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Posts posted by AUhawksfan

  1. It has been Jekyl and Hyde to this point but we have momentum going the right direction now.  If we can keep this going and move up the east ranks I think a 1 or 2 seed could definitely be in reach and would do wonders for us in the playoffs. 

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  2. One more day:


    Until I remember why I like this time of year (sorry college football).

    Until I get a new sense of excitement, even with summer gone and cold weather looming. 

    Until I stay up later than I should watching my team crank out a win. 

    Until I feverishly look at box scores and quotes the next day after a game (and hopefully less on the injury updates this year).

    Until the games matter. 

    Until I see what the young guys can do. 

    Until my Hawks play. 

    Side note:  I thought the game was today, therefore I had to do something to commemorate the day before we have our epic game threads begin. Go Hawks!

    Someone feel free to merge with @JayBirdHawk thread. Definitely overlooked that. 

    • Like 2
  3. 40 minutes ago, thecampster said:

    Hey @AHF can you weigh in on the legal rights (or not) of employers to know an employee's medical status/history/etc?  How black and white is it? How muddled?

    I could see that being an exception, if an individual has a medical reason for not getting it. That’s not the case for most who are refusing though. I see it as a public health/safety issue more than anything. 

    An employer can require an individual to wear safety glasses or a hard hat on the job for safety reasons and folks don’t bat an eye. To me it’s the same if an employer wants to require the vaccination for public health in their work environment. The thing that makes it tricky for most folks is all the misinformation and conspiracy theories, hence making it less of a black and white issue for a lot of folks. 

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  4. 5 minutes ago, macdaddy said:

    I love Giannis and i'm ok with the Bucks but i'm going to go ahead and say that I'll be really surprised if they get to the finals again this year and may not even make the ECF.   They really caught a lot of breaks to get there last year.   I'm not convinced they are better than the Hawks or the Sixers (other than the whole Simmons side show causing issues).   

    I can't find the exact quote but Giannis said something along the lines of being content even if he never won another championship since he has now done it. 

    They caught a lot of breaks and I'd be curious to see if they have that same fire to defend it - that takes another level of motivation.  I see plenty of other teams (including ours) that could come out in the playoffs, catch them off guard, and beat them.

    • Like 2
  5. It is crazy the amount of depth on this team from top to bottom.  I think that was so key to us last year during a shortened injury riddled season for almost every team.

    I'm so used to having at least 4-5 scrubs on the team.  Now it's just Solo and at least that dude can play the goofy uncle role with some good tweets for side entertainment.  Everybody is bringing something!

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 3
  6. I went with the unpopular name folks don't like around here......Doncic.  But honestly, they have a great relationship with each other and know how to have fun out there and dominate at the same time.

    I think that kind of young confidence could take them all the way without knowing any better.  And people could then shut up about who is better as they both dominate.

    • Like 1
  7. 7 minutes ago, NBASupes said:

    T. Young - Seeking upgrade

    Why you gotta do this?  I mean, I know who you’re talking about but that still didn’t play nice with my eyes. 

    McCollum and Nurkic?  I wonder if the Dame rumors are getting to them. I wonder if Portland will blow it up.  I don’t know much about Nurkic and his defense but it would be nice to have some size like that off the bench. 

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  8. 8 minutes ago, Sothron said:

    I'm honestly disgusted by the  completely one sided officiating in this series especially the last two games. Every time we got a run going or made a play BAM here's a BS call by the refs that always went the Bucks way.

    Next season this is our starting lineup:






    You bring Bogi, Hunter, OO and either convince Lou to come back or find another BG PG cuz Dunn didn't look good. 


    What about Huerter?  I think he has a place too. 

  9. Bogi was pressing last night but once again as @NBASupes said, that's more on Nate.  Whether it's Bogi or Solo or someone else they need to sit if they aren't providing meaningful minutes.

    This is a very targeted conversation based on some games he has played in the playoffs when not 100% but Bogi's body of work over this season has been pretty good.  Enough so, that regardless of what happens in the playoffs I don't see why we wouldn't continue to see how he pans out instead of continuing to recycle this same conversation again and again.

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