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Everything posted by bleachkit

  1. How many of those are Wilt? Didn't he average 50 one year?
  2. No to be contrarian, but I agreed with Spo. Jimmy deserved the nod over Kemba.
  3. It's not exactly textbook basketball.
  4. I loved it, but man our W's do not come easy.
  5. Until he has a bad game. Then it will return.
  6. Yet despite all that it came down to the wire. How come we never blow anyone out?
  7. No hero ball., get a good shot.
  8. Rock from the 60s and 70s is way better than today's rock. Im not even there are any relevant rock bands from this generation.
  9. 90s hip hop/rap is way better than today's crap. Sorry, that's not being old, time will confirm that opinion.
  10. You die a hero or you live long enough to be come the villain.
  11. There's no question we under achieved this year. Other teams have dealt with injuries and roster turnover and remained competitive. We basically had the whole team the other day and got completely blown out by the lowly Cavs. We have been blown out so many times this year and it's nothing but excuses. Next year better be 8th seed or better or someone needs to get fired.
  12. Has anyone ever watched Jalen and Jacoby? Jacoby spends the whole show kissing Jalen's ass, telling him how funny he is, how great he is. It's insufferable.
  13. That's how it's looking. It's been reported his family does not like the weather there. But as far as basketball goes, he has a good situation with a smart coach and strong supporting cast. But I dont think he will sign an extension before free agency 2021. He has all the leverage as it is, no point giving that up.
  14. Giannis is not going to Toronto. His family is tired of the cold weather in Wisconsin, Toronto is even colder.
  15. I don't get having both Kemba and Lowery on the floor. Lowery was taking charges, so I give him credit there. Kemba had cooled off though, should of put Jimmy in. This year guys were playing hard.
  16. He didn't help his cause with those ugly turnovers.
  17. Should have had Bud coach team Giannis. Bet we would have won.
  18. The line up I would have used was Trae, Middleton, Butler, Giannis, then either Siakam/Embiid/Gobert.
  19. Yes he was being a homer. Hopefully I've opened your eyes to the evils of homerism.
  20. Jimmy got robbed. He had every right to be out there at the end.
  21. He clearly cared more about taking care of his guys than winning the game.
  22. Horrible coaching from Nick Nurse. Why do need Kemba and Lowry on that defensive possession? Of course they were going strait for Lowery or Kemba.
  23. Why wouldn't you put Gobert in on this defensive possession?
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