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Everything posted by terrynoonan

  1. How often does a ten year old see Al? Only playing really. And that is where he is selfish and lazy. How is that the right attitude to project. We don't know what he is like off the court. I don't know him. Do you? But I do know what I see on the court. And I'm glad it's gone. P.S. I loved Smitty. He was the Ultimate role model. And he was the same man on the court. Do you see my line of thinking?
  2. This is HawkSquawk you dumb%s#. I was trying to make a comp. someone might get. I was equating selfish play with selfish play on the court. I like people who make songs. Pieces of art. Albums. not people who jam and sing stupid lyrics. Learn to spell for God's sake! P.S. I do that. Because I'm smarter than you.
  3. Everyone, I've already told this @sshole that I'm 32. I listened to a lot of things. U2 was my favorite band growing up. I listen to a lot of Beastie Boys, Pearl Jam, Sonic Youth, Beck, Blur, Neil young, Chili Peppers and Jimi obviously among others. I can prove what Chuck did. No one can prove that Jimi beat anyone. What kind of punk says thing like that time and again with no proof? This guy said he would rather listen to Warrant than Nirvana. He means it thats what is so sad. Probably a dead head or Phishfool. By the way Led Zep is not on my radar. I've rocked them a lot and I certainly dig their bassist. Mr. Jones produced some R.E.M.that i was into. But the Screaming Banshee that is Robert Plant really overdid it. And Page certainly carved his own niche but they seemed to have no heart.
  4. It figures that two guys like that would be in the same place. If only they would bring a ball. Then one of them could be "The Man"! Good riddance!
  5. I want to apologize for any assumptions that I have made. I tried not to read Hotlantas whole posts as they seemed juvenile. Now that I know differently, wow! I could quote all that crap he said about Jimi and the glowing remarks he had for Chuck Berry. But you can all read. He was using that as his primary attack on Jimi. That he beat women and had no soul because of it. Meanwhile, he praises Chuck Berry. For those who don't know Chuck got caught filming women in his restaurant bathroom. He offers nothing then talks about my mom. Real class guy! I just wanted an honest argument. This guy is weak. I'm dissapointed no one has called him out on some obvious evasive and silly attacks.
  6. Just kidding. I wish I felt that good. With Al gone I don't think 44 wins is out of the question. This year feels different. Now, if we could just get a better coach!
  7. I'm new. Maybe it's right in my face but I don't know how to start a thread.
  8. terrynoonan


    I asked my friend to learn how to start a thread while I was gone. Now he's gone and I still don't know how. Please don't respond to the post. Can anyone help?
  9. terrynoonan


    Does anyone know if ZaZa is in the country? Or is he still in whatever former Soviet republic he is from? Its something you need to be concerned about these days.
  10. Personally, I think this could be the one deal where we might be able to take advantage of someone and get some pitching.
  11. Do you have a learning disability? Because if you do, I'll stop right now. Speak english if you don't.
  12. You should take my early advice and stick to not knowing about the Hawks. Selah
  13. Quote: I've gone past the point of carrying what you think simply because you make no sense. Again, too much drugs have messed up your brain. I'm done conviced of that. There's nothing more that you and I need to discuss. See, you spell caring with one R and no Y. And you should have said "too many" And I think your last sentence was country grammar. Whatever. You proved yourself. Too embarrased after that Chuck Berry thing right?
  14. Anyway, I read something about Satriani and Maalmsteen on your post. They are complete garbage. I've never seen anyone with a 70 I.Q. listen to that. Well, maybe a math nerd that never got any. I have not heard those names since I was 12. And it was the SAME argument. Go listen to some Michael Bolton or something. He seems right up your alley.
  15. Stephon Marbury can play ball. But not with a team. And yes, you are crappy if you don't help the whole cause. I know why you didn't list anything. It's because you don't know them. By the way, I'm 32 and know your type all too well. You should be ashamed to talk about Chuck Berry in a guitar chat. Unless talking about origin. Also, he was convicted of installing a camera in the women's room at his restaurant. See, I can prove that. Real classy guy. What a joke. To put this aside for a minute though, I am a lifelong Hawks fan and I think you are too, right? We have some common ground. I just found your "grunge" thing shortsighted and naive.
  16. I don't have time to reference every challenge I gave you. You answered none of them. Really, you can't even spell.
  17. I do know what you don't know. Basically every challenge that I gave you. You have no frame of reference to even be in this discussion. And you don't play an instrument or you would have more respect for musicians. I bet you think Al Harrington was a good player too, right? The idiot that doesn't "get" Dylan is usually the same idiot that drives one on three and doesn't dish at the park. I bet you're that guy.
  18. Listen. Stevie Ray never wrote a decent song. He just jammed. That's why you never hear any of them. Really, you are below this conversation. You see, Blues and rock can mesh with funk and punk and disco. you obviously know nothing about music. Be it classical or oldies. Beethoven had waaay more soul than Mozart. If you dont get it, you don't get it. By the way, B.B.King is a big Jimi fan and in fact put two jimi albums in his personal collection at the hall of fame. And Santana is on record as saying that Jimi was the greatest. So are about all of the great english/blues guitar players. Clapton, Townsend, etc. And you don't care for Dylan? You are an absolute novice with no ear for music. You're one of those people that watches the Grammys aren't you? If you can prove that Jimi beat women then do so. As for the army, Jimi was an airborne ranger. Were you? Honorable discharge. Broken Foot. Also, unlike many of his contemporaries he never protested the war in Vietnam. So, find some more ammo. Castles made of Sand @ss!ole. Stevie Ray is the Vanilla Ice of his style.
  19. I've got news for you Reality. If not playing D, having a gross misunderstanding of your own game, and never seeming to do anything but wait on the wing for the ball is your idea of a role model then? The man stole millions while here. What a joke? Have any of you ever played on a winning team? You learn not to be like that. But really, it is Woodson's fault for letting him do that to his team. The guy is a chump and I think the Legend's lost his mind. Or maybe he knows that Al will fall in line with them.He was asked to be a leader here. He has no idea how to control a game. For the good of his team.
  20. Yeah. It hurts. But Al is gone and brighter days are ahead. Besides, Joe is always gonna be a major ball handler. It's in his nature.
  21. No way CBA. You know it goes like this. 1. Smoltz 2. T-scrub 3. Hampton 4. Ramirez 5. James Then you still have Davies and Big John I think. My dream is to trade priviledged boy LaRoche for the very pitching help we need. He will never be this tradeable again. He's already returning to earth.
  22. I thought this post was about Bonzi Wells sucking? He does. If anyone doesn't know.
  23. I don't "remember" the St. Louis Hawks as I wasn't born until 1974. I was born at Dekalb. Lived in the St.Mtn. area most of my life. I would love to hear about them though. Anytime. I'm new to the site and it seems most of the people don't get it. You're right. It should be about the championship.
  24. Quote: Nirvana was the founding father of grunge. On the flip side, one musician who's music and death I view as underrated is Layne Staley of Alice in Chains. Rock and roll with a twist of grunge, or vice versa depending on opinion, Staley with his unique voice and lyrics made Alice in Chains a band for the ages Really, Buckeye to be historically accurate Neil Young is considered to be the "Godfather of Grunge". There just wasn't as much media then and there wasn't a stupid label thrown on super loud gnarly sonic rock with melody. In the land of feedback it's easy for a person with no frame of reference to get lost and think it's just noise. It's not. If you like Layne Staley try to find "Mad Season" with Mike McCready from Pearl Jam. Not to be confused with that Matchbox 20 crap album of the same name.
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