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Everything posted by BHayley

  1. JJ set a career high and Marvin looked like garbage.
  2. ZaZa deserved to keep playing--he was playing well--still not as well as last year though. The two play well next to each other, as is evidenced by my NBA Live record with the Hawks. I'd love to get Kurt Thomas or Magloire or Petro or any of these big guys if Shelden could be shipped. Wouldn't mind shipping ZaZa if he still can't produce more.
  3. I agree. Watson + Petro would be outstanding. Plus, the Sonics have like 18 7-footers, so we might as well get one, and Petro is long and athletic. Why don't we just ship Childress for Wilkins IF we can't resign him, and get Watson and Petro? I don't care if we have to give up picks also--these guys would really help.
  4. LOL, so where does Marvin go? I don't even think I'd do Childress straight up for Lamar. No need to trade 2 bigs either unless we get more than 1 player back
  5. After watching the 4th quarter, I want Ridnour. That #11 for Ridnour trade would've been golden. I'd trade Shelden + Salim + Lue + 2nd round pick for Ridnour, Watson, Petro
  6. 1) We have a rematch against a Portland team who always manages to squeak by us. We will be ready, Marvin was hot last night--hopefully the coaches were yelling at him today in practice to keep attacking, JJ let his teammates have fun last night. 2) We always play well against PHX. The last 4 times we played them: 1) Nash hit a clutch 3, 2) We won in PHX, 3) They pulled away in last 2 minutes 4) We beat them in ATL. I'm hoping we can come out with fresh legs and stick it to them. 3) The Clippers suck. I think we can win 2 of these 3 games...A little worried about the Clippers game on the 2nd night of a back-to-back. What do you all think? Marvin must stay aggressive. I hope the coaches kept encouraging Marvin today, told Acie to step his game up, and told ZaZa to duplicate last night's performance. If they can do that, and at least 2 of our 3 (Marv / Chillz / Smoove) can step up and JJ has about 20, we will be in good shape.
  7. Let's see Marvin play half that decent against Portland and in Phoenix. We all knew he'd be big in front of his people
  8. LOL I heard that. So true. Great game for Marvin. We all knew he'd show up tonight. The big test is Sunday, and we didnt get to rest anyone
  9. Damn, Ridnour looks good in this quarter. If he could shoot and defend, I'd give Acie + Shelden for Ridnour + Petro. Those two would be great for our team
  10. I can't believe we can't hold a lead against the worst team in the NBA. So now we have to put JJ in. Pathetic
  11. Petro is having a hell of a game
  12. He must be like 0-6 tonight with 4 of the shots being blocked.
  13. That's what I'm saying...Not sure if you're sarcastic or not... I have not been impressed at all with Acie. one or two good games he's played well
  14. Just wondering...Where's Damien Wilkins? is Carlesimo pulling a Woody and benching his hottest player?
  15. Our interior defense tonight is garbage. All SEA has to do is throw it under the basket and it's an easy dunk. Our offense has been stagnant too. We won't beat PTL Sunday if we play like this. Good game from Marvin
  16. BHayley


    -Salim looked completely isolated during one of the huddles after the TV break on the Hawks broadcast -Gotta feel bad for Shelden. Dude gets no PT, got robbed outside his own barber shop. -JJ looks to be setting his teammates up and may look for a triple double. -Hopefully we can rest everyone for the big Portland game Sunday. That game is absolutely crucial. -Acie looked pathetic in that first half. Badly missed 2 shots and was tripped like 3 times
  17. LOL, wtf are you talking about? He was out the first half of the second quarter
  18. jeje. Let's see if Marvin does anything tonight in front of his hometown. Hopefully it's 21 points on 12 shots, not this 3-5 FG, 12 pts nonsense. MUST-WIN TONIGHT, AND STFU TO ANYONE WHO THINKS OTHERWISE. EVERY GAME IS A MUST-WIN WITH THIS TEAM
  19. Hey, why don't you go waste another 6 of your hours (must not have a job) making a lame game thread that 3 people read!
  20. This guy has won 75 % of our games the last 2 seasons. He was the chief reason we didn't win about 10 games all of last year, and he is slumping a bit this year. He is the only player on our team who can score 27 on any given night. I have been harsh on Smoove, but he is coming along nicely, and Marvin had his 3 or so good games in December and is garbage right now. Joe + Smoove + Gasol = Death to the Eastern Conference. Trade Marvin!
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