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Everything posted by AnthonyI11

  1. First sign Joe and if we have the money sign Raymond Felton and Brendon Haywood. PG: Felton/Teague Trade/Move Bibby SG:Joe/Jamal SF:Marvin/? PF:Smith/? C:Horford/Haywood Trade/Move Zaza
  2. I love how excited you get over the least exciting thing in the world.
  3. It won't happen. It'll never happen. So stop. Joe Johnson will be back with us next year with a couple new role players. Think realistically.
  4. This is a stupid thread... Chris Paul was injured during their playoff push. End of story.. :thumbsdownsmileyanim:
  5. Joe Johnson>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Jamal Crawford Josh Smith>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Marvin Williams.
  6. JJ smiles all the time. Just because he doesnt wave a towel every time Zaza scores doesnt mean he isn't happy about it. The dude is dead serious when it comes to game time.. who smiles every second they're playing the game?
  7. Horrible thread. +1 for CrawfultoCrawsome
  8. Crap, I think we just made 2 of the same threads at the exact same time lol.
  9. Don't you think our offense AT TIMES would benefit from a driving guard that can get into the lane and kick out to Joe, Marvin, or Crawfard? He only gets PT with the bench:5 deep. I think he needs more time with the starters to show what hes got. Thoughts?
  10. No.. it was one game. Not the end of the world.
  11. LOL, I am sorry. But I finally found clutch stats so I had to post. My bad man.
  12. http://www.82games.com/0910/CSORT11.HTM He's more clutch than Kevin Durant. 11th most clutch in the 09-10 season. More clutch than: Durant Roy Ginobli Wade Iggy Pierce Stop your hating.
  13. Joe and Craw are two completely different players then Reggie and Rip.
  14. When did Joe ever say he was jealous of Jamal?? People are just saying things..
  15. This thread fails. We won the game
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