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Everything posted by JoeJohnson2

  1. I voted fair for all options but implementation of the motion offense. This blog post pretty much sums up my thoughts: http://controlatldelete.wordpress.com/2011/01/31/gauging-the-hawks-present-and-future/
  2. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Couldn't be more wrong. Tough loss, but LBJ is gonna get those calls. Joe had a look, didn't hit it. We'll get them 3 times in the playoffs.
  3. Stop assuming Acie will never develop. He is still learning how to play PG. (Think how long it took Chauncey to figure it out) He could very well be a factor for us next season, or later in this one. I am in favor of resigning Bibby, and I'm sure he'd jump at the chance to play with us some more. It is a good match for both parties. We fit his skills and he fits our needs. We convince him to come back, preferably 2 years and no more than 3, while we continue to groom Law for an eventual crack at the job.
  4. Randolph Morris=poor man's Eddie Curry Dude is ass. No skills, no intensity, no real asset on the court other than being big. Just a big block of dough.
  5. There is no way I trade Joe Johnson for anybody that we would be able to get in return for Joe Johnson. LeBron, Kobe, Wade and CP3 are probably the only players that are more valuable to their team. I wouldn't trade Joe for anybody except those 4. (Maybe D. Howard too that's a toss up) But Carmelo for Joe is a lateral move at best for us, and like busboy says most likely sets us back.
  6. No, we still need a big. Acie will grow into his position Woody is giving him time because we are solid in the backcourt right now. Zaza is the biggest liability in our top 6 right now and we need to find a solid big man to groom in the same vein as Bierdrins.
  7. Fan voting is beyond pathetic for every all-star game. I wish fans would be smart enough to say "Oh, well I vote for letting the people who know who's good pick the teams, that way I am ensured a good game", but instead, it's "Let the fans choose the match up they want to see!" In every sport, fan voting is horribly skewed to host cities, or markets with high internet users like Boston and Seattle. Joe Johnson will never be voted into an All-Star Game, and neither will any other Atlanta athlete again unless he's an undeniable, surefire All-Star, that even opposing fans know is great. That is something this city has never had aside from a few standout pitchers and Chipper on the Braves, 'Nique Wilkins, and maybe the 03-06 era Michael Vick. Atlanta fans are just too apathetic to keep up with the Bostons and New Yorks of the sporting world when it comes to voting for their favorite player. Frankly, it's because we have better things to do but still, it helps explain why Joe is 11th.
  8. Looked to me like Pierce was saying "It's over!" not "he choked", either way, Pierce is easily one of Atlanta's most hated players I'd guess. He's top 5 for me. Love watching him play, but absolutely hate that guy.
  9. Did you want the FSSouth guys to ask them to leave? They paid for tickets what do you expect them to do?
  10. Nash is one of my favorites of all time, but I say no thanks to that. Bibby is doing great and it's clear that he fits in nicely with our team. Nash would give us even worse D, and marginally better offensive production. He won't be the same player under Woody, and as good as he'd make Smith and Joe, I just don't think it's worth it. We'll probably need that 1st anyway to get another young big. I just see Nash for Bibby a lateral move right now, given Nash's contract status and fading defense.....which was already pretty nonexistent before the injuries. I don't see the need to make any moves, personally.
  11. busboy, it's me from MaddenMania (nahste13)....you gotta see the place these days. Anyway, J-Smoove was killing us against Houston. I love the guy now but he was struggling to mesh those first few games back. The word pressing comes to mind.
  12. There will be plenty of highlights on our victory, given the win streak, the LBJ factor, and the sick dunks from Smoove and King. Not to mention Smoove's swattage on Delonte (that dude had a brutal game, is he always that bad at shooting?)
  13. Was at the game. Missed the 1st though due to some scalpers haggling excessively....Marvin got the foul line with some very aggressive play. He was catching passes while cutting to the basket and instead of pulling up or taking a dribble he was just jumping at the hoop trying to get the contact (one time in particular in the early 2nd he tried to dunk on LeBron I believe)....Was very encouraged to see him get his clumsy self going straight towards the basket more. As for Josh, he had a pretty uneven night. His lone 3 attempt came in the 4th when we really got away from good offense. We just had Joe and Bibby fool around at the top, running half ass high screens/pick and rolls, and letting the clock wind down....Josh bricked one at the end of the shot clock with about 2:00 to go but then got the huge block on Delonte to seal it... The block he had made up for his turnovers tenfold though, that pretty much erased any hope Cleveland had both in matters of the score and moral, that brought the house down and was a bit of a chest-pound for the entire organization. Zaza did play a lot in the first half and played decently well. About what I expect out of Zaza normally anyway, which is a few put backs, some offensive rebounds, and average defense. The thing that bothered me in the first half was Flip Murray. He's really starting to chuck too much (like he was known to do with the 87 other teams he's played for). The game wasn't close at all in the 1st half, but Cleveland got hot at the end of the 3rd and we weren't defending too well either. Hard to say we let them back in the game though, because you expect a good team like Cleveland to make a run at some point. I would've liked to see us keep the foot on their throat but I'm at least happy we managed to absorb their run and still hold on to win. This was a very big victory for our club and should give us a huge lift going into Monday's game vs. Charlotte, which should set us up for a great effort against Boston.
  14. How is 11-13 on FT slumping? Marv looked great tonight, I'll agree with the B+. Consider folks that he guarded LeBron for much of the night too. So he was working on both ends. Despite LBJ's 33 I think we held him down for stretches tonight. People need to get off Marv's back, he had a nice game. Smoove only had 12 and 8. Bibby had 24, but Joe only had 17.....There are going to be nights when other people go off and a certain guy's numbers take a back seat, that's the beauty of having so many talented players. Don't knock Marvin for one subpar performance when he's performed admirably throughout the year. His body of work is more than solidly at this juncture in the season.
  15. What's beautiful is that they are both equally important to the team. To use a crude example, I'd say Joe Johnson is like getting high and J-Smoove is like getting drunk. They both do the job just great by themselves but when you mix both of them together at the same time it's perfect. We need Joe for the consistency, the leadership, and to be our go-to guy in the clutch....and we need Josh also for the leadership, intensity, and to set the tone on the defensive end. So I'd say, they are like getting high and drunk, in which case I will take them both. Oh and busboyisback-MM isn't the same without ya buddy
  16. Might as well, Solo looked good. How long will Zaza be out for though? We can't afford to have Randolph Morris out there for more than 5-10 minutes a game tops. He's brutal.
  17. Solo had 5 fouls and Morris sucks. Hard to fault the coaching. As for the fouls, there were a lot of ticky tack calls but that's what happens when you play aggressively on defense.
  18. Those ratings look about right...but I'd bump Marvin up a couple notches, as well as knocking Bibby down a few. Some of those bench ratings are brutal....there's nobody above D+ in post D it seems
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