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Everything posted by buckeye242424

  1. I can't believe that people on this board are complaining!!! One pick less...and we don't have ANYONE other than number 11. Do you realize the options we have? We stole the pick! Do you know how many people in Arizona are pissed off?? C'Mon, this is 3rd best scenerio!! Imagine if you are a Boston or Grizz fan....We won!! Great Lottery.
  2. We're not going to get a top 3 pick anyhow. C'mon, would the NBA let that happen? Nope. I love the optimism...ain't happening. Let's hope for number 11 from Indy.
  3. Did you download it? I'm dying to hear it...I thought it wasn't out until June 5th.
  4. Wow...that scenerio is a dream come true. Both a lover of the Hawks, and my beloved Buckeyes, Oden AND Conley!! The thought of being lucky to get them both makes me chub up a little. Although, it's totally a pipe dream, even to get one.
  5. Another National Championship game! We'll probably lose to Florida again, but DAMN it's good to be a Buckeye!!!!
  6. Quote: Keep his sorry ayss on the bench and they will prolly win the title. He is terrible, FOULS LIKE A GOON and slows them down. I cant belive he will be picked 1st in the draft but I hope to God we get pick 2 so we get a real player like Durant. Bball is obviously not Odens game. Hello Eric Montross!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone else notice how much better OSU plays once Oden gets nailed to the bench in this tourney? Dude, you shouldn't be allowed to post here anymore if you think G. Oden is terrible. He doesn't need to score a point and he is the most dominant defensive player in the country. It's not all about points. You're stupid.
  7. SEC, Big East, Big Ten, Pac 10 all represented in the Final Four. The committee should be happy. (Oden will dominate Hibbert).
  8. Ohio State coming to Atlanta. How ironic for me? Add a Final Four appearence to a Big Ten Title, Big Ten Tourney Title and a 34-3 record. Has OSU still been "exposed"? Final Four isn't bad, is it? Is Greg Oden still overrated? I'm allowed to gloat because some of the recent posts on here have been ignorant. Go Hawks! And Go Bucks!
  9. How can a team be "exposed" when it's still in the tourney?? That's stupid. OSU is 33-3, still playing, and in the Elite Eight. Ignorant post. What's even more ignorant is people saying G. Oden is overrated. He's a freshman! He's going to make mistakes. 15.9 points, 9.8 board, 3.9 blocks. Those numbers are better than David Robinson and Tim Duncan when they were freshman. Am I wrong, or did they turn out ok?? Call me biased because I'm an OSU fan, but I think I make a strong point..."exposed". What has been exposed?
  10. http://www.sportingnews.com/yourturn/viewtopic.php?t=189226 Looks like Salim has the same problem as his game.
  11. I do agree that Smoove has improved and not settled for the three, that's apparent. However, the 10 players listed will and continue to get to the line more than Smoove strictly on reputation. I've watched enough basketball to know that those guys get every favorable call...Smoove hasn't earned that yet.
  12. It's not Australia....but it would be a haul for me to play too. C-bus, Ohio is a trip. Although, I would like to meet some people on this board, it would be interesting.
  13. Oden is 7'1 and moves like he is 6'9. Call me biased because OSU is my team, and I've watched every game, but athletically, there is no issue. He's a fine athlete. Atheltically or not...it was nice to watch Oden cut down the net yesterday....without a ladder.
  14. Watching the OSU/Wisconsin game should have people clamoring for G. Oden instead of bashing him, or comparing him to Solomon Jones....which is absurd. People tend to forget that basketball has two facets, just like any other sport...more or less...which is offense AND defense. Just because Oden isn't scoring 25 a game like Durant, doesn't mean he's not changing the game by his presence. Defensively, he dominates...no, he DOMINATES. I don't want to hear about blocked shots either, sure they are nice, a nice stat. He alters 90% of the shots the opposing team attempts. Yesterday, Wisconsin shot 35% from the field! Many teams this year have barely shot 40% against Ohio State. I dunno...you tell me. Ohio State scores 49 points and beats the number one team in the country! Who cares about points per game! Let's not judge G. Oden on points alone...that's only half the game. Hands down, no question, none whatsoever...number one pick if he comes out. He will be a dominant force defensively (and eventually offensively) in the league for 10-15 years. Solomon Jones over Greg Oden? You have got to be joking....
  15. Diesel, I know this is a southern bias forum...but when you put Purdue up there before Ohio State, I have to question the validity of this question. I mean, OSU is ranked number TWO in the country right now. Not to mention we have guys in the team that will be extremely high NBA draft picks in the near future. We won the Big Ten outright last year, were in the final four not too long ago, and could be heading to the beloved ATL this year. You forgot a damn good program.
  16. Why wouldn't you cheer to win? Why put false hopes in a lottery where: 1). You don't know if your team is going to get the best pick in draft. 2). You're not guaranteed the player you want, as a francise player, is leaving college. 3). The team is NOT out of the playoff picture. It's a possibilty. Long shot, but it could happen. 4). Why watch your favorite team, and be satisfied with losing? That's ridiculous. Go hawks!
  17. Without a doubt! Everyone on this board has endured enough torture as a Hawks fan, this win was refreshing..(the best word to describe it for me). 19 - 30 isn't exactly promising, but the East is really bad, and we have a ton of ball to go! You never know! Let's enjoy this, have optimism, and hope we have a successful road trip!!
  18. From what I've seen w/o Speedy or Lue is us getting out on the break much more quickly. I think everyone would agree, that we are at our best when we have our athletes out running the floor. It is definetly a positive when we d-rebound and go. Not having a true pt guard out there helps. Chillz, Smoove, Marv, JJ...they get a rebound and they're gone, running the break. We don't have to have that extra pass to the pt. guard. I do know, ultimately, to be a championship caliber team you have to have a solid pt. guard. We are not a championship caliber team yet, so I like this dysfunctional point guard situation because it's producing wins right now.
  19. We just won the game, yet people are complaining because Pierce and Wally Z. were not playing. C'mon, we won...does not matter who was hurt. Do you think people complained when they beat the Hawks?? "Oh..we won, but JJ and J. Smith weren't playing." Who cares!!! We won, isn't that what matters? Marvin will come around. He's extremely young, and he's still developing. He's not the downfall of this francise. It's not his fault he was picked second. It's not his fault that he does have potential, and a beautiful form on a jumpshot that's only going to get better. Support him, don't blast him. Geesh...
  20. What went right is we won! There is no formula for this team, as far as winning. We have to shoot well, stay out of foul trouble, and rebound. I know that's profound, but it's the truth.
  21. I'll eat mango and squash everyday if it means we'll play better.
  22. Ok..if you don't want to "hear" it..let the rest of us read it. That was hard to decipher dude.
  23. Get ready to lose every game if JJ sits. Although it's not much different if he plays. I don't like the thought of our 70 million dollar man sitting. If he can play, like tonight, he can play. A half assed JJ is better than no JJ. For that much money, give the dedicated fans of teh hawks some hope and something to watch and attend games.
  24. And to think, I feel bad about buying the league pass! Sorry Pete.
  25. I think we do enough critizing the organization without some sarcastic Suns fan joining in...go where you are wanted.
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