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Everything posted by niffoc4

  1. This is the stuff Sund excels in. The man doesn't blink. It makes sense why it took so long, Sund was offering the absolute minimum, and Smith was trying to find a better deal. Sund believed he couldn't so he just waited. That's how you build depth without overspending.
  2. Exactly. He played on 2 different Summer League teams (IIRC), and neither signed him. Sounds awfully similar to Randolph Morris being let go by the Knicks and us pouncing on him as a 'steal.' Could he work out? Sure. This year? I sorely doubt it.
  3. My worry with Siler is that this is the most effort he's ever put in. Don't you wonder what he did for FOUR years in college? Why wasn't he working out and slimming down earlier? As long as its at the minimum I don't really care that much though. Looks like Dionte Christmas isn't impressing that much, maybe he's wearing down after playing on 2 different summer league teams... Good to see that Teague is playing like the only 1st rounder in the room, doesn't mean he'll be ROY or anything, but I'd be worried if he wasn't doing well. What do you guys think about John Lucas III? I wouldn't mind him as an extra PG.
  4. Why is Teague even in the poll? I'm pretty sure West will be back, as Woodson likes to have 'his guys.' I hope that's true about Morris' contract. That would give the Hawks more flexibility, and at least force him to compete with Siler and/or Solo. I'm hoping for Leo Lyons to make the team, as he would provide a different skillset than the other 4's (unless you count Marvin), in that he's a scorer.
  5. How does he make Morris redundant? Or does Morris have value beyond 6 fouls that no one told me about? I'd worry more about our defense with him and Zaza on the floor together...
  6. It's possible that they will get something like another 2nd or more cash if Anderson does well... not sure I'd hope for more than that...
  7. right now the Rockets have 1. Yao Ming (hurt all year I know) 2. Tracy Mcgrady (probably hurt all year too) 3. Shane Battier 4. Aaron Brooks 5 Kyle Lowry 6 Carl Landry 7 Chuck Hayes 8 Trevor Ariza 9Luis Scola 10Jermaine Taylor 11Chase Budinger 12Kyle Lowry 13Brent Barry 14 Brian Cook 15 Joey Dorsey 16 James white and now they have David Anderson... personally I'd assume that Brian Cook will be bought out, but assuming Yao and Mcgrady are out the two holes are at SG and C. Their best SG's? Battier, whose more suited for SF, James White (can't stick with an NBA team) and then the rookies (Budinger and Taylor) I can understand thinking maybe we could get Joey Dorsey, since they already have undersized bigmen, he might duplicate Hayes, but Budinger? They JUST bought him! They're not going to trade him for David Andersen... edit: I also assume that its Cook and White who are probably the odd men out (possibly Barry).
  8. I disagree, he might have been a serviceable big man, but he might not have. He wanted more money and guarantees than we were willing to give, so he was never coming to Atlanta. Like others have said, instead we got a 2nd and cash. Is that great? No. Is it proper value? yes. It seems like Sund's best skill is dealing with this part of being a gm, be it signing mo and Flip last year, or finally getting something for an asset that has just been sitting there.
  9. I think if we trade Anderson it'd be for a future 2nd , cash or a Joey Dorsey type. Morey just bought Budinger b/c he wanted him (I assume), and with McGrady out, Yao out and Artest gone the Rockets are going to rebuilding next year anyway. It makes sense for them to go for another big, but I sorely doubt they rate Andersen highly enough to give up Battier, if they did something would have already happened on this, b/c the Hawks clearly don't want Andersen that much.
  10. I still think its crazy that Blair dropped that far. In 3 or 4 years the Cavs pick won't even be in the NBA, while the Spurs will have gotten 3 or 4 cheap years out of Blair. I'm sure Lebron's glad the Cavs took someone who won't help this year. The Blazers needed a backup PF, not a starter, but they'd rather have Pendergraph? He'll probably be perfectly healthy in 3 or 4 years... and out of the league.
  11. It seems that most of Sund's elements have had one thing in common, 3pt shooting. Flip, Mo, Teague, Crawford are all (to one degree or another) shooters. Also, he told Marvin he wouldn't play if he couldn't shoot the 3. So whether he should or not, I don't think Sund will target Miller.
  12. Also, you're comparing Teague's freshman and sophomore year to Law's junior and senior years. The other thing that Hollinger didn't like about Law when he came out was his age. He said that a 23 yo should have dominated in a way that Law didn't, so he probably wouldn't be that great of a pro. If you look at Law's sophomore stats, then he's the 3rd option, and his scoring drops but shooting pcts stay about the same. His freshman numbers though are much worse. As a whole, his freshman and sophomore years at A&M don't compare nearly as well. So we could put it this way about Teague. At age 21 he was as good as Law was at 23. Hopefully that means he has more potential as well.
  13. UDFA C's John Bryant from Santa Clara Garret Siler Alade Aminu Oguz Savas Gasper Vidmar Luke Nevill Bryant scored quite well on Hollinger's draft rater, though I think he may be too slow for the NBA. Siler is also big and slow, and didn't even score well in the statistical analysis.
  14. Nice analysis, I think that Childress is the one to go. Not sure if we can work an S&T though, so we either have to renounce him or deal with his contract hold every summer. On Flip and Zaza. I think Flip is a lot more replaceable. There are quite a few PGs in an SG's body that can do a similar role. In fact I think that would be a good role for Jeff Teague in his 1st year. Centers, even flawed ones like Zaza, are harder to find.
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