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Everything posted by buckeye242424

  1. Who cares? We are being embarassed by the worst team in the league. OOPS...not the Knicks. US. WE SUCK
  2. Are you kidding me? His defense sucks, and he makes one out of every five shots he takes!! I turn my head when he shoots..
  3. Yes, and MJ is not in a North Carolina jersey with the NC on the line. I'm really sad...
  4. The ref is not on our team Lue...Oh my God
  5. Down again after the first. We're poop without JJ...losing to the Knicks!!! I know, long game, only first quarter. I hope this changes, but from what I've seen, we are really bad. Go Hawks!
  6. We look like a JV HS team. Someone tell me why I am a Hawks fan. I hate losing, I should be immune to it now.
  7. The funny thing about his only highlights in college was that he could only use his left hand...his GOOD hand, the right, was in an immovable cast. He couldn't bend his wrist. 14 points, 10 boards, 5 blocks...2-3 FG, all with his off hand. I hope he stays for another year, for obvious reasons...
  8. I hope you're right! I guess being a Hawks fan for, well, my entire life has tainted things. Let's keep it up! This win, hopefully, is a turning point. With all the injuries, a back to back on the road, and being down 14 in the 4th....to pull it out. A "W"...it's just all new to me...
  9. I love eating crow...I'm so glad I'm questioning this road trip, and I'm wrong GREAT WIN. I watched every second. When we are healthy, we should hope that we can compete for a playoff spot in this weak ass east... PLEASE let us be at full strength. We all deserve it...
  10. I thought it was football. OSU will beat down Florida. Urban is a cry baby...please watch Troy Smith win the Heisman Saturday. Oh, and we may bring a NC in basketball too. Greg Oden is a pretty good player. It's good to be ab BUCKEYE. GO HAWKS!!!! (and bucks)
  11. The Bucks make it to the final four, and or win it all...he's gone. Anything less, I think he'll come back. Being from C-bus, I've heard him say many, many times that this isn't a one and done. He's probably just politiking, but who knows...
  12. Moot point, Greg Oden is staying through his sophomore year.
  13. Kramer doesn't have the same appeal anymore
  14. Quote: Quote: I hate it, and hope it doesn't happen, but everyone knows what is in store through the X-mas holidays. Next up are Portland and Seatle, both 4 games under .500. The Hawks are doomed. Let's hope not, and I know we'll win them both because we're so good on the road...out west
  15. Quote: We are actually a pretty deep team when everyone is healthy. I think Smoove Williams Williams Childress Zaza Wright JJ Salim Lue Speedy is a 10 deep team. Jones is quality, too. It doesn't take many injuries in the NBA to look pretty thin. Perhaps when everyone is healthy, we may have some adequate role players, maybe, but we don't have "depth". There is a significant drop off from our starters to our bench, especially now. Since we're hurt, our bench is really below average for NBA players.
  16. Quote: Quote: Quote: Smoove was not the difference in this game. With him, we would not have "very easily" won this game. Did you even watch the game. It was tied for Chrissakes. The Hawks were only down 2 when the Cavs missed a foul shot which Freije promptly tipped to Lebron for a layup. Then he commits an offensive foul for a turnover and the Cavs hit a 3. When a game is tied it can go either way. It wasn't like the Cavs were a sure thing to win going into the 4th quarter tied. JJ, Lue and Zaza were clowning them. you are basically operating on hypotheticals there. i am forming my opinion based on what I saw from Frieje and Salim along with the rest of the Hawks team in the 4th. even if Smoove doesn't go Woody still would have been playing some guys that have no business seeing the floor on a competitive team. Exactly. I did watch the game, and Smoove was doing nothing that would suggest with him in the game we had an easy win.
  17. Quote: Quote: It is apologists like you and Suckup Smith at the AJC which allow this madness to continue. when we comeback from the road roadtrip 6-18 you will be saying "Well we had so many injuries..and such and such." GTFU with that nonsense. First of all we won't come back 6-18 and I'll put money on that. Secondly, injuries do affect your team. If we are missing Childress, Marvin, & Smith, you think that doesn't matter? Sure injuries matters, but that doesn't change our record. Don't you think that comes into consideration when we're discussing up-coming games? Face it, rough waters ahead. I hate it, and hope it doesn't happen, but everyone knows what is in store through the X-mas holidays.
  18. Are you asking on the current roster now?? Because I think it is a dogfight between Matt F. and C. Bozemon. Or..it may be R. Ivey or Batista...wait a minute, are they already in the NBDL? I'm not sure..I guess it could be Salim or Solomon. Hell, do we have a NBDL team? Poor JJ.
  19. Quote: Yes we do have the players. If Smith doesn't get him in the eye the Hawks could have very easily won this game. Smoove was not the difference in this game. With him, we would not have "very easily" won this game. I'm sorry, he was not the difference between and win and a loss tonight.
  20. If the dude isn't shooting the ball well, he is worthless. The guy is in the NBA for his ability to knock down the jumper, plain and simple. He is not doing that, in fact, his shot is broke right now. That coupled with the fact he tried to sport a headband tonight was pitiful...
  21. Without a doubt we are going to struggle. It's common sense, but people on this site think we are pessimists for being honest. This team is injured and young, which is not a good combo when facing the teams coming up.
  22. Hmmm...how quickly things have changed. I suggest that we are going to struggle the next 11 games, and after one, people are already saying we're going to lose the next five. Interesting... A few thoughts: If Matt F. isn't making shots (which aren't even close) why is he in the game? He is embarrassing.. Does Childress have a broken foot? If so, why is he jumping around on the sideline like he is a cheerleader? Why is T. Lue guarding Bron'? Again...why is T. Lue guarding Bron'?
  23. I don't know what your definition of "exact" is...better check the rest of my quote where I mentioned my whole point...the schedule.
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