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Everything posted by TroyMcClure

  1. Quote: i wouldn't trade speedy I wouldn't play him! P.S. You couldn't trade him. His game has been exposed.
  2. A road win against the Jazz would do wonders for my opinion of this team. Good call on the defense point. It will be a different game tonight.
  3. Quote: So. Now we know the truth. Josh C. is helpless, hopeless and useless. Do you suppose we could send him down to the D. League or perhaps trade him for a future 2nd round pick? If he can't do anything, why would we wish to keep him? Our Al Harrington of 2007!! I am sick of this passive - aggressive stuff with you "positivity" guys. You are so hypocritical. Mr. Norman is making very valid points about actual basketball. If you don't know what he is talking about or don't have a contrary opinion, please do us, or at least me a favor and shut up!!!!!!!!! Chill needs to step it up. As do all of the Hawks!
  4. Quote: Quote: I say no, without a coaching change. With a change, even an assistant, I think we win 20. BK had his chance recently to fire Woodson. He didn't. BK must go. The Spirit must go. Belkin is not worse than this. We are a joke. Perhaps I misinterpreted this thread. Did you mean 20 wins before the All Star break??? No. I was wrong. I wasn't thinking completely rational. We looked so terrible then. We don't look great now. I have always felt that this team could win in spite of Woody. With all of the injuries, his poor coaching came into play time and again. We lost a few games we definitely should have won and were blown out in a few more that should have been a game. At full strength, we are pretty talented. We still don't have defined roles or solid gameplans. Basic fundamentals are a trouble to this team as well sometimes. We may win 10 more games. Maybe even 12 or 13. I still won't be satisfied. I will still remember the games that Woody lost. I will also remember that there was a knee-jerk reaction to get a point, any point. Same for Big man. Both have been disastrous moves. We should be in the playoff chase right now. I'm not happy about a 30-35 win season. If we resign Mike Woodson, it will effectively destroy the window of opportunity we have with our core talent.
  5. Quote: I spent about 2 months arguing over on RealGM that Shelden would suck in the pros. Then, to my shame, I flipflopped when I found out the BK liked him, because I knew we needed a big man, and because at that time I really trusted BK because so few of his picks were outright busts. But now I'm back to thinking that Shelden was a wasted pick at the 5 spot. He may get a bit better than he is right now, but I just don't see a lot of upside...and I don't see any star potential at all. The best I can say is that he has a CHANCE to become a valuable "glue guy." But that's not exactly a compliment for a top 5 pick. I'm with you. He's done a lot of gay things, but the other night when he let Kidd run right beside him to get the loose ball...I mean his girlfriend Candice Parker would have given more effort. Probably diving for the ball. He has ZERO athleticism. He is also a wuss. Deadly combination. This guy is no Hendu. It would be totally disrespectful to Alan to say that. Take from that what you will.
  6. I hesitate to call any coach that leads a team to a title an idiot, but you do several times. It's not very funny either. I presume you think it is. You may be right, but he has accomplished a few thing in his career. He is an innovator. I'll take his gimmick over Woody any day of the week.
  7. I'm not sure there is a true fundamental way of playing basketball. You can win with a Big or a Guard. It all depends on your talent. It's not like baseball or football, where the formula for winning is almost scientific. I think you really can outrun your opponents if you are willing and able. One thing will never change though. It is a lot easier to make a layup than a three. No matter how wide open the three is.
  8. Quote: Magic wanted Westhead gone because Westhead had a plan that didn't involve Magic getting all the credit for Showtime. Back when Riley was in the announcers booth talking about basketball, Westhead brought him down and Riley got in Magic's ear. You ever notice how the fallout of Westphaul led to the coaching start for Riley....his lowly assistant (when I say that I only mean in reference to his top assistant). Usually, you change coaches you change everything. They changed coaches and kept the offensive that Westphaul created... and won championships with Westhead's offense. Moreover, there is some genius in Westhead's style. It's more than just run for the sake of running. It's run knowing that you will wear your opponents down. Have you gone crazy D? Paul Westphaul and Paul Westhead are two different people. Westphaul played and coached for the Suns! When was Riley doing TV? He was an assistant, I thought?
  9. Quote: Quote: Also, as far as clutch hitting goes, Jeff Francoeur was among the best in MLB last year when hitting with runner's in scoring position as well as his hitting from the 7th inning on. Unfortunately, he's one of the worst in MLB at hitting in general. (Or, more specifically, not creating outs when batting.) I agree with both. I have been at the park more than once when Jeff has unloaded on a ball at a critical point in the game. It just screams off his bat. Out of the park in like 1.8 seconds! He also has, and I'm not joking here, the worst plate discipline of anyone I have ever seen at the major league level. He will swing at anything. It really scares me how undisciplined he is. He has absolutely given us no chance a few times at the end of a game. (whiffing at complete garbage) That said, he is a star! Big time arm from the outfield. We should enjoy this probable last year of Andruw and Jeff together.
  10. Quote: That is that the Hawks are built to run. Woodson is certainly not an up tempo coach but when we play teams that run like the Suns or the Warriors we play at their pace and the results speak volumes about how this team should play every night. We still are desperate for a PG, a passing and running PG. A guy like TJ Ford, who isn't elite, but would help ignite this team. TJ is not available but there are PGs out there that can play up tempo and get the ball into places where guys are in a position to finish. Speedy is not the PG we need as he isn't a good passing PG and never has been. Nor is T-Lue. BK seems to not consider the style we play when he makes his player acquisitions...its all by the seast of his pants. I loved last nights win because it shows what we can do when we play to our strengths. I fear that Woody returns to the real Woody again after the GS game and that is a shame. BK; Please get us a REAL PG for once! How do you feel about the Westhead idead TP?
  11. I am starting to agree with you a little more these days D. Without having given it too much thought, I think I am in favor of your Paul Westhead as coach idea. He really is maybe the one reject, slightly gimmicky coach with credentials and the possible desire to give it one last run. How could you not at least consider someone with his accomplishments? Let's not forget Loyola. Had Hank not died, who knows? I'm a Bama fan and one of our best teams was put out by that group with Bo Kimble. Held them 60 points below their average and still lost?! Robert Horry actually passed up a wide open 10 footer to pass to All-SEC forward Melvin Cheatum under the hoop! He bricked in traffic, game over. It's totally out of left field and I love it D. Paul Westhead for coach!
  12. We had our biggest win in a few years last night and this guy is acting like a 13 year old girl. Again, I point out his hypocritical nature. What kind of grown man does stuff like that?
  13. What a dunk by Chill. Way to go strong!
  14. He just got real Euro! No! 8 second violation. Way to go Zaza.
  15. A respect call for Chill to boot?
  16. What a follow! And now a sweet right hand layup!
  17. Speedy just clear path fouled Marion, gsuteke. This is what is driving me nuts. How stupid are they? We don't even understand the clear path foul.
  18. Quote: per RealGM's PHX board no Nash. they got this from their pregame radio. This gives us a small shot tonight. Hopefully Joe will light it up!
  19. Quote: Quote: People like you make Atlanta look ignorant and childish. You can't handle the truth or for that matter, reading. You generally haven't undestood anything I've said. I'm assuming that's because of your limited mental capacities. I respect what Ex has to say and am asking for a legitimate response to our discussion. You trolled by and attacked me. Does that make you feel good? childish? childish? you're the one who keeps posting that everyone has to have it YOUR way and if we don't like it, then we keep having to hear it over and over and over and over about the same thing. ooh, you play in the gym and you DEMAND to win, oooh. that makes you about as much of an expert on basketball as it makes me an accountant for Charles Schaub cuz I do my own taxes. you need to relax and lay off the Red Bull. i've never used the ignore feature ever on any messageboard but i think it's about time. i like to come on this messageboard to talk about basketball LIKE AN ADULT, i don't come on here to listen to people with betterthanthou hardass attitudes stand on a soapbox (see your hippie comment). i want to enjoy my time on this freakin site. And yes I know you and Walter don't care you're going on the ignore list as I'm sure you'll respond, but I won't have to read it because you're on the ignore list. This is what Doc said after he trolled a thread I started: Quote: "Who threw this brick on my car hood?!" "Oh my god, another brick just hit that poor guy. Dear god I think he's bleeding.Someone get help!" THUD (we see hero go down) "oh...errr...that brick nailed my side..whats going on, whats happening?" (our hero, with a look of horror, sees bricks raining down on the people below) "no........" (hero looks into the sky with a shaking fist..) "THE SKY IS FALLING!!! THE SKY IS FALLING!! THE SKY IS.........falling..." That sound like an adult? What a hypocrite. He's not a man. He won't ackknowledge it. I'm glad I'm on ignore. He won't troll my threads!
  20. Quote: these new icons are going to turn this board into Romper Room Y2K You could not be more right ! I think it is going to be overwhelming. It's cool but can we handle it?
  21. Quote: Just shut up. If you want to be positive, do it! Walk the talk. He is doing none of the above. I have never demanded a thing and have absolutely no idea what this jerk is talking about. Personal attacks when you are angry and don't understand how to articulate a thought are childish. I've found time and again that there are so many people who want to argue and not talk basketball.
  22. There was a little hope then. Thanks for the link. I needed that.
  23. I'm with you. I remember those. I also remember the misses. Especially when I'm in the building. You see what I'm saying about Joe now right? And how I'm not trying to bash the guy? I just know that he needs some help.
  24. You never saw it? Go rent it a.s.a.p. It was Tommy Lee Jones as the guy you think is Kenny Rogers. It also had Robert Duvall in an exceptional performance. Danny Glover, and a lot of people I can't think of right now. Anjelica Houston as well. Did you see the movie that former rocker Nick Cave made with Guy Pierce? It's supposed to be a great Spaghetti Western set in Australia and a true story as well. I haven't seen it.
  25. Quote: what is your definition of a game winner, a buzzer beater?? Last minute. Shot that wins the game. There can be a miss afterward. I just mean at the very end, when the pressure is really on. The last 2 or 3 possessions.
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