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Everything posted by bigjmw84

  1. bigjmw84

    Paul Pierce

    If we were able to pull Paul and Howard, Pierce would be a perfect fit at the 3 spot if he were willing to take the MLE. We would draft a SF in the 1st, and let him marinate under him for a season or 2. FA: Paul Howard Pierce M.Webster Draft Giannis Adetokoubo Lucas Nogueira PG:Paul/L.Williams SG:Webster/Jenkins SF:Pierce/Adetokoubo/Scott PF:Horford/I.Johnson/Nogueira C: Howard/Lucas Nogueira/Horford
  2. He'll to the naw!!! He has proven himself to be an injury prone headcase. Bynum is nowhere near DF's list. It would be a huge letdown if we waste a good chunk of money that DF created to build a winner on Bynum
  3. I would love it. He doesnt offer much offensively, but he is a lock down defender. He will be in the 5-7 range, but if we were to bring CP3&D12, Allen as well as some other mid tier FA's would likely consider taking less. FA: Paul Howard Dunleavy Allen I.Johnson Paul/Williams Allen/Jenkins Dunleavy/S.Muhammad Horford/I.Johnson Howard/G.Dieng
  4. It will most definately help. SA always drafts well, and FA's will want to play for someone who has a winning pedigree and high basketball IQ. If we can land the right pieces with all the cap space we have, Bud might be able to hit the ground running
  5. FA: Chris Paul-18mil Tiago Splitter-10mil- His PER numbers are real promising/He projects to 17pts 10 reb OJ Mayo-6mil Trevor Ariza-4mil Blatche-bi annual exception PG:Paul/L.Williams SG:Mayo/Jenkins SF:Ariza/Snell PF:Horford/Blatche C:Splitter/Gobert
  6. It was sarcasm buddy. Their are far too many superior wing players to choose from before Childress would be mentioned.
  7. he played for 855,000 last season.
  8. iI have heard that comparisons from multiple places. If he is anything like Leonard, he would be a steal. What would be a better comparison?
  9. I was being sarcastic I was being sarcastic. Lol. I wouldn't mind Ariza at the 3 as another option
  10. Say what you want, but he is a good defender that we can get for cheap to start while our rookie gets his feet wet. Hell....we could always get Childress to be our D specialist and spot up 3 guy.
  11. This lineup would give us one of the best defensive units in basketball. FA: D.Howard- 18 mil Chris Paul-18 mil Tony Allen-4.3 mill Matt Barnes- 855,000 Resign Zaza- 2 mill NBA Draft: 16th: Tony Snell SF (Kawhai Leonard clone) 17th: Mason Plumlee PF/C Starters: Paul: 18 pts 9ast 4reb 2st (1st team defense) Allen:9pts 5reb 2st(1st team defense) Barnes:9pts 5reb 2ast(Fiesty defender) Horford:16pts 10 reb 3ast 2stl Howard:18pt 13reb 3.5 blks(The best defensive big man in basketball) Bench: Williams: 13pt 3reb 4ast Jenkins: 5pts 2ast Snell: 8pts 4reb Plumlee:4pt 3reb Zaza: 5pts 4reb
  12. If everything falls in place, im all for it
  13. I would pick him up to allow Horford more time at the 4 assuming this potential Howard deal doesnt fall thruPG:Teague/Harris/SG:Harris/Williams/JenkinsSF:Smith/Morrow/StevensenPF:Horford/Johnson/Scott C:Zaza/Horford/Millicic
  14. PG: Teague(24min) Harris(10min) Williams(6min)SG:Harris(15min) Williams(17min) Jenkins(10min)SF:Smith(15min) Morrow(20min) Stevensen(5min)PF:Smith(18min) Horford(8min) Johnson(10min)Scott (4min) C:Horford(22min) Pachulia(15 minutes) Petro(4min)
  15. bigjmw84

    FA SF

    Jeff Green would be nice pickup at the 3. Could he be had for less than the midlevel?
  16. We could be waiting for this NJ situation to play out.Check out this ScenarioBrooklyn receives: JJATL receives: Morrow, Farmar,Petro and Gerald Green in a S&T(3yr 12mil)We then trade Smoove, and Marvin to the Lakers for Pau Gasol & 1st round pickWe sign Matt Barnes to a small dealPG:Teague/FarmarSG:Morrow/JenkinsSF:Green/BarnesPF:Horford/Gasol/ScottC :Gasol/Zaza/PetroAbout 12 mil will come off the books at the end of the seasonWe could play an inside outside game, and allow Morrow, Jenkins, Horford, Farmar, Green to take advantage
  17. He is getting waived and could be a nice piece for us. He would bring 10pts 5ast and 2 or 3 reb in our back court S&T JC+Collins to Bulls for Brewer, and Asik PG:Teague/Billups/McGrady SG:JJ/Brewer/McGrady SF:Williams/McGrady/Smoove/ PF:Smoove/Horford/Radmanovic C:Horford/Asik/Zaza
  18. Zaza does look better on both offense and defense. In an interview he was talking about having added confidence being the go-to guy on the national team. Add the fact that his conditioning is much better with the weight loss and hard work this offseason, he could be a 10pt, 10 reb type guy for us this year. ptpt
  19. noticed tha Zaza looks like he has trimmed down at least 15 pounds. I believe Woodson stunted him offensively . He seems to be taking a liking to the new motion offense, and the weight loss seems to be helping on both sides of the ball as well.
  20. He would be our SF. He needs to lose 5 or so pounds tho. I would trade Mo Evans expiring contract, PHX 2nd round pick, and another future 2nd round pick With those 2nd round picks, I think they would take on 1 mil for a season to get from under the 3 years Johnson has left in his deal.
  21. He is 7-1 300 pounds and has played under Sloan for 3 years. I think Powell is best suited as a PF, but he can fill in at C from time to time, but we need a big body center that can develop into a player in the future, and Fesenko could be that potentially. The only thing is he's a RFA. With Jefferson, Milsap, and Okur, he might be able to slip from their fingers. If that doesn't work, we go for Shaq at the BAE
  22. New coach or not, it was obvious are bench players were nott that good. If we just upgrade our frontcourt depth with more than just bodies(Morris/Collins), we will be much improved with the new motion offense. This can happen without trading anybody. Depending on how we look in the new offense, I could see a player or two getting dealt for somebody significant at the trading deadline.
  23. Bynum, Gasol, and Odom were the reasons he didnt get much PT, but he is a good defender with a reliable10-12 footer
  24. We need to pick up two big bodies asap. It doesnt even have to be Shaq. Anthony Tolliver 6-10 243- Isnt exactly the best defender, but is relentless on the boards, runs the floor well, and can score in limited time (12pts 7reb) DJ Mbenga 7-0 255 -Phill Jackson has praised him for his relentless motor, rebounding,and high-level defense without fouling out.(A huge upgrade over Collins) PG:Teague/Bibby SG:JJ/JC/JC2 SF:Williams/Smith/Evans PF:Smith/Tolliver/Horford/Aminu C: Horford/Zaza/Mbenga
  25. First round exit? Really? Bibby is far from what he was and cant compete on the defensive side of the ball, Marvin is the most under-achieving hawks in recent memory. The only thing i have to say about Craw is he is he is over 30, Although he is talented, he is just now coming off his best season as a pro, We would delay potential offensive decline by getting a guy as prolific if not moreso while being able to get a younger talent(24 years old) I dont know how this is such a horrible trade. We would get a combo guard who could play point with teague till he is ready. ATL said Horford will stay a Center. With that being said, a defensive oriented backup C who can give 6pts 6reb w/20min would be nice. Also, his heart problem hasnt been a problem since his surgery. Radmanovic would simply be getting a 7mil expiring contract
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