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Everything posted by TroyMcClure

  1. I sometimes try to make dinner or something, with the game in the background. It never works. I always get involved. I am still a kid at heart. I grow a little older and farther from the child like love of the game that develops when you watch a winner. That's what hurts. I'm still hanging on. I didn't say 7 years ago " we're gonna suck for a while, be ready. " I've been dying a little as a Hawks fan for over 7 years. I'm just fed up.
  2. It's just a straight flip? No head to head to see who finishes with a higher standing?
  3. Quote: Woodson is being kept because he helps out the tanking effort while keeping the players somewhat happy. Dig the tank! Are you saying that the ASG is actually calculated and savvy? Or do you think they have switched to that midstream?
  4. Quote: We don't want to see a new "it's over" thread after every loss. Kinda like I don't want to see the same game over and over? Kinda like that? Believe me, I would like to find some fluffy positives. I'm no Sekou. My constitution does not allow it. I'm a Braves fan. I can handle not winning it all. I can't however, handle this absolute clusterf#ck of an organization. I'm angry man. I'm not beat down like most of the people on this board.
  5. I hate that. It is a silver lining though. They would hold a tie-breaker as well, would they not?
  6. Quote: Get a grip. I've got a grip on the fact that we suck bad and don't have to. I'm disgusted with the product. What do you want from me?
  7. Quote: A far more aggregious mistake as I like soccer. W Whoa now. People want to pigeon hole my as your kin. I played football. I'm not a soccer guy.
  8. Quote: MW24 is from Eastern Europe and he likes soccer. This was a deliberate xenophobic comment about him. Poor use of the word xenophobic. My point is that I am a much bigger Hawks fan, and their play affects me more than someone who was not born here and has other allegiances.
  9. Quote: There's not a single damn person here who defends Woodson. Straight lie. Did your nose grow while typing that?
  10. Quote: Suddenly racism is allowed at Hawksquawk. No. Unfounded personal attacks are just fine though. Like yours. I'm pretty sure by the way he has described himself, we are the same race. Get a life dude. Stop calling yourself The Logo while showing no respect for it.
  11. Quote: Where are these posts after we win games? And if it's as over as everyone is stating it is, then why keep showing up? I don't post "we're going to the playoffs" posts. WTF are you talking about? I'm mad. That's why I'm posting. To answer your other question: Because they get paid a ridiculous amount of money for virtually nothing(see craig claxton). Duh?
  12. Quote: When will all the stay the course people stop attacking those of us that can see the problems and try to understand where we are coming from? I'm guessing that's going to be a big NEVER!
  13. I'm sorry you're having a parade. It's raining pretty hard. Why the personal attack? I'm not from another country and don't watch soccer. I've got three teams. Can you guess them? I was born here. Shut the F5ck up if you don't have something based in reality to say.
  14. Thank you J.J. backer.
  15. I really believe that. He has passion. He was a passionate player. Woody wasn't. It looks like the Celtics situation is really draining Doc as a person. He coaches. He is into the games. I bet Woody doesn't even sweat. I seem to be a very small minority here that thinks we could have won LAST year with almost any other coach. Woody is our main problem.
  16. For all of you delusional Squawkers, this game should be a wake up call. The season was over a month ago. I pose this question: When will the collective intelligence of this board be high enough to allow us to form a general consensus on Mike Woodson? It's been over two years! He might actually suck worse now than he did two years ago. He doesn't just suck. He really sucks! Watch his press conferences, read his quotes. There is ALWAYS an excuse. It starts from the top. No accountability. I said yesterday that I was not impressed by the winning month. Tonight's game is why. When will all the stay the course people stop attacking those of us that can see the problems and try to understand where we are coming from? I'm disgusted with so many things about our "team" it's not funny. Tonight, again, was a microcosm of our team. I'm watching Woody right now. Excuse after excuse.
  17. Is this the worst you've felt Ex? It is for me. I talk the facts but I hope for some magic to fall in Woody's pocket. This is sickening. I was hungry. Seriously. I'm not now.
  18. Quote: Let this one get away from us. This one? WTF? It just happened and you have already forgotten about it! It's every one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF does it take for some people?
  19. I am so disgusted. They didn't even try to foul. There was 2.8 seconds left.
  20. Anyone else notice Vince can do that whenever he wants against us ? He did it like five times in a row last game.
  21. I was hoping to jinx myself! Way to take it strong...and get lucky!
  22. I ache inside when Joe fails us like that. With so much on his shoulders it seems wrong to want more, but I do. AN All-Star hits that shot. He is not the most clutch late in the game.
  23. WTF is this aggressiveness from Marvin coming from?
  24. I am sick of Smoove getting robbed by the refs! It's like they aren't good enough to judge him. They don't get that he jumped that high, that quick. They need to watch some film and show some respect!
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