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Everything posted by wolvetigers

  1. You know its been a long few years as a hawks Fan - and I must say that I'm tired of even supporting their weak effort. Blame the coach, blame the kids, no leaders on the team. Its not much you can do. I hate to throw in the towel this earlier in the season but unlike most of my previous sports years this has been the worst. My Falcons pretty much suck. (Thanks Vick) My Michigan Wolverines had a horrible season. And Now even the glimmer of hope in the Hawks is fading as this team appears to be playing uninspired basketball. I would make the trade for Valerio or whatever the kid name is from Cleveland to give some energy to this team. How about Sheldin and AJ for Valerjo and a future 1st rounder. Come on Billy We NEED A SPLASH OF ENERGY.... Please help this fellow hawks fan...
  2. Ive been one of the few supporters of BK's drafting over the past few years. Ok so I wish he may have selected Brandon Roy instead of Shell Head, but honestly the Hawks needed to get some toughness and grit. Hawks selecting Marvin Williams over Chris Paul and Deron WIlliams has been beat to death in the media over the past two years and now that we have Law I'm satisfied. We can agree to disagree over that issue, but one thing is becoming clear. Marvin Williams is proving his worth as a #2pick. Lets hope he stays healthy and continues to play hard. GO HAWKS
  3. The Hawks should ideally should play 10 players a night when everyone is healthy. The reason Woody may get fired if the Hawks dont make the playoffs will be a result of his substitution patterns. BK drafting has actually blessed the Hawks with a deep team with plenty of young assets. Law / Speedy / Lue JJ / Salim / Marvin / CHildress Smoove / Sheldin / Hofford / ZAZA Great WIn Tonight especially given the Fact that Joe Johnson
  4. NM... I juat heard Salim is hurt....not sure the extent of his injuries. If thats the case then I'm not too fustrated. GO HAWKS
  5. Can someone please tell me why Salim is not getting any playing time. One of my biggest complaints with With Mike Woodson is his subsitution pattern. Salim is the second best shooter on the team and he is not even playing. I'm tired of waiting until an injury before we use some of our bench players...We have a deep team....We should use it!!!
  6. THanks DRP for explaining this up....680 Fan, Terrene Moore and others are brainwashing some of these Atl fans. Now if VICK is found guilty then so be it....His cousin actually Admitted to doing this a few months ago.
  7. I'm back from DC and all aside from all the national attention its discouraging to see some of our fair weather ATL fans pass judgement without even letting Due process work...I know 680 fan and Terrence Moore need to get people riled up for ratings , but when I hear fans agree blindly it makes me just shake my head. Just b/c Senators and Legislators bring up Vick in Congress over dog allegations is less time they can get pummeled for the War in Iraq. Then I hear people say well he was indicted by the federal govt. An indictment is serious allegations, but that is just it...serious allegations. You dont need much proof for an indictment. Hell the federal govt also believed there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq too.. DONT GET ME WRONG....If VICK is found guilty then feed him to the wolves, but damn Fans are saying through him out of town, he wont play in Atlanta again and this and that without even a guilty verdict. Its almost laughable - I WILL SAY VICK IS GUILTY OF BEING STUPID for getting into this situation, but that doesnt mean we should burn him at the stakes.....THere is a reason why Atl fans dont when championship b/c we want to rush to judgement without letting things play out. The same people saying trade Marvin Williams for the Hawks without even letting him grow in the maturing process...Damn its a sad reality of being an ATL FAN.
  8. Its no secret that Woodson like vets. And with that being said Law will not start right away. He will play 15 - 20mins. Speedy if healthy will start the season at point guard. In fact I dont think neither rookie will start but they should see significant action. Hawks should be very deep and hopefully Woodson plays both squads, in the same fashion as say Dallas does. That would insure that our guys stay fresh and get lots of experience right away 1st string PG- SPeedy SG- JJ SF- Marvin PF- Smoove C- Sheldin 2nd String PG- Law SG- Salim* SF- CHildress PF- Hortford C- Zaza I expect the Hawks to deal Salim,Lo,CHilds or even Zaza if the right deal comes up. DIESEL- THE HAWKS ARE NOT TRADING JOSH SMITH. He is a hometown player, fan favorite. Now if he continues his temper tantrums like a 15 year old school girl then it may be a last resort. But even then if the Hawks dont make the playoffs Woodson will be gone, not Smith. The hawks learned there lesson from trading Dominique.
  9. THose are dumb ideas. Hawks untouchables are as follows: Joe Johnson Josh Smith Marvin Williams(If he doenst avg 18pts this year he will be off the list) BK already said he wasnt trading these guys. AL-Hortford Acie Law READ MY LIPS. THE HAWKS WILL NOT TRADE JOSH SMITH FOR NO ONE. True hawks fans know what happens when you trade the local star. Remember Dominique. Especially not for Gasol. The reason Gasol hasnt been traded is b/c GMs around the league believe he is good but not worth the 80Mill dollar salary. Dont get me wrong i would love to have him but aslong as those players mentioned above are not traded.
  10. Dont Trade Marvin...Please let this guy grow. He will be much better than Rashard Lewis, and most other SMall Forwards soon enough. I would consider trading CHildress, SHeldin, Lue, L
  11. Smith wont be extended until next summer. He is the face of the franchise, just look at who first sported the new Uniforms. After next summer, Lo, Lue, AJ contracts will be either traded or off the books. Besides if Smith was signed now, then Childress would expect to be signed and the Hawks dont want any kind of squable. Who knows we may keep them both depending on How Marvin, and CHildress play this year.
  12. This is the NBA...Hortford has to earn the right to be double team. He will not be doubled until he proves that he is a real threat. Its all depending on pg play...If Law and Speedy play very well it will open up many opportunities. I wouldnt be suprise if Salim, Childress will be traded for an experience scorer.
  13. Yea he is a fellow Michigan Wolverine. Petway is an atheletic freak but he doenst have any real skills. He will not make the team.
  14. Two free agents come to mine that the Hawks may consider for additional scoring threat. I personally dont want to bring in any additional shooters unless we can dump some of our dead weight Lorenzen Wright and Anthony Johnson. Nonetheless, it is more puzzling that Woodson seems to have alot of problems substituting correctly. But yet he is screaming for another shooter. With that said, I doubt we will have the intrigue of Jerry Stackhouse as he probably wants to play for a definite title contender. But Maybe BK can continue his good streak to bring in a Veteran through a sign & Trade. Somehow find a way to get Jerry Stackhouse. If that fails we could possibly bring in Atlanta own Jarvis Hayes for a cheap price. Not sure how good his shot though,
  15. I'm by no means saying we do have a pg even close to CHauncey, but some people tend to think thats who Acie Law games resembles. http://www.nbadraft.net/admincp/profiles/acielaw.html
  16. If you watch BK's draft plan to go long atheletic Guard /forwards (Marvin, CHills) a sharp shooter in Joe Johnson, Law who is compared to Chauncey, and 3PF forwards: (Hofford, SHeldin, Smith) who are not as skilled yet as (Ben Wallace, Rasheed, McDyess) but you see where they are similar. The Hawks are a younger unexperience version of the Pistons IMO. Lets just hope they can have similar success. First Things First..Making the Playoffs will be a daunting task, but if everyone stays healthy we have a good shot. Woody has a young team capable of competing day in and day out. Although, I'm not the biggest fan of taking Hofford - I do believe he will be a good PF in the mold of Boozer. I think Sheldin will be like Antonio Davis and I really believe Josh Smith will be A superstar. Woody better work hard on his substitution patterns to keep the team competing every game. BK needs to trade await players like Anthony Johnson, Lorenzen Wright for future 2nd rounders or something. I expect Lue to be move by the Trading deadline if SPeedy remains healthy...and Law proves to lay down the LAW. GO Hawks. I'm a die hard fan so i will be in attendance.
  17. Well the Knicks, and Boston just got better through trades. If the Hawks dont make a big splash we will not make the playoffs again. With this roster i project.... a 30- 36 wins....not enough to make the playoffs in the improving Eastern Conference. Looks like 9th straight seasons with no playoff appearance. I'm really disapointed with this team thus far...although our draft grade is probably a "B". We are too young and need experience that can contribute. Poor Woodson doesnt stand a chance.
  18. Well we have 6forward log jam...At least we got a PG but this is definitely dissapointment for me..YET AGAIN..
  19. Hawks fans please wake up !!!! We already have Sheldin Williams, ok so he doesnt have the upside that Horton has but he is and will be a solid player in the league. He average a double double when he was healthy the last few games....Please please Please trade Hofford for a starting low post player. Hofford is a solid player but and he is "ready to play now" but hell so was and is Sheldin Williams. How quickly we forget the "Landlord ready to play now spin that the analyst throughout last year around this time. COME ON HAWKS FANS.
  20. I worked in marketing before...usually you try to close the deal right then and there...he told me the hawks will acquire a marqee player like amare, or another high profile deal they will have a high volume of sales. I expressed that I was skeptical and he replied I WILL Call you on Friday Afternoon to hear my tone as if a deal would be done by then. Hey I'm a consultant i know about sales, marketing and business deal. You dont make future gurrantees unless your either Pete Babcock (Playoff Gurrantee), Detroit Lions or infact have a deal in the pipeline. And you cant really blame babcock for his gurrantee he had SAR, BIG DOGG, and Theo and JT. Hell i even thought we would make the playoffs then. Sorry for the bad memories guys..
  21. MAN I'm so upset man...I dont have the words.....WE DONT NEED ANOTHER 6-9 F............If this is true i just cant cant support this...another disapointed hawks fan here.. I would rather they take gamble and take Conley at the 3. The Hawks are just unreal. Please basketball gods tell me that we are trading this to someone else.
  22. Over the last few weeks since the actually lottery I have been in contact with the sales office for season tickets information. I actually established a pretty good rapport with a rep and told him 3 weeks ago depending on the draft will determine if i buy season tickets. Nonetheless, he called me today trying to gage my interest and told me that he anticipates a buzz and an immediate increase in season ticket sales. He was convinced that after the draft the Hawks will have an enormous jump in ticket sales brought on by a trade. Take it for what its worth... He said he would call me again on Friday to give me an update on seating availabilities. Apparently the marketing dept believes it will be very busy...that could mean Staudemire, YI or maybe something else not discussed.
  23. Please give Marvin a break. Its not like the kid is averaging 4pts a game. Marvin is averaging 13pts, 5rbs a game. He will be ok. Here is a thought. Lets see how Marvin plays next to a legitimate pure pg. That is the Hawks problem right now no one healthy enough to actually penetrate kick out or simply run an offense. Marvin is on schedule and if he stays healthy will average 17pts and 7rbs next season. Josh Smith takes too many bad shots, hopefully he gets a better shot selection or he will turn into God Forbid Antoine Walker.
  24. Rest assured we are NOT getting Ridnour for the 11th pick, b/c that would mean we would owe luke 18mill over 3 years and 20Mill for speedy.
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