talking about and congratulating BK for slowly step by step improving this team. Next discussion should be about who and how we can sure up the Center position and get more depth at the PG position. Penny Hardaway?????
  24. emeans

    No Good...

    Dude....This was an excellent trade for Atlanta. We gave up a backup role player for JJ in essence because the two picks are lottery protected. JJ is the best shooter we have had in YEARS. Pair him up with Salim on the outside and OUCH.....watch out!! Also this opens up things in the lane for Smith, Williams, Al and Chillz to do some work. Now all we need is a center. With the abundance of youth on this squad we only need 1 draft pick a year to make the team for now on, not 3 players every year. And again we will get out lottery picks if we end up in the lottery. I wish you people would start giving BK some credit around here. The guy is doing very good things with this organization and I can finally see it all starting to come together. Watch all of you critics start jumping on the BK bandwagon once we start winning...mark my words!! and I hope KB, Trace and others call you out once you start jumping on the BK bandwagon. Everyone need to make a mental note of the people bashing BK on this forum!!
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