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Everything posted by terrynoonan

  1. I'm not saying he wants Shelden to be the man. Just a lack of understanding about what's really important in the short-term success of a team. Why nitpick in the media? There so many other deserving candidates. Starting with himself. I guess it's a learning process for Woodson too. I wonder if BK is saying "Woody, you have to be ready for a press after a timeout."? Probably not.
  2. Nothing, but that is something that should be said in private. He should be praising his unselfish play and defense in the media.
  3. Just about to leave and noticed no one had started a game thread, so here it is. I'm being a total Homer here but I say Hawks 88-85!
  4. Yes. His lack of game and the money we are paying him will kill us. He's a poor man's Jacque Vaughn. I have no idea why people like him. T-lue is waay better. I really don't think he brings a lot to the table either but he can stretch the D a little. Where is Speedy's defense?
  5. Did anyone read the Guy Curtright article yesterday? The whole thing is about Shelden needing to score. Williams says "I'm not afraid to shoot but I'm a team player. I'm not going to force my shot if someone else is open." Shelden also says "I'm just trying to do what I'm good at, which is playing defense and rebounding the basketball." That's what I want from Shelden. I should not read anything after a win about Shelden needing to work on his offense. It points out that Woody pulled him after he failed to take an open jumper and quotes him with "He has to take that shot. It's a learning process." WTF? I thought we drafted him for rebounding and a more defensive minded game. Why should he be saying anything negative about a rookie being reluctant to shoot after we beat someone. What if Shelden had taken 15 shots? Would we have won? I'm sick of all this player development. What about team development? Shelden wants to win, not be "The Man". Woodson just doesn't get it. He's over his head. The man is an assistant. That's why he thinks that way.
  6. You and Plastic Man should meet up in Quakerstown or something and watch the game. Spent some time up there a few years ago and I really like it. I'll be at the game today. Don't know where I'm sitting yet. Go Hawks!
  7. I expect him to be able to draw up a play to get the ball inbounds after a timeout. Stuff like that. Be ready for a press. Get tossed when you've had bad calls all night instead of trying to "coach" when you're down 13 with 30 seconds left. C'mon! Be in the players faces more. If it is them and not him then he should challenge them. If not he will lose his job. It's this simple Diesel and I'm not the first person to say this but it's either the coach or we have very dumb players. I think it is the former. P.S. I know they're young but everyone who is old is not smart and there are plenty of young players, with better coaches probably, that are not dumb. The guy has no passion. Al had 4 in a loss by the way. Sound familiar?
  8. I challenged the entire board and no one has pointed out one actual basketball thing that Woodson is competent at. So shut up if you can't say anything other than "give them time" and other nonsense. How long have you been a Hawks fan? Can you name anyone on our roster from 10 years ago? Have you ever seen us win? I have and I know that we can't ever be what we want with Woodson. It's that simple. Why don't you read the posts before you spray garbage on it. We've been losing for 7 years! I know that's not long too you. You're probably 13 or something. If you were older or smarter you would understand the real Hawks fan. We're sick of this.
  9. Do we magically have a better coach if they beat the Knicks? No. Even if we win we still have no chance to compete over the whole season with Woodson as coach. I hope I don't need it but I'm bringing my paper bag tonight. I'm supporting the troops tonight. Not the Commander in Chief.
  10. Quote: I think last year, we were very efficient offensively. Our offense for the most part shot high percentages... Our team FG% had to be in the top half of the league and that's quite amazing considering that we were not one of the high assist teams (or at least I don't think we had anybody getting more than 4 apg).. and we were not one of the better ball protection teams... Marvin, Salim, and Zaza did commit their share of TOs... So, Woody has done a good job, lacking credible personnell with Offensive FG%... If we can tune that up with good PG play and defense... we might have something to build on... The best teams score effeciently. I'm talking about actual basketball things diesel. Not just numbers. Seriously, is that all you have? You've said nothing about his coaching. NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FG% Please. Stop with the generalities.
  11. Just one. I dare you. I don't care if you think no one will take it seriously. You want to know what I don't take seriously? People who have never played an organized sport talking about how to win games. If you know even the slightest bit about basketball it is obvious to see that the man cannot coach. By the way Mr. Positive, it's been 165 games. Is that enough?
  12. Who cares? That was one of the most vicious BRICKS that I have ever seen. You are being nice. The ball missed the rim and hit the backboard very hard. Terrible shot for a "shooter". Calling him a shooter is disrespectful to real ones like Ray Allen or Smitty. People with a stroke. Salim is a chucker.
  13. Please tell me one area where Woodson is even an adequate coach. One actual thing that he does right. Because we've labeled about 15 areas where he is terrible. What are they Diesel? That's my fair shake. What are they? I'm willing to listen but I don't think you are a liar, are you? You would have to lie to yourself to think of a positive for Woody. You know he is terrible. So what are you talking about?
  14. Sorry. I understand. I wish I could shake off this terrible feeling the guys gave me Wed. I can't though. I've seen this before.
  15. Probably believes that George Bush is a "good man" too. Sometimes you have to be negative to ever see anything positive. I'm sorry but there is nothing positive about this team. Maybe a few, but that will not overide the negatives. We have over 2,000 dead American men and women and mostly boys due to this kind of positive spin thinking. Call this for what it is. A steaming pile of sh!t.
  16. It doesn't really matter Diesel. We have more important things to think about as Hawks fans.
  17. We're already turning up the heat! JohnyBravo started firemikewoodson.blogspot.com. Get on board or you're just wasting your time. Name one area where he even holds his head above water as an NBA coach. I dare any of you.
  18. You guys are over analyzing. We can't inbound the ball after a timeout! We're not ready for a press after a timeout. He waited till it was 15-2 to call a timeout wed. He played almost everyone in the first half as if it was the first time he had seen them. He might be a decent individual position coach but the guy is a loser as a tactician and the sooner we git rid of him the better. Period!!!!!!!
  19. You have to start somewhere.
  20. Just went there. It's a start at least.
  21. Seems fair. 12 games. Even if we win a little we can never win big with him though. That is my point. His in game flaws will lose games every year and any games we won would be squarely on the players. He is killing us! Not to mention pre-game preparation. Seriously, why wait 30 or 40 games? He sucked 2 years ago, last year, and we are doomed this year with him I fear.
  22. I felt like I was reading my own words. You are exactly right! 100%
  23. I think it is our job as fans to dissent against such a horrible product. I grew up with the Hawks competing and this is killing my spirit. If we don't act like this will the owners ever feel the street? It's all collective. We all need to do our part and "staying the course" isn't working. If you get my drift. We need change and must demand it!
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