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Everything posted by dlpin

  1. http://blogs.indystar.com/pacersinsider/ar...nsley_deal.html apparently the deal is not official yet, and may never be
  2. He had falling outs with 2 coaches because of missed practices. That's not lousy work ethic?
  3. This denver is worse than those, though. Yeah, the Jail Blazers had more problems with the law. But for the most part they were healthy, and a few of them wanted to play most of the time. Denver you have a team that most key players have had significant injuries (last year they did well because most were able to play more than 70 games, but other than that, AI has only played more than 70 games in 2 of the past 4 seasons, Melo 3 of 4, Nene 0 of 4, Martin one of 4, now they have Tinsley, 1 of 4), problems with the law (all of them except Nene), the only guy who played defense was traded, and all of them have a lousy work ethic (except Nene again). This is a team that might lead the league in games missed due to injury, points allowed, and court appearances in the same season.
  4. the nuggets could run an ad like: " do you have problems with the law? are you constantly injured? having problems staying in shape? Do you think that the NBA is JUST like playground streetball? Then dont waste another second and run, dont walk, to sign with the denver nuggets"
  5. Photography is one of my hobbies. I have an olympus e-510. Let me know if she has any specific questions. In the mean time, the review site I like the most is cameralabs.com Most review review sites will "highly recommend" everything afraid of losing the freebies they get from each manufacturer. cameralabs will actually compare them and have useful info. But id be more than glad to share what I know. Ps: just as an aside, be skeptical of any review or any person who says that "model X is THE right choice," or "model X is absolute crap." You can't really go wrong with Dslrs, the difference is that some are better for certain purposes and budgets than others, but you cant really speak in absolutes in this market.Its all about the right compromise.
  6. I don't think they will be that bad, but I dont think they will make the playoffs either. I think hollinger is massively overestimating the heat and the bobcats, and both will be much worse than expected. On the other hand, the 7 that were ahead of the hawks last year have pretty much kept up or improved, while the pacers seem to be much better now as well.
  7. I think that Bibby is given the benefit of the doubt because of the years he had in Sac, but he has been in a free fall lately. Injuries played a part, but even before that, going from a 21 ppg guy 2 years ago to 17 and now 14. Add to that several young PGs making their way up (Rondo, Farmar, louis williams, ray felton, sessions all 24 and under) and he might not even be top 15 this year.
  8. The teams that have passed the Hawks in the rankings all have made major additions, either draft, trades, FA or simply getting people healthy again. At this point in the season, Stein is writing basically assuming certain people will be as good as we expect them to be. Of course, there will be busts, and so the rankings will be reevaluated accordingly. Rose (bulls), larry brown (bobcats), Jefferson (bucks) and the wizards (Arenas said to be back by Dec.) all look better on paper than what the hawks did, but it is a near certainty that at least one of these moves will not pan out (I'd bet on Brown- the guy has been living off name recognition and merely cashing paychecks for almost 5 years now). In any case, this past week in college football is a great example of why preseason rankings are worthless. Heck, this time last year only one "espn expert" thought the celtics would win the east, no one thought they would win the title, and a similar thing with the lakers. In fact, most of them thought the bulls would be the key contender in the east.
  9. The amount that is refunded is dependent on the amount the other person has in their account. In any case, if it was paid with a credit card, you can chargeback with them and paypal generally will not fight it if it is regarding something they ruled in your favor. Now, I never used a paypal echeck before, but there must be some way to stop its payment.
  10. Redeem team is vastly overrated. It cruised in the first round when no one gave a damn because 8 of 12 teams advances. Against Argentina, they came out strong, but then were evenly matched for 3 quarters without Ginobli, and then in a game that was a lot closer than the scoreboard suggested beat a Calderon-less Spain. This all after the most intense preparation by an American team for the olympics. The dream team beat croatia (which had 5 NBA players, including an all star and a future winner of the 6th man award) by 32 without even breaking a sweat. The "redeem team" allowed Scola to score 26, and Pau and Marc Gasol to combine for 33, all in over 50% shooting. If this team couldnt stop Pau and Marc Gasol, what would Malone, Ewing and Robinson do against them?
  11. I hate these fabricated myths. Its this type of thinking that got the US in trouble in the first place: winning a couple of games and then blowing things out of proportion. The "redeem team" had problems guarding Marc and Pau Gasol in the post and had a hard time staying in front of a 17 year old guard. Imagine what Malone, Robinson, Ewing and so on would do to them.
  12. Jordan, Barkley, and 10 random div 1aa college players would beat this team handily.
  13. With the Calderon issue and the refs today, I bet the European media will have a field day with this. Game was a lot closer than I thought.
  14. Paypal is one of the most "buyer friendly" services out there. If you open a dispute with them they will request that the receiver provide proof that he sent the item, and if he doesnt do that, paypal will decide in your favor.
  15. Quote: Yeah who wants a 20 ppg sf who goes to the freethrow line regularly? I'd much rather have the 8ppg role player. Considering the celtics have 3 20ppg players who start (one of them on his position, which meant he would be getting a lot less minutes, and shots), and considering the celtics just won the title with defense and role players that were key in the clutch when the big three let up, ppg is the last thing I would be looking at when trying to sign someone. Maggette has the edge on offense and talent, but Posey has the edge on defense, attitude and effort. The denver nuggets have shown the world that talent and offensive prowess do not equal greatness.
  16. the reports are that the celtics are offering the MLE to both, hoping to land one. That means the cap situation wouldnt change that much.
  17. As a celtics fan, Id much rather have Posey back than Maggette. Maggette is better offensively, but with Pierce, Allen, KG and possibly Sam Cassell, will he ever get his shots? Posey brings what the Celtics need: veteran leadership, a tall (2 inches taller) athletic player of the bench to provide energy defensively, someone who has been there before. Maggette has been the first or second option for most of his career, has played in 12 total playoff games (less than half what the Cs played this season alone), doesnt play a lot of D and so far hasnt shown that he cares that much about winning.
  18. The celtics at worst will be like the pistons: aging but competitive. Kg singed a three extension as soon as he was traded. Considering he had 2 years left, it means he will be a celtic for at least 4 more years. Allen is signed until 2010. The core of this team is staying together. Will they win another title? not sure, but they wont fall of the face of the earth as miami and the marlins did.
  19. Are you saying Al Jefferson is average at best? A 22 year old who averages 20-10, Im sorry but that is certainly worth a lot in this league. Oh, and besides AJ and the role players, I would just like to correct everyone: the minn pick Boston traded back to them is the 2009 pick. In all likelihood a lottery pick, we just dont know how good yet. Now, does this match KG's worth? No, but no superstar deal ever does. KG was signed for over 20 million for a couple of years, so Minnesota wanted to trade him. Given that, the celtic offer was the best offer available by far. What could the suns offer to a rebuilding team without including Amare and Nash that was better than what the Cs offered? What could the Lakers offer without including Bynum? Or Dallas without including Nowitzki? And those were the teams willing to take on a contract of over 20 mill. So a future all star, role players, 1 lottery pick and cash for 2 years worth of garnett at over 20 mill is as close to fair as it could get. Name ONE superstar trade that was more balanced than this. Name one team who offered more than the celtics. As far as Allen goes, it was almost unanimously considered a bad trade for the celtics. Is he an all star? Sure, but he is also 33, on 2 bad ankles, making 17 mill a year. If the celtics wanted to trade him this year, no way they even get a top 10 pick for him.
  20. Quote: Who reported that D'Antoni squashed a KG trade? How can one distinguish what Kerr wanted to do versus what D'Antoni wanted to do? Did I miss something??? Didnt say it was D'antoni who squashed the trade, sorry if it was unclear. When I said keeping Amare and D'antoni happy, the "not including Amare in a trade" was a part of the keeping Amare happy (as was trading Marion later). The "keeping d'antoni happy" was the hiring of Jay Humphries instead of Thibodeau. In any case, I would imagine that since it was kerr that initiated the Shaq trade for defensive reasons (although D'antoni reportedly signed off on it), and that Amare is the opposite of KG in that he is an offensive force but a defensive liability, that D'antoni would probably prefer Amare over KG. Not sure how Kerr felt about it, but it certainly looks like they messed up.
  21. Oh, and I had forgotten about rondo being originally a Sun... 2/5 of the starting team and the mind behind the Celtics defense could have been members of the Suns, but they decided to keep Amare and D'antoni happy...
  22. Im sorry, but just read what others have posted here: it wasnt nearly as lopsided as you make it out to be (fantasy leagues be damned, as they dont care about cap relief or draft picks). In fact, out of all the "superstar" trades that have been done before, these were probably the fairest ones around. Go back one year and most people actually thought that the Allen trade was bad for the celtics, giving up cap flexibility, a serviceable back up (who ended up a starter on a playoff team) and a #5 pick for a guy making 17 million for another couple of years, way past his prime and with two surgically repaired ankles. Even the KG deal celtics fans werent so sure about. To get KG, the celtics gave up one of the bigs with the most upside in the league (then 22 year old Al Jefferson, who is just one year older than Horford), a cheap and young back up who averages 11-6 for his career, 2 1st round picks, one of them in all likelihood a high lottery pick and a ton of cap relief. Compare that to any other trade that involved an all star: Carter- 3 nobodies and 2 non lottery 1st round picks AI- best comparison, as a former MVP who is about the same age as KG- Andre Miller (overpaid and considered old and washed up before his ressurgence with the 76rs), joe smith (old and overpaid), 2 non lottery draft picks Gasol- bunch of nobodies and 2 very late first round picks Shaq (LA to Miami)- one guy with potential (butler), one decent starter who never did anything (odom), an expensive contract and one non lottery draft pick. Of all of these, Boston certainly gave up the most for its superstar. Much more than denver and miami did, anyways. And keep in mind that Boston's wasnt the first, 2nd, or even 3rd proposal McHale entertained. The Suns refused to give up Amare, and several 3 way trades were considered (one with the hawks, eventually rejected as the Suns did not want to part with Amare again)/ Then dallas came along, but without including nowitzki, they simply didnt have anything worthwhile. Lakers wanted him, but wanted to dump Odom in the process (too expensive) and were unwilling to include Bynum. Only then did the celtics made the trade.
  23. they were draft day trades, so it wasnt much different.
  24. Ainge has been really good at the draft whenever Boston kept its picks. Just look at some of his picks: Perkins (27th pick) Al Jefferson (15th) Delonte West (24th pick) Ryan Gomes (50th) Rondo (21st) Davis (35th) He gave away Randy Foye, but still, solid record. Only 1st round picks that didnt pan out were marcus banks and gerald green. Other than that, never picking higher than 15 he got 1 future all star (al jefferson), 2 starters on a championship team and a few serviceable back ups.
  25. the whole "friendship with McHale" angle has been overplayed and was in reality a very small part of why this deal for KG went down. People just look at them and think this was what happened, but forget all the deals that didnt go through. Phoenix was the frontrunner to land KG, but they didnt want to include Amare in the deal. Then it was Dallas, but they didnt want to include Nowitzki, then it was the lakers, but they didnt want to include Bynum and wanted to dump Odom as well, who is signed for multiple years. With Bynum, Amare and Nowitzki out of the picture, there simply wasnt any other team with a young big man, good draft pick (remember, only one of those draft picks was originally boston's, the other one was Min.s' own pick, which is surely a lottery pick) and enough expiring contracts to make the deal work. It was more like Ainge lucked into this, as opposed to pulling strings with his old friend. This whole thing has to be really, really sour for Suns fans: first D'antoni did not want Thibodeau signed as an assistant coach, then they didnt want to part ways with Amare. Had things gone a little different, it could have been them celebrating the title right now.
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