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  1. Quote: A few players who played more than JJ's 41 minutes tonight: Lebron Kobe Boozer Deron Artest David West Stephen Jackson Iggy ( played 45 minutes ) What some of you have to realize, is that JJ to the Hawks, is equivalent to Kobe to the Lakers or LeBron to the Cavs. If a game is tight, all 3 of those guys have to play heavy minutes in order for their team to win. A star player playing 40+ minutes in this league is nothing. Especially if they don't have a good player as their backup. JJ dropped 25 points and 13 assists today, and we still had to fight to the end to win. If he plays 3 - 5 less minutes in that game, we might have lost it. JJ is the superstar player on our team, even if most of you don't think he is. Everything flows through JJ. He almost has to play 40+ minutes from here on out. And I have no problem with it because every other team battling for a playoff spot or playoff position, will do the same exaxt thing. I know J.J. is 3rd in the leauge in min. played but the majority of the players on that list dont play the amount of min. he do on a consistant basis because their coaches know that if you have a rested player for the 4th quarter then your chances increases to win the game.... I think Woody knows that his job is on the line and he is going to do everything possible to save his butt and if that means playing J.J. until his legs fall off well so be it.
  2. I think its ridiculus the amount of min. Woody is playing J.J. I hate to be mr. negative when were on a 3 game winning streak but if you pay close attention to the games like me you cant help but see this.....With back to back games tommorrow I wouldnt be suprise if we lose to Memphis because Woody is simply playing J.J. too much.
  3. The best read I have read since Ive been on Hawksquawk but I have been saying this for a long time now...Woodson is riding J.J. to hard.....Why not bring Salem off the bench for instance offense or West of the bench for instance defense...This is what killing our team because we can compete with any team in the 1st half but in the second half everybody is winded out.
  4. I would like to see Woodson run more plays for other players not named Joe Johnson.....It seems like every play is called for Joe Johnson....I know he is a very good player but we need other people to get involved and plus I dont want to burn J.J. out.
  5. J.J. has been caring the load for us playing alot of min. I just hope he doesnt break down.
  6. Quote: Quote: Quote: As i understand it Carlisle is a slow it down/ controlling type of coach. I don't see him being a good fit here. Look at it differently. It's ok to be controlling if you're right. He would be a major upgrade in knowledge and attitude at the position. He's not a beat down lifer. He's an energetic lifer. He likes to win. He tries really hard to. Winning is something Woody just sees as a possibility. Personally, I've never seen us as a running team anyway. We don't have tremendous finishers and not much shooting. Besides, that would be a welcome problem. I would love to find out if he could hold us back from 50 wins. This team would easily be near or above .500 with him. If your frontcourt is undersized you need to get out and run. Smith and Horford can generally beat their men down the court easily. Playing a slowdown game with an undersized frontcourt just won't work. Of course at this point i would prefer Harry the Hawk coaching as opposed to Woody. I agree....The majority of the team already stated that they feel they can play better when their out running...were not a slow it down type of team lets try to get somebody from the Suns or Warriors organization who know the up-tempo offense.
  7. Without Arenas the Wiz match up very good with us and they will have the advantage tonight in my opinion. Last game we played Jamison really killed us aswell as C.Butler.
  8. Do you guys think that Nick Young or Rodney Stuckey would have been better picks at the 11 spot?
  9. If our guys could get out and run I personally feel like it would help alot of guys out like Marvin,chillz,salem but other teams decides which style of play we play each night and if any team live by that each night you would think that your going to have a hard time winning in this league.
  10. The team is not playing with any passion.....I know this may be a broken record but if every body played with Al Horford intensity maybe we would win most of our games.
  11. I voted for Jake Long for the 1st option and Matt Ryan as the 2nd. Alot of Falcon fans are not too high on Ryan but he reminds me alot of Peyton Manning from a leader stand point.
  12. I thought Marvin production was going to go up with the aquisition of Bibby too. I think he needs to take a page from Josh Smith book and work on his game alot in the offseason and also he needs to add a 3-point shot that would help his game out alot aswell.
  13. AntHendu

    1ST Post

    Wus sup guys, Im new to the site but been a die hard hawks/falcon/brave fan for a long time. Hopefully we can go on good run and make the playoffs this year its going to be fun chating with you guys peace. Just wanted to ask you guys why do you think Solomon Jones doesnt get more than 5 min in playing time a game. I personally feel like Solomon can be pretty decent if he actually had the chance to play.
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