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Everything posted by buckeye242424

  1. Agreed. Or it could be fatigue. Or it could be that in 82 games, a team is going to have nights where they shoot poorly from the FT line. It happens...
  2. I have a Basketball signed by Steve Smith, Mookie Blaylock, and Lenny Wilkins. Deke shooed me away, apparently all G-town alumni have a pact that they don't sign autographs on game day. It was a bummer. On the ball too are, Alan henderson, Jeff Shephard, Ira Newble...pretty much the entire roster, except Deke. Pisses me off...
  3. Shell-head has the life. Getting well paid, more than his wife, who is the best player in her league. She's beautiful. It's hard to look at her in that way because we see her in uniform and not "done up"...He did VERY well for himself. Money, fame, trophy wife, who cares that he can't play! lol
  4. They do have a play for him, in the half court set. Just one that I've seen though, high back screen from one of our bigs, trying to catch Smoove's man sleeping and get an oop from the point. Usually ran after a timeout. Hasn't been really effective, when it has worked, he usually catches and lays it in or brings it down.
  5. I understand that JJ leads the league in minutes played. Someone has to, but I also understand fatigue may or may not set in later on. But right now, he needs to be on the floor. He knows his own limits, I think he's at the point in his career that if he's becoming worn down, he'll let it be known. He obviously is in great physical shape, and can handle the rigors of putting up huge minutes. He's getting paid 70 million to play basketball, so play him. Point being, if we lose in the first round of the playoffs, it's not solely because Joe is worn out. As for the rest of the starters, I don't feel anyone is being "overplayed". I think this minutes played per game thing is blown out of proportion. What's the difference between 38 minutes a game to 40 to people in the best shape they'll be in within their lives. 22-11...keep doing whatever you're doing and take it day by day. If minutes me an so much, sit JJ just one game. He'll make up all the minutes I hear people complaining about in one game.
  6. I couldn't agree more. Besides, why mess with what has gotten us to 18-10, both he and Flip are veterans that have been there and are good vets to have on a young team.
  7. JJ will see that clip. That's all the motivation he will need. Classless. Period. What goes around comes around. If Woodson is a good coach, that should be the pre-game speech next time we play Boston. Sorry, not speech, just video, then hit the court.
  8. I think Chillz knows he's not producing like he has been expected to, given the money he's earning. His numbers are comparable to what he did in the NBA. Two things he mentioned, One, the game is slower, much different. More or less, he's saying the opportunity to score more is not there. He also mentioned the pressure he's been put under, like not even being able to go into public after a bad game. I think he's miserable, I think he wishes he was still a part of this year's team...seeing the semi-success we've had thusfar. I hope the money was worth it. To me, what's the difference between a few million dollars compared to happiness. The money he would have made to stay in the NBA would secure his life and many generations of his family thereafter.
  9. Still a game time decision. Curious to know the opinion of everyone. As a Hawks fan, would you prefer Pierce to play or not. Part of me wants him to play because I want the Celts at full strength and if we were fortunate to win, it would be another stepping stone in 08-09. Part of me wants him not to play because a win is a win, and our chances with him out of the line-up certainly helps. Then you have the Nation's perception. We all know the Hawks are never on National TV (except for the playoffs). Pierce doesn't play, all that will be said is "the Hawks only won because Pierce didn't play." Personally, if he's able to go, I would prefer it...let's prove on our home court we can beat the Champs to everyone.
  10. The guy obviously likes to shoot 3's. Fine, he makes a little more than one out of every four (usually one is at the end of the shot clock and a heave anyhow). Cut him some slack...I don't mind he shoots threes. It's not like he's jacking up 6 or 7 a game every night. For all he does for the team, rebounding, defense, blocking shots, thunderous dunks, leads breaks, being unselfish, getting the crowd excited...all at the ripe age of 23 and people complain when he takes a couple bad threes during the course of a game. It's ridiculous.
  11. Fear the RED RING of Death! I can't turn my 360 on without thinking that damn thing is going to shut down on me. I'm on my third console, albeit, I was one of the game geeks that bought it the first day out, which had all kinds of issues. Here's a trick, may have heard. If you get the RED RING...and your console doesn't work, obviously, you can buy 8-9 hours more of game play (perhaps, waiting for the boxes to be shipped to your house for repair, like I did? by doing this. Turn on your console, and of course you'll see the red light blinking. Simply wrap a thick, cotton, bathroom towel completely and tightly around your console. Let it run all night long. The next morning, turn it off, and turn it back on, and you're good to go...I swear it works, times may vary of course. The first time I got a few hours before it shut down on me, the next time almost 8 hours...all depends. But it does work.
  12. buckeye242424


    Reading some of the posts, I sense many people are in "panic mode" right now. Obviously, we need to improve, that's a given, but I'm ok were we are right now. How many of you would have taken a 12-9 start when we were 0-0. I would have. I think the 6-0 start was awesome, and I loved it...but every team has a string of wins at some point in the season, ours just happened to be at the very beginning. After tonight, the worst we can be is 12-10 with 8 straight at home where we have played very well (knock on wood). There's a good chance we could be somewhere around 18-13 heading into 09, right in the thick of the playoff mix...
  13. http://www.sportingnews.com/yourturn/viewtopic.php?t=493514
  14. I don't get it. Why in the hell would we fire Woodson now? He s been through the extremely tough times. Now, finally, we get to reap some of the benefits he has installed. We are 10-6, second in our division, propbably a fourth or fifth seed in the playoffs if they started today...we're heading into December with 10 homes games and one of our best players returning probably next game. Yeah, let's fire our coach now...that would be perfect timing.
  15. It's like comparing apples to oranges. Different styles, different roles, different meaningful contributions to the team. I would bet, although, if JJ was the one sitting out for a month, this board would be much more concerned than we seem right now. That being said, I would have to say that JJ is of more importance to the Hawks winning games than Smoove.
  16. Woody is going with Flip. The guy is getting it done. JJ called it last year, more vet. help. The record shows it so far. Does anyone here believe we would have beaten the Thunder with Acie on the court instead of Flip in that 4th quarter? I like Acie, and he has potential, and it's had not to give such a high draft pick more time, but as a coach, especially one that needs to win this year, you stick with what is working.
  17. I can't find and health news on Zaza!! Can someone fill me in if they've heard anything? Maybe I'm totally missing a post or something, but I'm curious to know what's up.
  18. I live and breathe Hawks basketball...it's an exciting time. It's funny being from Ohio and the only Hawks fan in the state. Can't help it...Good Old TBS aired all the Hawks games when I was old enough to get into basketball...early eighties. It stuck. I was the jackass that sported all my Hawks gear during the 13-69 season. It's safe to say that we haven't had much success this decade, and I'm soaking this all up. From the trade of Nique, to the "guarantee" playff spot...it's been rough. I know it's early, but I'm loving every second of being 5-0. All we need now is Mr. Miagi to slap those hands together and rub Smoove's ankle....
  19. I agree. Any win on the road is big for the hawks. A win without Smoove even better. I look at it as we're 5-0, who would have thought, and it's just more time to get Smoove healthy while winning at the same time. In addition, I would take Flip Murray and Mo Evans over Chillz any day of the week. Not hating on Chillz, loved his hustle and what not...but I believe those two more than make up for the loss of fro man.
  20. Burns from ESPN has the Hawks at #8 in his Power Rankings. I know it's only because we're 2-0, but that has to be some kind of record...! Ironically, the team we play tomorrow is #1.
  21. Acquiring McDyess would cut Marvin's minutes, without a doubt. It would allow Smoove to play his natural position, SF...putting Antonio at PF and Horf.
  22. As you can tell by my username, I am a Buckeye fan...along with a Die had Hawks fan. I can pretty much tell you what you're going to get from Othello Hunter. It's all about intensity with him, half of the games he would "show up" and give the Bucks solid pts, rebounds, and a couple of blocks...other games you wouldn't realize he's on the floor. Terrific athlete for his size...a player from the old BK regime I suppose...6'9ish that can run and jump out of the gym. Needs to get stronger physically, but who doesn't? He has a decent 15 and in game jumper...better than Horf's. Othello stepped out and even made a couple threes for the Bucks last year. Real smooth jumper. Similar to Solomon a few years ago, he's just raw with overused cliche' - potential. I'm glad he made the team. Whether or not he'll be here remains to be seen, but I'm happy for him because at times last year during some of his performances, I actually had thoughts of him possibly playing in the NBA. Other games, I thought he just an average PF on an average team.
  23. Two weeks from tonight we tip off for real. Can't say that I'm not anxious and excited....college football has been great this year, but I'm ready for some basketball. My question...we begin the season with 10 of our first 16 games on the road. It's no secret that we struggle on the road. Is this team mature enough and have enough faith in themselves to rebound from a potentially slow start? Something like 4-12, 5-11, 6-10?
  24. Is anyone else as excited as I am NOT to see a Hawks rep. at the draft lottery tonight? It's a sign of good things to come!! I hope...at least. Signing the two "Joshes" is crucial to building on the semi-success we had this year. Smoove is going to get offered a contract similar to D. Howard...5 years 85 million. We have to match whatever is thrown his way. Chillz won't get max dollars, obviously, but in my eyes, he's almost (not quite) as important as signing Smoove...we need those two. Build around JJ, Horford, Smoove...and keep Chillz as our hustle guy. Those four are the Hawks...
  25. Long time coming Hawks fans. As you all know, today could be the day. Other than the Hawks, obviously, I haven't looked forward to another NBA game with more excitement in the last ten years than the one tonight. The Wizards are my Hawks tonight, and I'm going to root for Arenas and Jamison like I would be for JJ and Smoove. Go Wiz! That being said, if the Pacers do win, we need to take care of business. In my eyes, if we can't beat Orlando at home, with the playoffs on the line, or a depleted - and very poor Miami team without their two best players even seeing the court, we don't deserve to go to the playoffs. Last game of the year, no Wade or Marion, we win we go....C'mon, what more could you ask for? It's right there for the Hawks....just get it done. Hopefully, it's all moot. I would love to see Jones, West, and Salim logging big minutes vs. Orlando....
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