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Everything posted by HawkItus

  1. Don't waste your time, its going to be a joke. Mike Bell(one of the host) being a Jackass.
  2. http://babelfish.yahoo.com/translate_url?d...TrUrl=Translate
  3. You guys aren't understanding what I'm saying. That's fine to bring up the other teams and free agents. But look closely, those other teams and GM's have made significant moves otherwise, save the Bobcats. We didn't have a draft, we haven't had a trade. We've done nothing to keep the good spirits and momentum going in this city. We can't afford to do what other franchises do and be a viable team.
  4. If we get to keep Childress's rights we aren't losing him for nothing. You can't force a guy to play in the NBA. But, if he wants to play we are his only choice. I don't want to lose Chillz, but this might be the best option for both parties. We don't get a bad trade or have to match an offer sheet, he doesn't have to play for the Qualifying Offer, and once Bibby comes off the books we can bring him back if we want and still exceed the luxury tax. If somebody wants him next summer will be more flexible to make a trade and take players back.
  5. This whole Smoove/Chillz fiasco is illuminating one character flaw in Sund that I think makes him and the ASG a bad marriage. I recall several people saying Sund is a slow and deliberate decision maker almost to a fault. We've seen this thus far with his first two decisions. He took a long time to keep Woodson and he's taking a long time with these negotiations. I see trouble brewing because our owners take a long time to reach consensus as well. That means we are always going to risk being an also ran during pressure times like the trade deadline and free agency.
  6. Zaza comes off the books next year doesn't he? It provides us flexibility at the trade deadline if we need to........if you already have the players to replace him you can really just go for the best offer.
  7. any chance we sign Kwame and Randolph? I'd do this even at the expense of Chillz..... Horford/Brown/Zaza Smith/Morris/Horford Marvin/Smith/Richardson JJ/Richardson/Bibby Bibby/Law/Claxton I think that team definitely makes the playoffs....if we could miraculously keep Chills our second team could be one of the best in the east.
  8. Quote: Quote: ew look at the guys profile who wrote that comment must be diesels account! WTF!!!! Exactly. WTF!!!!
  9. yeah, he definitely won't get the money the clips are offering, but wow, the Clips could be down right awful in the West this year. I'd be tempted if I were Baron to go talk to Pat Riley or Mitch Kupchek, maybe even the Hornets. Or better yet go talk to Lebron and see if I can get a one year deal with a contender and try again next year.
  10. Nothing is official yet as far as I know. Could Davis look at the loss of Brand and take a one year deal with LA and go for a title?
  11. Quote: Quote: You didn't answer my question, D. What's Horford doing this summer? To answer your question, there needs to be some reason for the relevance? Horford is probably finishing his degree because he's proven himself in his rookie year. Marvin is in his third year. Has yet to live up to the hype. Has yet to improve any part of his game. Is making plenty of money and is going into his first free agent year. To have Acie realize that he didn't live up to his name and to be on the court busting his a00 makes his coach smile. Marvin for 3 years now have been guilty of the same things. Last year, it came to light that he needed an assistant to tell him that maybe he ought to come in and work out. So to answer your question... It doesn't really matter what Horf is doing this summer. He could be laid up with a girl on one hand and a corona in the other. We have had much success with "the Godfather" contributing and being robbed of ROY. What about Marvin? (Who wasn't even asked to participate in the Rookie-Sophomore game either year) Whoa, now Marvin has improved, not nearly enough, but he has improved. Let's not let personal bias cloud reality. And Josh Smith nor Josh Childress were asked to be part of the rookie-sophomore games. Marvin unlike Smith plays with in himself, doesn't make a ton of turnovers and only does what he is asked to do without all pouting. Lay off the man.
  12. when you shoot yourself in the foot. Match Smoove and trade Bibby? Not so fast my friends. Acie Law has yet to prove he can stay healthy or lead a team. Speedy Claxton has to suit up for practice multiple times and we have no idea how he fits with this team as constructed. But, you want to trade Bibby before we know exactly what we have? This would be a self inflicted wound that we can nary afford. Yes Mr. Bibby has his flaws, but so does every other guy on our roster. What we can attest to however, is that with Bibby our offense was notably better. Our star player found himself with fewer and fewer double teams. And even with an unhealthy hand and heel Bibby did lead us to the playoffs. Let's say we trade him, he comes back healthy next season and gives GS or whoever 15 and 7. What deal could we possibly make to balance what we've lost? And don't say he can't or won't do it. I'd put money on him accomplishing that before Speedy or Acie every day of the week. This isn't the time to make a possibly stupid mistake like trading our best bargaining chip and our most accomplished player. Give it a chance, because if it doesn't work out, he'll be worth far more this winter.
  13. So let me get this right, you guys think this team as it stands can compete for a championship? Because that is what your saying if you want Smoove back at any cost. This 37 win squad will be what we have for the future to come. Yes Horford will get better, and yes Smith will get better. Bibby will definitely move on and Acie will become our starter, but JJ, Horford, and Acie will all be coming up when Bibby comes off the books. If thats what you guys feel, we agree to disagree. I don't think this team with or without Smith is capable of winning a title. I also think we could win just as many games with a lineup of that has Horford, Williams, Childress, JJ, and Bibby playing the bulk of the minutes. Maybe I'm wrong, and I hope we don't find out.
  14. So if the Hawks decide they don't want to overpay for a player the ownership group is broke? wow. I mean the owners payed for JJ. They took on Bibby's salary. They spent on Speedy. Unfortunately BK put them in a bind with this JS issue. The speedy mistake, the drafting redundancy, it's all haunting us now. I heard a guy from the Sporting News put it best, if we had Paul he would be under a rookie contract still, we wouldn't have Speedy or Bibby on the books, and re-upping both Joshes would be a simple affair. Mistakes were made, and now we are facing the chance of losing Smoove to a ridiculous offer. But, giving Smith a contract that binds us from becoming anything more than a "good" to "average" team is not the answer.
  15. Quote: I am a big Smith fan but he just isn't worth that. If it was my decision i just couldn't match that offer. see this is my point......if they sign him to this type of deal what can we do?.......let's say GS offers him that......what salaries that we want would match up for the trade?
  16. Quote: The Nets haven't returned to the finals since the summer they let Kenyon go. Kenyon maybe a nut case in Denver, but he and Kidd had chemestry. Its not that Smith is a complete player today, but what he will be at 25-30. On top of that, by not resigning Smith the ASG is putting its collective foot in its collective mouth again. All the proclomations from Gearon et al are borderline worthless right now. Think about what the Hawks fan will think after the ASG let Smith walk for NOTHING. An SnT is only slightly better, but if we get back Dally and a couple of picks, we have gained nothing and lost a lot. Then there is the reaction on the team. No one on the team will believe anything coming out of the FO. That is a bad place to be in any company. Management and employees have to be on the same table to be successful. The further away each side gets, the less productive the entire organization. Signing Smith to an extension is a critical borameter of the health of the franchise. Letting him go is a significant sign that the ASG is without a clue or broke or both. Here's the thing, Billy played a bad hand. I'm assuming he told ASG to stand pat with the 45 million offer and that no one would go above 50 million in the summer. He was wrong. I still say if you can get Josh at 10 or 10.5 a year do it. But, I wouldn't pay him 12 mill a year. Fans be damned. Fans will root for a good product. I remember when the Patriots(I know different sport) started letting free agent players walk. The fans thought it was crazy. They aren't complaining now. Sometimes you have to admit you played a bad hand. Except your loss and move on. Throwing money in to salvage a loss is never good business. I'd take the PR hit if it meant that we could field a better team in the very near future.
  17. Let's say the Sixers go loopy and offer something the Hawks are unwilling to match. We lose Smoove. Boo hoo.....I'm still a Hawks fan, dyed and dried......100%. I suggest we take the lesson to heart and sign Chills. Move Horford to PF and lock him up after next year. Take the savings and sign a Kwame or Randolph with an eye on holding the money for resigning JJ and making our own power play next off season. But, this Smoove issue will not make or break this team. I think we have allowed circumstances to cloud our view and Sund being an outsider is more likely to see the reality. Smooth is not a championship player in his current state. For all his ability and skill, if you put him on a bad team they will continue to be bad. He isn't Kevin Garnett or Dwight Howard, Chris Paurl, or Lebron. He can't lead a team by himself. At some point by giving him an outrageous contract you would be saying that he is that type of player. I like'n him to Kenyon Martin. The Nets lost Kenyon do to a stupid choice to let him reach free agency. But, it didn't destroy the franchise, and Denver never got their money's worth.
  18. what's the big deal about balancing the roster......I think the idea is to find mismatches and exploit them. Horford- matches up with everybody in our conference except dwight howard. Smith- Besides Garnett and Bosh, he eats almost every other PF's lunch in the east Marv- Okay I admit, we get nothing here ha ha. JJ- Can hang with pretty much any SG in the east, can physically abuse 75% of them in the post Bibby- again no real gain here. to me the issue is that we don't have players who can exploit in the 3 and 1 spot. To me if we let anyone go its Bibby and Marvin when their contracts are up. Sign and trade whatever. Don't take your pluses and turn them into possible negatives Biedrins- Average center at best. Still gets eat'n by Dwight. Doesn't have a significant edge over anybody else. Horford- Good power forward, but Garnett, Bosh, Beasley, Smith if he goes to Philly, give him trouble Marvin- moving on JJ- Still a beast, but he has to carry more of an offensive load again Bibby- _________
  19. so I mean this really would give the ASG a good launch point....... -credit smith for being younger -discredit him for not being an all-star yet -home grown talent so you know he fits your system to me the logical would be 10-10.5 million a year.
  20. Quote: Can you remember a situation in the NBA when a coach came into the last month of his contract without being fired or having an extension?Sam Mitchell most recently. But I don't see your point. Who's fault is it Woodson made it to his last year without being fired or extended? Not Woodson's he didn't say let's see what happens my final year. It was ASG who wouldn't let BK fire him and who didn't extend him until recently.
  21. What I'm hoping is that Sund and Woodson communicate better. Woodson doesn't play young guys. So hopefully Sund can parlay some assets into a veteran bench that Woody will have confidence in. What good is a young project if the coach won't let him play. Go get the team he needs to be successful. That's really where I fault BK in all of this. You hired the guy and drafted/signed players that didn't fit his system or coaching style. That's like hiring a French chef and giving him Tex Mex ingredients for dinner every night.
  22. Quote: Quote: This crowd doesn't care that Woody is STILL under contract. Sund should have been out there conducting interviews as soon as he got the job. Who cares about decorum. Fire that bastard!Avery Johnson is still under contract. Should Dallas not have interviewed other coaches for the next 2 years? I think most people are advocating the ASG should have fired Woodson and opened a search for the next coach.I haven't heard the groundswell of support from players or league insiders but you can fill me in. All I remember is JJ supporting Woodson and Detroit seeking a nominal interview with him while he was still under contract with Atlanta and as Curry seemed to already have the Pistons' job lined up.see that's fine. If you wanted Woody fired understandable. But, I've seen post saying Sund didn't even interview other candidates to see if Woody was the best. My point is of course he didn't. He had two choices 1)Retain Woody or 2)Fire Woody and then find the best candidate. These people want option 3) Let's hold interviews and if Woody is the best then he can come back. Ha ha.
  23. Quote: the positition was not filled.His contract was over.No his contract is not over yet......and regardless....name me one instance where a company interviews for a contracted position before releasing the current employee?.....it doesn't happen....you can't interview people and then come back to Woody while he is under contract....and if you wait until after he is under contract do you think he's going to take a 2 year deal when you possibly get turned down by everyone else? wow. You guys are living in la la land.
  24. How do you interview someone when you have the position filled? I keep seeing this and I'm floored as to where you guys work where they interview for occupied positions? I've worked for Manufacturers, Government Agencies, and Law Firms. I have never seen a position interviewed for when the incumbents contract is up for renewal. And if a company did this the person in that job would have surely walked. Are you guys crazy? That would be the ultimate slap in the face.
  25. Honestly, as a Hawks fan I'm realistic. If I was a good coach would I come here? No. If I'm Flip or Avery coming from the rosters they just oversaw, I'm looking at the Hawks with no pick this year and thinking, I can't do better than what I just did with this roster. And what I just did got me fired. I'd wait until maybe Portland is looking for a coach or Orlando etc. I'm not risking my career on this team with this ownership. If I'm an up and coming assistant I pass on this job. That leaves us with a mediocre retread or an unknown 1st timer. In that scenario I'm okay with giving the Devil I know a little more time.
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