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Everything posted by BHayley

  1. Quote: Marvin just has a general awkwardness about him like the way he walks is like one leg's longer than the other Marvin does have an awkwardness about him. That annoying jog really gets to me. At the Woodward scrimmage back in October (right before the season started), Mr. Holman announced the players as they came out of the tunnel, and Marvin had that annoying limp as he was jogging out. WTF. He can't penetrate, get fouled and make the shot period. I swear, he drives, and the second he gets touched, his arms fly everywhere, and the ball hits Dominique Wilkins 20 feet away in his courtside seat. EVERY time. I would trade Marvin straight up for a nice PG or package him for Gasol. If BK did either of these moves, I'd forgive him for the Paul / Williams disaster of 2005
  2. The PTL trade post was a joke. I keep seeing Chris Paul should be all star starter, MVP blah blah. ROY is murdering it. Deron is a beast. Instead of being all pissy about passing on these guys, why not just screw around for once and have a sense of humor.
  3. Joe should be starting for the East. Tim Legler on NBA Daily Dime on ESPN, and a lot of comments I've seen. I personally think Dwyane Wade is highly overrated, has the reps wipe his @$$ every time he falls or touches the ball. I think it's better if Joe plays well on this trip and gets the respect of the coaches. We shall see.
  5. LOl, I don't know if Bibby is the answer. Mike Bibby from 2002 and 2003 is the answer. If we had that Mike Bibby on this team, we'd be even better than New Orleans is right now and probably top 3 in the West. Unfortunately, that's not the case. I'd go after Sergio Rodriguez, Jarrett Jack, or one of Memphis' PGs. And no, we are not set at the 5. I want Gasol, and I want a quick / intelligent starting PG. Bibby is putting on years and isn't healthy enough.
  6. What's the point of that Chicago trade? We don't need a backup PG. We need a POINT GUARD. Acie Law isn't going to do anything this year, AJ is wearing out. We need a point guard, not another solid backup. Jesus Christ.
  7. No, the Clips went to the playoffs 2 years ago, and would be very high in the west if they had all their personnel on court. At least he has that on his resume. All we have are a bunch of pathetic and useless owners, one who thinks we're the greatest franchise of all time.
  8. We play Seattle on the road. If we lose this, all hell will break loose. Not to mention, we play the Blazers and Suns after that. Jesus.
  9. I'll do this trade in a heartbeat. I'd trade Marvin and Claxton for Mo straight up
  10. 1) We have the worst ownership I have ever seen in sports. Our "head guy," Michael Gearon, based on his comments, appears to think we're going to win a championship this year. You never hear from these owners, you never hear them complain about our losing. These guys are a general stick in the mud. Mr. Levenson and Peskowitz are the only two who I think might have somewhat of an interest at all in the team. 2) We still have no center or point guard. ZaZa, unfortunately, is complete garbage. Lorenzen has the body, but he is useless. Shelden has never made a dunk in his career. Solomon might be our best center. Our point guard rotation is atrocious. People here are raving about how amazing and promising Acie has been...? The guy has about 20 total assists all year. AJ is at least 45, had his stretch of good games, and is slowly burning out. Let's not forget about "The Closer," who can only shoot, and is a Nominee for Worst Defensive Player Of All time. Then let's not forget Marvin, who has never been fouled and made the shot. This guy falls back 350 feet and on his head when anyone touches him with a feather. We have a pathetic coaching staff consisting of a decent assistant-caliber coach/average NBA coach at best, someone who looks like he could be Acie and Salim's illegitimate dad (Fizdale), Bob Bender, who spends more time incessantly chewing his gum and staring at cheerleaders than he does taking an interest in this team, and Larry Drew, who doesn't even want to be here. Then there's Billy Knight, who I actually do not hate. He had two miserable moves in getting Speedy and Shelden, who at the time kinda made sense. Unfortunately, our GM is more likely to mingle with fans than he is to make any kind of meaningful trade. How hard is it to throw ZaZa, Lue, Marvin, and Salim out there and get a 7"0 big man? Why can't we get Jerome James or Eddie Curry? Or Foyle or that guy the Warriors just dropped? Yes, I believe we'll win at least 2 games on this road trip, but this is not a playoff team until I see a trade or two. Enjoy.
  11. Rubbish. Do you think Marvin or Smoove can be a legit #1 scorer? Gasol isn't gonna score 25 a game. The idea is to get JJ and Gasol TOGETHER. How does trading JJ help us? He's won 3/4 of our games. Of course he's gonna struggle after back-to-backs and when 80% of the team doesn't bother to show up every 3 games. It's more like: Trade Marvin, ZaZa + Lue for Gasol and move to Smoove to 3. Then we have a legit contender.
  12. Apparently, in the Dallas game in Atlanta (first game of the year), the scorer at the table started the clock a second late in the first quarter. In other words, it was a second behind the whole time. This was with approximately 11 minutes to go in the 1st quarter. Mr. Stern has received word and is enraged. He says we will "replay every game this season" with a 30 point deficit at the beginning of every game, and if we do not comply, we will forfeit the games. We will lose our 1st round pick for the next 25 years, our team is being fined $600,000,000, and the scorers are going to prison with Mike Vick. Oh how the NBA would do this to us.
  13. Quote: Carmelo and A.I.? Good luck on moving down tonite. The "Clear Heels" will be in full force. THere's always an empty seat or two, unless it's Kobe or LeBron. I've gotten into lower level when Garnett, T-Mac&Yao, and other stars have come. You just have to be careful.
  14. Get there an hour early if you can, go in the terminals closest to the benches, and tell them you're going to get autographs. Then go and sit in those $125 seats and enjoy the game.
  15. I love the win and all, but why did he have to play 42 minutes? Let Mario get some burn
  16. I don't really see the point in this deal. Ridnour can't stay healthy, Swift seems like he's never coming back. So basically you're trading a great asset (Childress) + trash for a streaky Damien Wilkins + trash. I don't see the point. I'd take Earl Watson of course
  17. LOL what are you talking about? idiot. i have no idea who this prick is
  18. As soon as we release Vick from his contract, I will stop believing. For your info, on an AJC poll, at least 45 or 50 percent are intrigued by the idea of bringing him back, and I'm sure he'll bring revenue to our team. All he has to do is appear in commercials warning against dog fighting blah blah blah and he'll be something to reckon with.
  19. I'm glad you're telling that to God. I stick by my statement.
  20. While i think Vick just wants the easy way out of this sentence (He'd still have probation), I'm somewhat happy. My hope is we get McFadden and beef up our lines so Vick can return and do big things with this team.
  21. I honestly think that if this was any other franchise, a minor trade or FA signing would've taken place in the last week. WTF is the deal? When was the last time you all saw a Hawks GM make a meaningful trade DURING the season? The AJ isn't what I'm referring to. You have to date back to the Mutombo trade to actually see a trade where we did something. The current situation is BS. I can't believe the ASG aren't doing anything.
  22. He played ZaZa 2 minutes, Shelden 11 minutes, and Horford only played 22 because of foul trouble. So what did he do? He put Josh Smith and Childress in at Center and power forward respectively, even though the Nets were using bigs like Josh Boone, who were getting crucial rebounds. Woodson could've easily used Lo or ZaZa or Shelden, but my guess is that he is fed up with not having a big who can cover the lane and get boards, so he left Smith at center. We need a trade soon...
  23. It was also humorous last night during warmups when the players are supposed to be focusing on the game, and I see Lorenzen and Shelden joking around and playing 1-on-1, shooting fadeaway 20 footers with one hand. No wonder these guys are useless.
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