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Everything posted by Watchman

  1. I frankly have never been impressed with Woodson as a head coach. I think that Stotts was a better coach, even though I did not particularly like him. I would rate Woodson at slightly above Lon Kruger and Bob Weiss. I wish we had gotten Rivers or Fratello.
  2. Nique Maravich Roundfield Rollins Rivers
  3. What is the point in front-loading a contract, if the average annual salary figure will be used in determining cap impact? I thought that we front-loaded JT's contract for that reason(?)
  4. It seems more likely to me that Turiaf has Marfan Syndrome as he has the aortic weakness, and is slender. Curry is very "un-slender." I am not necessarily opposed to signing Curry, but not for a long contract, and not for the maximum amount. In addition to the heart concerns, he is a pathetic rebounder for someone his size. Someone could possibly teach him some techniques, but if you don't have the desire to be a good rebounder, you won't be. What happens if he signs a five year contract, and has to sit because of his heart conditions. We would at least have to keep him on the roster for the two year period, like the point guard we acquired earlier (sorry I just can't think of his name at the moment). During that time, he would count against our cap, just as the aforementioned point guard did. Therefore, we would be unable to acquire a decent replacement for him. If we are unable to get Dalembert, I kind of like Diesel's concept of hiring some "rent-a-center" type players such as Hunter, ZaZa, etc. for the time being, until a better situation arises, either by draft or, here's a novel concept, an unrestricted free agent. I don't really see why we're going after Joe Johnson. We have a SG already (Childress). I don't really think they are going to play JJ at point guard. I don't want him interfering with Childress' development. As for trading Childress, I'd sooner trade Smoove. Maybe in the long run Smoove becomes a better player, but for now I'd prefer Childress.
  5. Yeah, but Gooden got his production in only 30 minutes per game, whereas Al got his in almost 40 minutes per game. Gooden is by far a better rebounder. As Al missed a lot of games last year, their total minutes played is nearly the same. In around 2500 minutes for each player, Gooden got over 750 rebounds, whereas Al got around 460 rebounds. Their point production was nearly equal. I guess it depends if you want a power forward that rebounds and blocks shots versus one that doesn't rebound, gets a few steals, and never blocks a shot. Al is too much of a tweener. In that context, I'd have to take a look at that trade. Gooden also is a much better shot blocker (.94 vs. .24). Al is pathetic in the shot blocking department.
  6. Eddie Curry to me is like a modern version of Darryl Dawkins. All flash no substance. Poor rebounder for someone that size. Not a shot blocker. At least Dawkins could block shots. Curry's only virtue is offense. I'd rather go for someone who has more of a total package.
  7. Maybe it says that Al is on the block and they are trying to protect him from injury. Almost like a deal is done, and they are waiting for some specified time, such as the all-star break.
  8. Well, since we are out of the running for Dampier, I for one would like for us to pursue Przybilla. He has no offense, other than his outlet passing, which in my opinion was very good. However, he is a good rebounder, a good shot blocker, and takes up a lot of room in the paint. Drobs is not a rebounder, but is a decent offensive player. Together perhaps they could form a decent tandem, sort of like the days of Tree Rollins and Steve Hawes. I would have liked to have seen what Rebraca could do if uninjured, but perhaps Drobs is more durable. I guess we should go ahead and sign Kenny Anderson for PG duty also. I don't think Delk is really a PG. It reminds me of when we were going to try to use Eldridge Recasner as our PG. He just wasn't one, and neither is Delk.
  9. I think, because he has played in college that he will be a more complete player, and will make an impact sooner. With Howard, you don't know what you're going to get. He may be great, he may be a bust. I think I'd go for the sure thing. Okafor is a total player, and has the NBA body. Howard is a bean pole who may take years to fill out.
  10. I watched the game last night, thinking that after a few minutes we would be down by 20 or so. I ended up watching the game all the way to the end in the 3rd OT. This team played much better than the team with our alleged "all stars." If the asking price isn't too much, I would definitely attempt to re-sign Sura and Rebraca. Sorry I was so bummed out about the roster remake. These guys were better and way more entertaining than watching Reef and Ratliff. Sura was such a good passer, and Rebraca was the best offensive center we've had in a decade or more. I realize that the good play may not last for the remainder of the season and that the novelty of being with a new team may have prompted them to "overachieve", but I thought the game last night was really refreshing. JT made some great clutch shots, and some boneheaded turnovers (as usual), but on the whole, I thought even he played better. I'd definitely bring Sura and Rebraca back as bench players next year if we could get them for $2 to $3 million per season.
  11. Looking at Mamadou's past statistics, he is a very poor rebounder to be a 7 footer.
  12. put the scrubs' pictures at the top of the page?
  13. written by Mike Lee that stated that BK approached JT and told him he wanted him around for the rebuilding process. BK still doesn't get it does he? JT is the problem not the solution. So I guess we will still have JT's stupidity to look forward to year after year, while we endure our NBDL talent. So exciting!
  14. Must be yours. What motivated this little tirade of yours anyway? Your opinion means as little to me as mine does to you. I never wanted us to keep Babcock. I was certainly glad to see him go. I have no idea where that came from.
  15. what I consider a top-tier free agent. He's about a half step above JT, which to me ain't sayin' all that much. 6 assists a game this year. JT's almost that good.
  16. "The Hawks finally have a GM that knows how to rebuild the right way." You don't know that "he knows how to rebuild." Nothing has been rebuilt, only torn down. We don't have a clue what Billy can or will do. We only know that there is some potential, which may or may not pan out. We also know that in the best possible world, it will probably be at least another five years before we can be competitive, to say nothing of actually contending for anything.
  17. Try telling Isiah Thomas that. Why couldn't Knight have given away our garbage the way New York did, get something of much greater worth back, and produce immediate results? Why is it that it's always everyone else who pulls this stuff off. We get excited because some other team took our best assets away, and gave us nothing in return. Years of mediocrity have jaded us into accepting whatever garbage comes our way.
  18. He's a good player, but has shown no real improvement in three years. Nor has he shown that he can take a team any further than the one we gave him up to obtain.
  19. for nothing. I don't see Knight's last 10 days as something that just about anyone couldn't have done. Knight bent the team over and got nothing meaningful in return. Couldn't we have gotten a prospect? How about, as someone said, Randolph. Clearly, he and Rahim get in each other's way, and probably one of them will be dealt. Why couldn't we insist on him and his cheap contract? Why no draft pick? If that is displaying Knight's "genius", then we truly are doomed for at least 5 more years of rebuilding and excuses. I have been a Hawks fan since 1970. In all that time we have never sucked like this. We have never been the absolute worst team in the league. We are now. Prospects don't look too good for that changing in the near future. But hey you guys are excited about our NBDL team, and that's all that's important.
  20. We have blown a lot of good draft choices. Knight's only claim to fame thus far is Diaw. Nice player but nothing to write home about. Basically we drafted a clone of Ira Newble. Again, nice role player, nothing to write home about. It's the high picks that trouble me. We might do all right with the # 15 pick, but top 3, that's scary. Ask Washington how they feel about wasting a #1 pick on Kwame Brown. How about us wasting a #6 pick on Dermarr Johnson? Sometimes the kids develop. Sometimes they don't. But, I'm over it. We suck, and we're going to continue to suck for a long, long time. We're on our perpetual five year rebuilding plan, starting over again at square one. As someone else said, we're an expansion team without the benefit of an expansion draft.
  21. in 28 mpg after three years. But hey, if that excites you, I hope we waste all of this beautiful cap space and go get a team full of them.
  22. me. Kwame Brown is the biggest bust I can think of and you want to bring him here, and waste a top three pick and get his clone? I have always respected you in the past, and I still do, but this is just brutal to me. We were bad with Shareef, et al, but now we are just embarrassing. Furthermore, these 18 year old kids take years and years to develop, and sometimes they never do. We have been losers since 1999, and it doesn't sit well with me. Be patient? We have been losing since 1999. That is way too long to suit me. Other than Kobe, the other free agents that might be decent next year will require us overpaying them to get them. That was our problem and has been our problem over the years. We overpaid Mohammed, even though I was all for it at the time. We overpaid Wright, even though I was all for it at the time. We signed Mutombo to a max level contract, and it handicapped us from that point on. I guess what I am saying is we have a history of wasting our resources on less than deserving players. What convinces you that Knight will be any better than Babcock was? He hasn't done anything to prove it thus far.
  23. You didn't say anything about Jax leaving for more money. You just said you doubted he would stay here. Obviously you think that with our cap room we will sign some meaningful free agents. I don't think so. If we don't get Kobe, then we will have overpaid for someone else, of considerably lesser talent. You have your opinion and I have mine. You are excited about fielding quite possibly the worst team in the history of the league. I find it embarrassing. I guess we just value different things.
  24. Might be great. Might be a bust. Make be decent after 6 or 7 years. Will be long gone from our roster by then. Don't quite see it myself.
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