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Everything posted by Sasquatch

  1. Quote: He wants the ball, they just don't give it to him. That's a MF lie!!!! Watch how many times this F¤g sissy gets the ball and never even looks at the rim. Watch how soft this asexual worm comes off screens!!! He would not care if he went all night without a shot. If you benched him he would not say a word. Just watch for the points I mentioned and you will see.
  2. Marvin Williams is a Jellyfish!!! I am sick of this woman!!! He is the best shooter on the team and he absolutely does not want the ball. What a wuss. It is to the point now that I am about to start blaming him for those awful shots that Smoove takes. Think about it. If you were on the floor and both Smoove and Marvin were beggin for the ball who would you give it to? Smoove gets the ball because he wants it plain and simple.
  3. If there were ever such a thing as a mercy killing we could use it now. Somebody introduce a euthanasia bill on the hill. I think it's obvious Woody's already carrying the cross to the place of the killing. Just do it quickly bro. Woody... Thanks for stoppin' by.
  4. Quote: Hayley...are you kidding me? Charlotte game... 7 assists 0 turnovers...blowing out Charlotte... then injured... not ready to start? he's ready... he plays GREAT defense... if you watch him closely... i've seen many occasions where he was switched onto a bigger guy and he's held his own or stolen the ball... he denies passing lanes and makes smart decisions... he's ready... now if he wasn't injured... by that dirty sob from charlotte...then yeah... Dude. Great obserbvation. It shows that you actually watch the games. You have to remeber that most people just look at stats so the defensive play you mentioned does not show up there. The fact is, Acie's defense has been very suprising to me. It also makes you wonder about Woody. He's supposed to be a defensive minded coach but he takes his best (by far ) defensive pg out at the end of games!!! The stops Acie made against: Billups, Prince, and ?Hayes were unbelievable. The Hawks need to basically put their foot down with Smoove. When you get the rebound, give the ball to Law. The running game is where Law can get everyone into a rythm and build confidence. Incidently, Smoove proved his detractors right last night. That was an amazing game by him. He stopped settling for J's and consequently, he DOMINATED!!!!!
  5. I know the feeling. Some of the stuff they do is just unbelievable. Like ZaZa 1 on 1 with a guard and he throws the ball away floppiing for a foul. I just don't see how Steve Smith and Bob Rathmun do it. I would be on the telecast cursing these fools left and right up and down. I would probably start talking about their mommas.
  6. Anybody ever notice how everyone we play can run a pick and roll? When is the last time we show effeciency with the pick and roll which is the most basic nba play. In another post I commented on how they can't even implement a zone!!!! Wow!!!! I also commented on how they don't seem prepared for the intensity of the game. If they have practices that are worth anything this should not be a problem. I mention this because of that completely unacceptable inbounds play. This is ridiculous. Woodson could be in trouble. We have the Spurs coming in next. I've got season tix and can't see myself going down there just to male the long ride home pi$$xd off.
  7. These fools can't even play a zone!!!! Do you see how far out the guards are extending on the perimeter? It's like they don't realize that the purpose of the zone is to protect the paint!!!!!
  8. What the heck do these guys do in practice? They play as if they do not expect the other team to take the ball or challenge or anything? You see balls bounce off of players and go out of bounds at an alarming rate. That zone play that Marvin blew to let the guy drive! It forced Shelden to cover and left the lane wide open. The whole purpose of the zone is to stop the drive and Marvin just let him right by. Al and Joe fighting for the ball on the baseline (all by themselves) and the ball trickles out of bounds. Zaza gets a defensive rebound and flings it to T Lue 3ft away and it ricochets off into the hands of the bucks!!! This is unacceptable not to mention unwatchable!!! What in the world are they doing in practice because it certainly does not seem like they are ready for the speed of the game. BTW. Marvin can't just pull these disappearing acts!!! Show up son. And yoi need to know that if nobodyelse noticed your reluctance to take big shots in the Seatle game, I did. Don't be such a whimp!!!
  9. Wow. A raptors fan talking about being disinterested in another team! Ask the average fan to name 3 players on their roster. Ask the average fan to find Toronto on a map. Except for Bosh, how many American born stars stayed there a second longer than they were bound by a contract?
  10. Quote: Offensive Movement. JJ did a lot of moving with the ball that set up plays. Smoove did a lot of moving toward the goal. Chillz and Marvin never stopped Moving. At one point, we were 71% shooting!!! right before the half! Get the ball to Law after the rebound!!!!! Do you hear that Smoove???? This keeps the guys on the same page and let's everyone get into a rythm.
  11. Quote: That foul that Smith committed on Wallace might be the best foul i have ever seen lol. Did the Hawks hire a new offensive coach? You preachin' the Gospel about that foul baby. Yes, the new offense is GET THE BALL TO LAW ON THE REBOUND!!!!!!! I gotta say this, I am a big time Horford fan but... THE BROTHAS LUV ZAZA!!!!!
  12. Quote: I guess we see what happens when you give the ball to ACIE on the dawggone rebound!!!!!! Hear that Smoove. Thanx to the writer in Detroit!!! This cat already has three assists!!!!! But most importantly the team is on fire, the offense is clicking, and Joe drilled his first 3!!!! Let the man do his job!!!! I luv ya Smoove, but give Law the ball and everyone wins!!!!!
  13. I guess we see what happens when you give the ball to ACIE on the dawggone rebound!!!!!! Hear that Smoove. Thanx to the writer in Detroit!!!
  14. Quote: we don't need a point guard... we need a better coach... and players that let the PG run the show instead of play 1 on one. we have no offensive organization and heave up a bunch of horrible shots... its sad to watch... we didn't even run today and i kept yelling for us to run run run and push the ball up... i don't know what this team is doing...seems to me they have some chemistry and attitude issues at times. Wow! Can I have your autograph? I now know that I am not alone in the Universe. Excellent job Sir!
  15. Quote: once again, our offense looks like crap with tlue in. Woody failed to make an adjustment on the Horford v. Haywood matchup. Woody= a total failure.
  16. Quote: ... Also why isnt Mike Woodson putting Josh Smith in the post for offensive rebounds or defensive rebounds im getting sick of this guy standing at the 3 point line the whole game he is not reggie miller. Why is it that our starting PF has to be at the 3 point line the whole game on defense and offense its mind boggling to me. Im beginning to wonder what is the problem... With his athelism and leaping ability he should be in that paint and not move from there he would get us alot of rebounds and putbacks in there and that would probably get him going by giving him confidence and raise that FG... We have huge problem at point guard they all suck balls none of them are capable of running the fast break when was the last time you saw a hawks PG running the break... Until we get that Point guard situation fixed things are gonna get ugly. We have no floor leader out there just little midgets acting like there point guards... To me something doesnt seem right maybe its him maybe its Woodson but I just dont see the same killer instinct on the offensive end from this guy he showed more fire on offense in his rookie then he is showing now. OK here's the deal... Smoove is a M.F. Idiot. He is also arrogant and selfish. We'll start with your issue, "when is the last time our pg ran the break...". You do realize Smoove is our leading rebounder? I CHALLENGE ALL OF YOU! LOOK TO SEE HOW MANY TIMES SMOOVE GIVES THE BALL TO ACIE AFTER A REBOUND!!!! This arrogant a$$ will not do it. I saw Acie call Smoove over to set a pick last night and this fool woud not do it. He just stood there and demanded the ball. To make matters worse he was out beyond the key (again). This jacka$$ is taking the pg out of the game. He is keeping Law from getting any rythm. He wants to run th break to show his skills. Team be damned! Why won't Woody put him on the block? Because Smoove doesn't want to play on the block! I told yall what happened in the Suns game. Law got on to Smoove about a bad shot and Woody yanked Law! If Woody won't let somebodyelse straightn Smoove, he sure as heck won't do it. I am really getting disgusted with Smoove and Joes lip.
  17. Quote: Please. Josh Smith has been inefficient in nearly every game so far, and has a monstrous amount of turnovers for a 4th-year player. He has to step up, or the Hawks aren't making the playoffs. (My preference would be minimizing his role on offense). At least we know he's a slow starter. (***Crosses fingers***). He just is not smart. He is literally shooting himself out of a "big money" contract. All he has to do is take quality shots with a decent fg% and avg. Nooooo! That makes too much sense. How many power forwards get big time deals with 36% from the field? The way he cries to refs, it's like everything is about him not the team.
  18. In the papers than on the court. I will say this, when Kobe complains about personell, he'll back it up with 30+. 'Nique never complained about personell and we never had to wait for him to show up.
  19. Quote: Joe hasn't said anything even REMOTELY controversial and we have people saying "Or we could trade his behind". JJ hasn't said he wants to be traded, hasn't bashed anyone on the team, and is playing well. There is no reason AT ALL for a post like this. Huh? Slow down Sally. According to a reporter from Phoenix, Joe made comments along this line AFTER we beat the Suns. Went so far as to be qouted as describing the situation as "frustrating". And reiterating his position that developing the players we have is not his plan of choice. I will say that the reporter never disclosed the question tha Joe was responding to when he said frustrating. However, voicing his displeasure with developing our young guys just when they are starting to develope is just STUPID. Furthermore, I did express the utmost gratitude for Joe and offered of the benefit of the doubt in his regard. I even said that I thought the comments were old remarks from the Amare deal. I'm guessing that's why you only quoted part of the statement. At the end of the day, for Joe to make these comments in the Media just when the franchise is showing signs of life and garnering fan support, is no different than when Terrance Moore ran that hatchet job referencing Chris Paul after our first victorious season opener in 9 years! I like Joe but he needs to focus more on beating Rip Hamilton and Kirt Heinrich off the dribble than trying to pull a Kobe.
  20. Quote: Yep. And, if the young guys keep playing like they have been, Joe will not want them traded for Vet help. Yeah or we can just trade his gripin' behind. Give me a break man. We have actually been giving him a pass since pre-season 'cause we definately haven't been getting a lotta bang for our buck lately. I think all of us appreciate him deciding to join our squad, but he needs to shut the cookoo for coco- puffs routine down. Of course, that is assuming that the context of these comments are legit (ie. Not old news Sekou). Lastly, anytime someone says something like that about a trade, they should have to name who they want and who they want to give up for him. Honestly, I think these are quotes from the Amare flap and that Joe was actually trying to support Woody & BK (a trade that would not involve anyone on the roster at the time). I think Sekou just stepped in some doo - doo especially considering how defensive he got.
  21. Quote: I agree law has a long way to go before he becomes a good nba POint guard he still makes some bad decisions but that is expected. The part I think is the worst is his defernse this guy defense on good point guards has been down right awful.. Huh? Have to disagree with that. I have watched the Mavs and Piston game repeatedly. I have been impressed with his D. Billups, Prince, Hayes had zero luck posting this kid up. He even ripped Prince on one post up. Keep in mind teams are running numerous picks on us we are playing team D. When Law gets isolated he has done a fine job. As for that garbage article, don't forget the press hates BK because of the way he talks to them. No matter what happens they want people to believe, " well if we had Paul we would be even better". Simply put, BK chose a big guy that could play over a little guy that could play. How many point guards have gotten the largest contracts the few last off seasons? They can put up whatever stats they want, but Tony parker and Billups are not Champions without their bigs. Keep in mind that the Pistons were not the PISTONS until we gave them Sheed. As for Law, starting your 3rd nba game at point is bad enough. When that first start is against a hall of famer and then u get another HOF on a back to back I think he had a great strategy. Just don't lose the game. I certainly noticed a drop-off in his aggression. I am not worried.
  22. Quote: Quote: Quote: Joe does not look comfortable at all. Smoove is killing me with these shots. He's making those crazy shots tho. Really. What's his shooting percentage tonight? What's his shooting percentage for the season? I looovvve Smoove!!!!!!!!!!!! As long as he is driving to the bucket he can throw whatever he wants to up there. But those crazy long balls are killing me. I'll answer it myself. 7/14 at one point which is great. He has been driving more.
  23. Quote: Quote: Joe does not look comfortable at all. Smoove is killing me with these shots. He's making those crazy shots tho. Really. What's his shooting percentage tonight? What's his shooting percentage for the season? I looovvve Smoove!!!!!!!!!!!! As long as he is driving to the bucket he can throw whatever he wants to up there. But those crazy long balls are killing me.
  24. Quote: IDK...all that yelling can break someone down mentaily. If you are talking about the Law issue. He wasn't yelling. When I say tear into him, I mean he went to him as soon as there was a break in the action and would not hear any excuses (ie. nobody was open, I had the shot, blah, blah, blah...) As for tearing him down mentally? At some point something has to give. I mean, he has been getting subtle reminders his entire career here. In fact, he has even said that he needs to stop it. But in the end, he goes right back to it. Somebody has to have the guts to tell him, "look man, that is not acceptable". In fact, I feel pretty sure that if somebody, ANYBODY, was stepping up, Law would not feel the need to especially being a rookie.
  25. Quote: Quote: wow, nice pass from Law. I knew Chill's first 2 games were fluke. The guy reminds me of Pippen with his energy out there on both ends of the court. Did you notice that Law got pulled after he got onto Smoove about that bad shot. Matter of fact, I was at the Mavericks Game and saw Law tear into Smoove for at least 60 seconds during a time out. Smoove checked out mentally for the next 1 1/2 quarters. If Woody wont get on Smoove, then don't punish the one person that will!!!!!!!
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