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Everything posted by TroyMcClure

  1. People like you make Atlanta look ignorant and childish. You can't handle the truth or for that matter, reading. You generally haven't undestood anything I've said. I'm assuming that's because of your limited mental capacities. I respect what Ex has to say and am asking for a legitimate response to our discussion. You trolled by and attacked me. Does that make you feel good?
  2. I know how good J.J. is. He is clutch over a season. I watch every game and know a little about it. I'm asking here, how many game winners has J.J. hit? He is a super player, but with so much on his shoulders, he can't do it all. That is a different way to look at what I'm saying. If we had an idea and another go-to guy, I have every confidence that Joe would be very clutch.
  3. Quote: Quote: Quote: Quote: No what you said is that he lets us down late in games. That is ignorant. You could not be any more wrong. We only have a few close losses this year. Joe has missed a potential game winner in at least three of those. That is fact. I'm not going to argue about it. It's on video and in the Game Log. I think it's more like 5 or 6. I'm not saying he sucks. I'm just saying he's not Michael Jordan. He's getting points but he is no 'nique either. He also has a lot of careless turnovers. Lay off the Kool-Aid. Why do you think Lue had the chance to hit the game winner against NJ? Because JJ hit 10 of his last 13 shots. Why did we beat Orlando at their place? Because JJ took over the game in the second half, hitting a floater to seal it on the way to 39 points. I agree. You are avoiding my point though. I proved you wrong. J.J. has failed at the end of games. It is fact. I only mean the last few posessions of a game when I say " late ". What's up EX? I gave you the facts. I'm a lttle offended that you would call me ignorant for that.
  4. Quote: Quote: Some of you people need to get over yourself. I think you need to tell yourself that.. I do. I just can't.
  5. I really dig the music in " once upon a time in the west ". One of the only "watchable" Bronson movies. Jason Robards as a young guy, Henry Fonda as an evil son of a b@tch! Great movie.
  6. Quote: Quote: You can be sure of one thing though, if this thread gets over 15 replies, it WILL be hijacked.. Atlas was right again.. So now it's wrong to talk about basketball? Some of you people need to get over yourself.
  7. Quote: Quote: Quote: No what you said is that he lets us down late in games. That is ignorant. You could not be any more wrong. We only have a few close losses this year. Joe has missed a potential game winner in at least three of those. That is fact. I'm not going to argue about it. It's on video and in the Game Log. I think it's more like 5 or 6. I'm not saying he sucks. I'm just saying he's not Michael Jordan. He's getting points but he is no 'nique either. He also has a lot of careless turnovers. Lay off the Kool-Aid. Why do you think Lue had the chance to hit the game winner against NJ? Because JJ hit 10 of his last 13 shots. Why did we beat Orlando at their place? Because JJ took over the game in the second half, hitting a floater to seal it on the way to 39 points. I agree. You are avoiding my point though. I proved you wrong. J.J. has failed at the end of games. It is fact. I only mean the last few posessions of a game when I say " late ".
  8. Quote: Quote: Quote: So you expect him to be able to score 20 regularly but that isn't a positive? Geez. What a Gloomy Gus. How many games did you lose in youth league or high school? I didn't lose too many. I don't accept losing. Period. LOL what a relevant reply. You sure put me in my place. LOL Reading comprehension EX! I was not implying you didn't win. I was asking. The lessons I learned stuck with me. I don't lose at the gym too much either and I'm not very big. You just have to know how to win.
  9. Quote: No what you said is that he lets us down late in games. That is ignorant. You could not be any more wrong. We only have a few close losses this year. Joe has missed a potential game winner in at least three of those. That is fact. I'm not going to argue about it. It's on video and in the Game Log. I think it's more like 5 or 6. I'm not saying he sucks. I'm just saying he's not Michael Jordan. He's getting points but he is no 'nique either. He also has a lot of careless turnovers. Lay off the Kool-Aid.
  10. Quote: So you expect him to be able to score 20 regularly but that isn't a positive? Geez. What a Gloomy Gus. How many games did you lose in youth league or high school? I didn't lose too many. I don't accept losing. Period.
  11. Quote: Quote: Dude, he missed his little floater that he usually does late in the game and Jason Kidd tipped in the next one. And that was one game which just so happened to be one of his worst of the season. Like i said 48 hour memory. He has come through big in the clutch time and again. Do you really want me to go back through the game play by plays to point out how wrong you are? why do you think the other teams are doubling and tripling JJ late in games? It's not one game! They triple team him because we have an inept coach who can't adjust. Stop being childish. I love almost everything about Joe. I'm just saying he's not bullet-proof.
  12. Quote: Keep in mind Smith has had 7 20 pg games since coming back from surgery a month ago. Did you expect him to be able to score like that? Yes, I did. I think he has a nice j. When a real coach gets him in rhythm one day he will take the right J's and be very good.
  13. Quote: If that is what you think then you really haven't been paying attention. What were you saying about 48 hour memories? Dude, he missed his little floater that he usually does late in the game and Jason Kidd tipped in the next one. I'm still mad about the same shot he missed to lose the Bucks game. How many game winning shots has Joe hit for us? There are more examples. Look, I love Joe as much as anyone, but I need more from him. I want to win games and he shares part of the blame for not doing so.
  14. Quote: Troy, you are missing the point. It's not about being positive versus being negative. It's about most threads, regardless of initial topic, getting hijacked. In my opinion, it happens due to the same people, over and over. Ultimately, that just leads to frustration and namecalling. They are missing the point Dr. Z. See How many times the " positive guys " have hijacked, as everyone likes to call it, my threads repeatedly, bringing nothing to the table but name calling. It goes both ways.
  15. Quote: Quote: There is nothing positive to dwell on. So JJ and Smith aren't positives? Uhh.......ok They are. But if you want to get into it, there are a number of issues with Smoove and his game and J.J. lets us down late in games and is not vocal enough for me.
  16. Quote: It would be like hearing about a child molestor as a cop and my praying not just for their souls but for them to specifically keep their job even though they are obviously unfit for it. Why would I do that? That's sad. They have fallen so low that you just compared them to child molesters without batting an eye. LOL!!!
  17. Quote: Please. Everyone. Let's all try to act like we would if we thought our Mama - Wife - Sister - Pastor - kids and grandkids were reading these posts. This is where you lose me. I get your point, and I like to see it, but this is a sports message board. This is not school, your momma's house, or the church. The problem is that the people you mentioned have no stake in what is said here and don't understand it's context or importance. Keep doing what you do. Collectively, we need it. Sometimes though, there needs to be a little more critical analysis than "the shots didn't fall tonight ". Often times the shots don't fall for a reason Graymule. I apologize for any perceived personal attack.
  18. There is nothing positive to dwell on. Go play your Wii. Leave the sports talk to angry fans. talk about the Thrashers. See if anyone cares. We are passionate about our city and team. There's not many of us. Those of you that turn to one of your other teams for positivity, don't deserve to be in the discussion.
  19. I'm up and down with Chill. He really upset me when he didn't foul with 2.8 against Jersey. I like him but I will never be sold. His J is awful and hurts his game tremendously.
  20. Quote: It's really getting fkng ridiculous on this board with the namecalling and pestering and badgering about whose right and whose wrong on certain issues about this team (i'm looking at you specifically walter). The same people are on this board every day. The same ones. And these very people have their own opinion on whether certain players are a bust, the GM/coach sucks or not, and who was a better pick. The board has now become a canvas for the same people to argue the same fkng thing over and over and over. That was actually the point of my clearthefog post was to wipe it all clean and talk about other things. Look, you're not going to convince someone how good/bad a pick was or a free agent pickup something was. There's not many new people here to convince. We have our own opinions and we've heard it all. The problem with debating the same dam thing over and over and over is that people start bashing people just because they disagree with them. It's getting ridiculous. I even started a thread bringing something new up like Salim getting starters minutes and then someone(umm walter) hijacks it with his opinion again of the team and how it sucks basically. I'm actually glad to see Diesel trade posts now because it's something different. The racist thread even turned to bashing and rehashing the same old arguments. Here's another point too: Your opinion won't change a damn thing on what the Hawks do and sure as hell isnt changing much on fellow longtime Hawksquawkers minds either. Bring some new ideas, talk about the upcoming draft and ideas for that. Anything than the constant bickering that's going on here. I would think normally during the season would be fun to be on this site but it's getting ugly. This isnt just Walter, I'm just using him because of his recent bombardment of it. Many of us do it. I don't want us to get along dammit, i just want to talk about something else. Maybe a better way to describe it is agendas. Diesel hates the Marvin pick so for a long time (and still sometimes) everything leads to how Marvin sucks. Walter and Shelden. Every topic, it could have been about the Yankees, leads to that same agenda. If you hate a guy, great, we know, and you're not changing anyones minds on it. Can we not discuss something completely different without us bringing our agenda back up likes all of a sudden it's going to change someone's mind or make us look really really smart. Ok, i'm finished venting. We need more Graymules. Just shut up. If you want to be positive, do it! Walk the talk. Stop being so presumptious as to speak for " fellow hawksquawkers " No one gave you that authority. Some of us are having an elevated discussion that can't be understood by others. Reading comprehension and spelling are abysmal on this board. We do not need more burnt hippies on this board.
  21. Quote: I have often thought a lot of criticism of the Administration is rooted on racism. Some will now accuse me of pulling the "race card". But racism is very vailed and disguised. I have read many post concerning the failings of Woody and/or BK when the actual failings are the players themselves (in many cases). So how much do you really think the hate is racism or what? Dumbest post ever. If you don't ge the link between incompetence, losing and our subsequent anger, then there is no hope for you.
  22. Quote: When the criticism spills into hate, that's when the racism seems to come out, from certain whities among us. When you say that in this context, it is a little offensive to white people eh? We all know the rules. If you are any color other than white and say that, it is offensive and you should not be listened to. I don't know what color you are and I don't care.
  23. Quote: I don't see him leaving Orlando, though. You can't underestimate a hometown allegiance. He may want to come home. It's not like they are world beaters. I think they suck, personally.
  24. My dream is to somehow have a real coach, Dwight Howard, J.J., and Smoove as our core guys in no more than 1 year after this one. I know I'm dreaming, but this what I've been reduced to.
  25. Quote: Getting bent out of shape over the Hawks is a quick way to get yourself into anger management. I'll be ok. Spring training is right around the corner. I'm as excited about the Braves as I am disgusted about our Hawks.
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