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Everything posted by terrynoonan

  1. Thanks for the laugh. I needed it! That game put me in a horrible frame of mind.
  2. It's waaaaaaay more complicated than that. Point out one area where you think Woodson is even adequate as an NBA head coach. The shots didn't fall because they were not in rhythm. We have no rhythm because of Woodson.
  3. Everyone was tentative. The whistles didn't help. Shelden blocked the sh!t out of Webber and got a foul called. No one wanted to shoot. What's up with that? It's like they wanted to play as a team but really didn't know how and when we got down they all started trying to make a play. So playground.
  4. Walter is right about Zaza. If he was a positive then? J.J. will never feel my wrath the way I've given it to Al. This team could compete with a coach. We do have some huge problems though. Starting with Speedy. He is an absolute joke. So, back to my point. How can we support people who support this?
  5. Hey! I built the Ruby Tuesday's in Bethlehem a couple of winters ago. Really like your state. One night at the d*ck's sporting goods beside us like 300 people were waiting to see Todd Pinkston in 10 degree weather! Crazy! We wouldn't do that for Mike Vick! Went to the Martin Factory. It's awesome! Have they finished all the renovations?
  6. To be honest Diesel I have tried to stay out of that mess. I really like J.J. and took the Spirit side initally. But how can we support a group that supports Woodson? I can't. BK has done a few good things but they should know that there are much more insightful basketball minds in need of jobs.
  7. Yeah, John Stockton and MJ and Karl Malone and Shaq. Guys like that work hard. I'm sorry but I know a guy that played in China and Mexico. He's not that good. He's just left handed and 6'5". What other profession pays soooooooo much for sooooooo little production? Where is the money coming from? Taken a look at Philips lately? They are not working hard. That effort last night showed me a group of kids led by a guy who never won in the pros and doesn't know how to tell them how to. He's always been given a check and never had to realize that hey maybe I don't know so much about actually coaching a game. Tell me again why he deserves a job?
  8. What could be worse than this Diesel? These guys are idiots. Starting with the fact that they let this Belkin thing happen. I don't want the Hawks to move but I can't watch this for too many more years! Do you play basketball? Have you ever competed athletically? If you have then you would know that the team has no idea of how to win a game. The coach is terrible, the GM hired the coach and refuses to fire him, the owners refuse to fire BK. The buck stops there! They have no vision. They're "giving BK a chance". I'm reacting like this because I haven't seen them in practice and did not know that they could ever play this badly.The owners are either blind or dumb.
  9. I said it in another thread. Firemikewoodson.com!!!!!!!!!!!! Someone needs to go all the way. If I don't see it soon it will be me! You are entirely right bravo.
  10. BK and Woody were ruining some other city's desire to care about basketball. Here's the real math. How many bank employees does it take to help them steal the money? If they performed like this in any other profession they would have been looking for work a long time ago. Guess life is a little easier when you're 6'5". These guys have never worked a day in their F#$king lives! What @ssholes!
  11. I know what you are saying gsu but there was NOTHING positive last night. It was the kind of eye opening effort that gets a coach from a city that will not tolerate this fired 5 games into the season. Anyone who knows anything about basketball knows that these things we saw last night are a harbinger of many, many more clueless nights to come. That hurts man. The Braves were a little like this before John and Bobby. We have to get the right people. God I want a new owner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. I know. He should have called it when A.I. accidentally threw it in. But that's the least of our problems. What is he going to tell them if he does call a timeout? I'm disgusted and tired of talking about this guy.
  13. This ownership group is so bad that I'm willing to take whatever he has to offer. That was the season opener. If they were a stock they would have plummeted last night. How can you run a business with a guy like Woody as the coach? He's like that horrible fast-food manager that let's his employees act rude to you and then wonders why his bonus is low or non-existent. What a joke.
  14. You're right. Josh Smith is supposed to be better than Al. You act like we won 50 games with Al or something. Are you saying that a sh!t sandwich with candy sprinkles is better than a regular sh!t sandwich. I think you are. This makes the Braves philosophical problems seem child like. I thought we could compete with Woody but he is the worst coach that I have ever seen on any level. I used to ref little kids too! There is no moment to moment accountability. That's why you get down 15-2. When you think it's a long game and you can come back. Play every possesion like you remember what happened on the last one.
  15. I feel like I haven't woken up yet. I am actually embarassed that I've been building the Hawks up to people. I was telling the neighborhood kids about the Hawks game and they were all like "the Hawks suck" and I'm all "No, they are better now. Watch the game tonight." Think any of them are fans now? I don't even want to talk about work. I'm gonna get it. I just did not think that I was so right about Woodson. I thought maybe I was hating a little hard last year. He is a sorry coach. We can't win with him. It's just that simple! I really thought Woodson was trying to lose last year with long-term growth as the reason. Turns out he just can't manage a game. This team reminds me of the playoff guarantee one.
  16. He would fire Billy And Woodson on the first day! What kind of investment group are the Spirit anyway? Who would let someone waste millions of real dollars on this heaping pile of sh!t? Do they know anything? Are they just praying that we will magically win? Woodson has to go!
  17. Billy was a pretty good player on paper. I'm too young too have seen him though. I was wrong with my earlier comment. I think he was on a few decent teams. Woodson never left the first round. I think he was a lot like Al. How can Billy expect so little? We were totally unprepared.
  18. We all need to organize. Woodson has to go. What about Fire Mike Woodson.com? I am serious. This man has no clue. The team looked like they all met today for the first time and he was giving them all a look. This is the regular season! Together, he and Billy were two of the losingest players in NBA history. That's why they are so comfortable taking money from people while showing no personal accountability. They are losers and unless Billy fires Woodson soon we are in deep trouble. God that Kool-Aid tasted good last week. No players can overcome ineptness like that. What was I thinking?
  19. Woodson is an idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. He couldn't bend over for a rebound and it cost us a bucket. Why is he playing?
  21. Speedy is like a Jacque Vaughn without game. You could take someone off the street and give us what Speedy is. What a waste of money! I like Jacque and would take him any day of the week over Speedy. Especially dollar for dollar.
  22. Speedy is a joke. He hoisted a brick down 9-2 before anyone else touched it. Did anyone notice how he screwed up defensively on that baseline pick and roll. Unnacceptable play from a point guard. Any of you Salim lovers notice that vicious brick he threw up that misssed the rim entirely? Joe needs to pound the ball. We can't trust Speedy's decision making. Dear God what do we say about Woodson? I'm still on board but we have more problems than I thought with Speedy, Salim, Woodson etc..
  23. Where is everybody? It's opening night! Let's kick some Webber butt!
  24. I've got a first game predictions thread going. Let's see what everyone thinks. I'm saying Hawks 93-88. I loathe Webber and am hoping he is the key to our victory tonight. Joe needs to show everyone he is a true leader tonight and get us off on the right foot. Go Hawks!
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