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Everything posted by TroyMcClure

  1. Quote: Hendu was the worst signing in our sad history. Just think, Babcock wanted to sign-and-trade for Austin Croshere, a similar half-season-wonder. I think you are wrong. Speedy Claxton is the worst. Especially considering the precarious nature of our situation. Croshere is twice the player Hendu ever was. He hit 7 3's last week! 37 points. He is better than you think. He just has to be with generally smart team players to be successful.
  2. I don't think the question is for me but : NO! I don't advocate it now. I advocate digging deep and getting a new coach.
  3. Quote: Agreed. It's almost painful to read this board now. The same, tired usual suspects complain about the same things over and over. We get it, the youngest team in the NBA cannot consider their youth a factor for their play. Our rookies and sophomore players have hit their peak and will be nothing special. It's so, so tiresome. Some of us can't find the bright side so easy Dr.Z. I wish I could be more like you. I really do. You will see a different side of me in the " other sports " forum. I am a huge Braves fan and we all have something to look forward to there. I don't lose the faith with them.
  4. How many posts do you have criticizing other posters? Do you not realize the irony of your actions? What happened to you? I thought you were all "stay the course", then your sig said something about firing Woody and BK, after you had repeatedley criticized people who had advocated that earlier than you. Now - What? WTF? Am I right? I'm not sure, but that's the way I remember it.
  5. I know. I think, with a better coach, this team could have competed though. I'm sorry I called you a poor fan. I'm in a bad mood. Uncalled for on my part.
  6. Keep wondering. It might get you somewhere.
  7. This is what you said. Quote: You're 100% right. We are the oldest team in the league, we haven't had any injuries all season, and we haven't lost countless close games to great teams due to inexperience, sad.. I don't see anything about " last youngest team to make the playoffs " I don't know or care. I don't care about youngest. I don't care about injuries. Every team has them. I'm sorry that you are such a poor, facilitating fan.
  8. What a jerk you are. Jerry West. What a joke.
  9. Quote: Quote: How can there be anything positive about being the team with the 5th worst record in basketball and two of the teams below you, own you? That really only leaves TWO, count em' TWO teams that we can legitimately claim to be better than. Those are the effing facts. Stop with the personal attacks. You're 100% right. We are the oldest team in the league, we haven't had any injuries all season, and we haven't lost countless close games to great teams due to inexperience, sad.. I am 100% right. Countless close games? Please In November we had 3 close losses.(Sea, Shaqless Mia, Was) In December we had 2 close losses.(Chi, Utah,) In January we had 1 close loss.(Chicago again) Where are the great teams you are talking about? By the way, I can count. It adds up to 6. 7, if you count the 7 point loss to Kobe and the band. I don't.
  10. Quote: Quote: Please change your handle. You live in a dream world. When we speak of the "real" state of the Hawks, you don't want to know. Why? Are you afraid? Go to NBA.com, read a paper. The stats are everywhere except in your head. ok. You get your info from nba.com. Now I know why you haven't said one original thought on this forum. How stupid are you? Sorry I mentioned the website of the league that you are supposed to love. Bring something to the table or shut up.
  11. Quote: If you think that this Joe Johnson led team that will be around 20 wins by all star break is in the same ballpark as the 04-05 team that won 13 games the whole season, you must not be watching the same games as me, and I would have to seriously question your understanding of the game. 13, 31 what's the difference? Joe Johnson. What else? Joe is only one man. Smoove has serious potential, but is a poor man defender. He loses his man and makes way too many mistakes. Marvin does not have the attitude to be a "star". Chill is good but shoots like a 6 year old and can't even attempt certain j's because the defender is too close.(He shoots it from roughly shoulder level)Shellhead is such a wuss it's not even funny. He's no Christian Laetner. Which isn't sayin' much. He has no fire whatsoever. There you have it.
  12. Please change your handle. You live in a dream world. When we speak of the "real" state of the Hawks, you don't want to know. Why? Are you afraid? Go to NBA.com, read a paper. The stats are everywhere except in your head.
  13. Are you still mad that you made yourself look like an idiot a few weeks ago? Remember, you said the Hawks only made the playoffs a "couple" times in the 90's. I've got nothing against you. Why are you calling me a moron while being grammatically incorrect yourself? Whatever. You may think I'm negative. I think I'm positive, because I can realize what the things are that need to be changed. You have no idea. Some of us were Hawks fans before J.T.. We know where the wheels fell off the track. Do you call yourself Gutzy because you don't have a brain? How can there be anything positive about being the team with the 5th worst record in basketball and two of the teams below you, own you? That really only leaves TWO, count em' TWO teams that we can legitimately claim to be better than. Those are the effing facts. Stop with the personal attacks.
  14. LOL at anyone who posts something like " we're only a few games out. Have patience. The guys are growing as a team."! I mean there are only 4 teams with fewer wins!(Boston, Philly, Seattle, and Memphis) We've lost to Philly and Seattle twice!
  15. R.I.P. Lou. http://atlanta.braves.mlb.com/news/article...sp&c_id=atl
  16. Quote: Quote: You might not be developing the specific system and plays in which you will be successful when a real coach comes here, but they are developing a ton of chemistry, and they are learning as a team how to rally around one another, how to play to each other's strenghts and squeeze out some wins. You can let guys play together a lot on a playground with no ref or coach and they can develop serious chemistry with time. Blagh, Blagh Blagh. I play ball regularly. I know chemistry and we've got about as much as me and the random groug of guys that I kinda' know and play with at the gym. Why did we let Al shoot us out of any "chemistry building" last year? Because they were so stupid as to believe we could be competitive with him. We totally wasted a year with Smoove ,Chill, and Marvin last year. Al ate up minutes and prolonged their growth period. Why? Because they are idiots. Why did we draft Shelden "Lady Vol" Williams? Because they are idiots. That's all I have time for. You can "stay the course" tomorrow. This is what you responded with. How grown up is that? Quote: So the season is over because you hate the ownership. Makes sense. Everybody knows that a team can't grow, learn how to play together, or learn how to win if Troy McClure doesn't like the ownership that hired the GM that assembled the team. Makes perfect sense. You've convinced me, I'll quit watching. Talk to all you guys next year. I have issues with your chemistry argument. Remember, that is the positive thing you are talking about. I briefly stated the Al situation and how the "growth" of the core players, that I apparently care about more than you, was slowed by a season for no reason whatsoever. Go ahead with the childish attacks. I've got nothing against you. I've got something against stupid rich people toying with the emotions of a city. I think this team could have been in the playoff chase last year if Woody was a better coach. He fails us night in and night out. This team has flaws, but it could win. Woody uses those flaws to mask his own incompetence. BK uses Woody to mask his. They are not honest men. I am trying to steer the talk toward how we can get out of this mess. DUH
  17. Quote: It's ok to want to look for positives, but I ask everyone to look for positives in negative posts as well. Don't go negative because you don't understand at first where someone is coming from. (Also note the irony of your actions when doing so) Some of us love the Hawks. Maybe a little too much. It kills me to see this convoluted crap night after night after night after night. Why are you bringing nothing to the table and slamming me personally? P.S. You didn't note the irony of your actions, so I will. Does it make you feel good to attack me?
  18. Quote: You might not be developing the specific system and plays in which you will be successful when a real coach comes here, but they are developing a ton of chemistry, and they are learning as a team how to rally around one another, how to play to each other's strenghts and squeeze out some wins. You can let guys play together a lot on a playground with no ref or coach and they can develop serious chemistry with time. Blagh, Blagh Blagh. I play ball regularly. I know chemistry and we've got about as much as me and the random groug of guys that I kinda' know and play with at the gym. Why did we let Al shoot us out of any "chemistry building" last year? Because they were so stupid as to believe we could be competitive with him. We totally wasted a year with Smoove ,Chill, and Marvin last year. Al ate up minutes and prolonged their growth period. Why? Because they are idiots. Why did we draft Shelden "Lady Vol" Williams? Because they are idiots. That's all I have time for. You can "stay the course" tomorrow.
  19. Quote: Will someone please answer a question. Has Walter ever said anything positive about the Atlanta Hawks? it's a legitimate question not meant to start a flame war. there are plenty of post diggers around here, perhaps someone can find something positive Walter said about the Hawks out of 3000 some odd posts. I look forward to reading it. Go Hawks! I think you owe W an apology. Itwas not a legitimate question and it was intended to start a "flame war". I think you just wanted to say flame war! You did not answer his question, you just blindly attacked. Why? We all know you love the Hawks. So does Walter. Stop penalizing him for having the knowledge and giving the effort to spend personal time trying to think of a way to fix the Hawks. He may be wrong. We'll never know. There are only about 30 legitimate GM jobs on the planet. So please refrain from the " If you think you know so much, why don't you go get a GM job" kind of bullsh*t that I expect to hear from you and others. You are reminding me of the people in Idiocracy.(exceptional over the top representation of future life film from Mike Judge) Walter isn't cool cause he talks all funny using complex arguments and sh%t! If you are gonna attack, attack the ASG!
  20. Quote: You have to consider the pg and center problems when looking at the record. Those guys (except for speedy) probably won't be here long. I consider that. Then I consider that BK signed them.(He should be fired for the Speedy thing alone)Then I consider that the ASG has let BK have a job this long. Then I consider what I know about basketball and good coaching and how our games could have turned out and... There you have it.
  21. Quote: LOL. If we go .500 the rest of the year, I guess the season will be "over" every other game. WTF? I could have sworn that we're developing chemistry, learning how to win and finally getting back from injuries, but hey what do I know? I guess losing a tight game late in the 4th to a team that would easily be 1st in the east really proves that the season is over and we should all quit. Quote: Don't go negative because you don't understand at first where someone is coming from. Then why don't you tell us in one sentence what you hope to accomplish with these threads? Bring down those fans who are still enjoying the progress of the youngest team in the league despite the fact that we know we won't make the playoffs? Establish a precedent so you can pull the thread up when the season is over and we miss the playoffs and pat yourself on the back? FYI the bulls were 20-27 at this point last year and got the 7 seed. We're 18-29 after a ton of injury and a ton of close and OT losses. I certainly don't expect us to make the playoffs, but the season is far from over. I never thought that the goal was playoffs this year anyhow. The goal was growth and learning how to develop chemistry and win games down the stretch. There is still plenty of time to do that, and our performance over the second half of the season will go a long way towards us working our way into the playoffs next year. This isn't 04-05. The goal is competent basketball night in and night out. I'm not going to get into an "is Woody right for the job?" thing with you. I am pretty sure the case is closed. I am trying to say that there are serious organizational flaws that can't be overcome. I have to much respect for myself to have respect for what the ASG, BK, and Woody have done to the uniform. I am waiting for Lord Belkin. Nothing could be worse than the haze of uncertainty and blind hope that the ASG has apparently wrapped around you. I know basketball. This is crap. On our best nights we are Flinstonian in our execution. You're right this isn't 04'-05'. It's 06'-07' and we're in basically the same place. P.S. If you have to fire your coach at the end of the season, you are not developing chemistry. You obviously didn't read the irony part.
  22. Quote: Quote: A lot of "fans" have memory spans of maybe 48 hours. This allows them to forget all of the crap. I can't. Looks like you forgot the NJ victory or the fact the Hawks just had their first winning month in 3 years. This is what I'm talking about EX. I respect your opinion but You're forgetting: We got blown out by...Charlotte!!!!!...Twice!!!!!...In a row!!!!! That is pathetic. There is no rhyme or reason to our success. I watched the Jersey game. I really enjoyed it. I just knew the season was blown long ago. You should have too.
  23. Quote: For all of you delusional Squawkers, this game should be a wake up call. The season was over a month ago. I pose this question: When will the collective intelligence of this board be high enough to allow us to form a general consensus on Mike Woodson? It's been over two years! He might actually suck worse now than he did two years ago. He doesn't just suck. He really sucks! Watch his press conferences, read his quotes. There is ALWAYS an excuse. It starts from the top. No accountability. I said yesterday that I was not impressed by the winning month. Tonight's game is why. This thread will be updated occasionally to remind everyone of how we got in this mess. The season is 82 games but you can ruin the season in the first month. A young team needs to pile up wins, not give them away. It's ok to want to look for positives, but I ask everyone to look for positives in negative posts as well. Don't go negative because you don't understand at first where someone is coming from. (Also note the irony of your actions when doing so) Some of us love the Hawks. Maybe a little too much. It kills me to see this convoluted crap night after night after night after night. It's like Groundhog Day or something. A lot of "fans" have memory spans of maybe 48 hours. This allows them to forget all of the crap. I can't.
  24. Quote: could we possibly shoot any worse? Yes. Let's hope we don't.
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