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Everything posted by Sasquatch

  1. All Woody does is get on young players about what they "should have done". That is not coaching! I can do that. If Acie screws up, everyone on this message board can see it. Same for Smoove, Marvin, Zaza... Pointing stuff out after the fact is the easy part. When is the last time this idiot came up with an idea proactively to help this team win? I cannot remember this team ever winning because of his strategy or scheme! Fire this BUM!!!!!
  2. This guy is plain ignorant!!! Ron Artest was killing us. It was bad enough that he put Joe him to begin with. But when the idiot finally put Marvin on him, Marvin shut Artest down. What does this jackass do? He brings in Josh and has Marvin switch to guard someoneelse! Artest proceded to wear his but out. To make matters worse, Josh had 4 fouls! FIRE THIS CLOWN!
  3. I don't know much about him but Hawks just e-mailed me.
  4. These frauds called a touch foul ob Acie on the break and we've been getting killed. Then the guy extended his arm on Acie and he got called for that to!
  5. Shell is my MVP so far. He is getting back physical with them
  6. Quote: That Hawks version of "WHERE AMAZING HAPPENS" was kinda cool, too. They showed Smoove blocking D wade and captioned "Not in our House". It was actually in THEIR HOUSE!!!
  7. Put Wright in. We need a jawbreaker out there its obvious they think they can do whatever they want to us! Wright is a vet that knows the right way to send a message when this trash is going on.
  8. I am frustrated with Woody. There really is not much we can do if Dallas is gonna make 3s like that. But Dampier is looking like King Kong out there and he is a certified scrub. Woody seems to have forgotten how valuable Lorenzen Wright has been when we just needed to match up against a big body.
  9. Quote: Hawks might as well trade for Beaver too since it's a pipe dream I just love how some people voluntarily visit message boards and then get so torn apart when they find that people are using the board to express an opinion. Great job Tarzan. You are a man's man!
  10. Quote: He would be a great addition IMO too...problem is - we are on a shoestring budget. Also, I wonder if having him here making that kind of money might upset the delicate chemistry on our team (meaning JS might be jealous). I agree about the money. Seems like he is a back up for Seattle and I would expect the same here, thus I would pay him accordingly ( seems like his contract is up after this year - need clarification). But man! I think he would fit the scheme of what we are trying to do. For example, he can be subbed in for Joe, Marv, or Smoove. I would not play him at the 4 but he has the size to "maintain" in case we switch on D. He could also enter as a "sub" for whoever is at the 1 because you could move Joe to point. I just LOVE the number of options we would have with this guy and his consistent shooting! I think he would be a much better upgrade for us than that overpaid R. Lewis with Orlando. Only if we can "keep the money down though". If we got this guy next year that would be great!
  11. Man, I like that cat. That dude can flat out shoot! He has done it over time too! Almost 49% fg almost 40% 3pt. I saw the Indy game and was intrigued by Rush but I don't think he can help us unless he is scoring and BK and Woody don't seem to like those types of one dimensional players. I kinda have that concern about Wally Z¥£... But man, the dude is 6'7 and 245"lbs. At least with those dimensions we could maintain our defensive philosophy by switching on every man. I also like the fact that he has a little foot speed and quickness. Of course I would not be thrilled about giving him anything near the contract #s he's got at the moment $10mil per. I think it runs out after this year.
  12. Quote: That Hawk-hating, arrogant, snobby, never-played-a-sport-in my life Matt Chernoff will be off the air on 790. Matter of fact I think that he is already gone. I really hated that bastard!!! Great call!!! So glad that ignorant child is gone. Funny thing is, the fraud is going to try to pretend he is such a professional at his new gig. It doesn't matter though, because, at the end of the day, you are who you are.
  13. Quote: its coz i yelled at him during the twolves game to get up and start doing something and coaching and stop sitting there and to coach hard and loud and proud Geeez! Yall cats hate Woody. If he comes up missing I know where to look for suspects. No prisoners.
  14. Quote: Looks like Howard just slapped his wrist on the foul. So Joe just scored from the line. Now has 21 points and extended our lead. Find something else to [censored] about. Dude. You can't just spit out some numbers and convince us we did not see what we saw. Its not like we have it out for him. He is missing oppurtunities no matter what the stats show. Don't get so bent out of shape over someone's OPINION. That's what message boards are for.
  15. Goodness! Joe couldn't even take Turkalou to the hole!!!!
  16. Man. That dawgone Joe aint makin close range shots or drawing fouls. I was almost relieved to see Josh pulling up for that 3. This is ridiculous! You can't convert or draw a foul from that close in on that many attemps!
  17. Wow. Check out Woody's pants! Looks like he's wearing pajamas.
  18. Wow. Woodson is showing confidence in some players! He let Salim play thru a time out. And I guess he was forced to give Sheldon minutes.
  19. Salim can't throw it in the ocean but he still keeps the defense honest so Joe can get decent looks. He even let Salim stay in after one of the time outs.
  20. Quote: I love your last statement: "Josh Smith fans will say I'm hating on him. Hawks fans will say that Josh has been playing for a contract all season, and it's had a negative impact on the team." your deductive prowess on that one is borderline Sasquatch territory... Guess what buddy I'm about to blow your whole theory away to oblivion. I AM a Hawks fan and I'll be the first to say - you are a hater. Lol. A genius at work. What a masterpiece! I love how a guy (many of you guys actually) hang out on message boards an get absolutely torn up when people express their opions. For the record. I actually appreciate other points of views and I love to debate. As a matter fact that's why I come here. So I guess the question is why do you? In addition, I like it so much, I am proud as heck to have joined the ranks of those that actually support the site. So take all the shots you want buddy, if that's what takes to get this squad to the playoffs or if that's what you THINK it takes, have the heck at it.
  21. We are up by 20 but it seems like it is more because they are so bad not because we are playing good.
  22. I like the move putting Mario in. Will help keep our energy up.
  23. Im glad we are up big, but some how we just seem to not be completely comfortable on offense.
  24. Quote: Quote: Dude. Who cares. What is your problem? I was just joking with you and you say i will run to chillz? When have i ever done that to anyone? Come on man. Let's watch the game. I mean you made a smart comment and it wasn't called for. Lets just enjoy the game
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