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Everything posted by HawkRock1123

  1. ...but since I already post here a lot already: My band is looking for a guitarist. Singer, Bassist, and Drummer looking for Christian Hard Rock guitarist. No offense to guys who are just starting out, but this needs to be pro level. Influences RED, 7Dust, Flyleaf, 3 Doors Down, Creed, Breaking Benjamin - you get the idea. We are an original band and the first priority will be recording after we get our lineup completed. Tracks are available upon request. Please - pro gear, experience, no drugs, no alcohol problems, reliable transportation, and be able to practice 2-3 times a week. Age range 24-30. Thanks and God bless!
  2. Plus, he was Pachulia's friend. Zaza is a sad Georgian without him.
  3. We're gonna have to change Joe's name to Negative Nancy.
  4. This game was a roller coaster of emotions for me...... 1) LeBron is phenomenal, and I watch his games b/c I want to see him be phenomenal. 2) That being said, I think I realized that (overall) I hate Cleveland's team. They're still a disjointed mess riding high simply because #23 is THAT GOOD. 3) Orlando, on the other hand, has an identity. I like their team concept and their style. 4) Wait - I can't root for Orlando. I need the Hawks to finish ahead of them. Go Cavs! 5) Dangit! I think that Shaq is an insecure jerk lately and I really want Dwight Howard to win this Superman battle. (Go Magic?) 6) Hold on - that team identity the Magic have got a little screwed up when the Magic let go of Hedo and got Vince Carter to replace him. Vince Carter is the biggest waste of talent ever. 7) Vince Carter decided to show up in the 4th quarter yesterday and took over the game. Which was awesome to see, but also frustrating b/c it makes you realize how good his career could have been if he just had the heart. At the end - I was so confused that I had to just fall back on the simple "I'm a Hawks fan so I need the Magic to lose games"....... .......then they won.
  5. I know it kinda sucks, but if the Wizards buy him out, he's a free agent and honestly should be allowed to do what he wants to do. Do I want this to happen? Of course not. Is it kind of shady? Obviously. But if the guy is a free agent, you can't necessarily fault him for wanting to put himself on a great team, and you can't really fault the Cavaliers for being the most desirable destination in the NBA at the moment. I don't know. It's a tricky situation. If it happens, the Cavs are definitely "working the system", but then again, "working the system" just means you're being smart about how the rules work. All that being said - I'd love to have him on the Hawks. He'd be an incredible addition for us.
  6. HawkRock1123


    I think the end of the game just showed that we have a lack of offensive strategy. I don't think you necessarily blame this on Joe, but I think you can blame it on "Iso-Joe". In crunchtime, with the game on the line, you need something better than just simply "throw the ball to Joe - clear out - Joe wins the game." That's unfair to Joe and it's poor strategy. I think he did all he could, and while Jamal and Josh made some mistakes, both looked like they were playing hard and trying to win this game. What I'm saying is that this Atlanta Hawks team has far too many dynamic offensive options to simply dump all the responsibility on Joe's shoulders at the end of the game with an "Iso Joe" call.
  7. Speaking of Bogut - I just want to make sure everybody has seen this clip from a couple years back. Most of you probably already have. It's just the ultimate "my teammates hate me, and I hate them right back" moment.
  8. Agreed. Honestly I've been trying to get my friends to watch it just in hopes that other people will be as entertained by it as I am, and maybe it'll stay on the air for a while. Every episode so far has given me at least 3 "laugh out loud" moments, and there's not too many shows on right now I can say that about. And yes - that scene was hysterical.
  9. Thursday @ 10:00 on FX. If any of you guys like South Park/Family Guy/Robot Chicken, check it out. I haven't laughed so hard at a show in a very long time. Comcast also has a couple episodes on demand right now, I believe. Definitely NOT for kids, by the way, and my wife hates the show with the fire of 1,000 suns. I'm thinking maybe it's more "guy" humor, although I'm sure there are some women out there who would love it too.
  10. Joe won't even pass Jamal the ketchup at dinner. Just kidding - I have no idea. I would imagine he has as many assists to Jamal as he does to anybody else.
  11. I'm agreeing with everybody above. But - you do have to give Kobe somewhat of a pass - at least he did one. Same with Vince, who gave us probably the greatest overall performance ever. I still say Dwight got screwed in 2007. He should have 2 dunk titles. Let's be honest - we're all talking about LeBron here.
  12. To me - the dunk contest should be about superstars being superstars. Dwight Howard LeBron James Dwayne Wade Josh Smith
  13. Props to Woody for sure. Kinda sucks for Teague - Rookie Game seems like a really fun experience. But - like everybody said - he's on a great team with a chance to develop.
  14. Starters are determined by fan vote, then the coaches pick the reserves, correct?
  15. Yeah - the only way Joe leaving would not suck is if we pulled Wade or Lebron out of a sign-and-trade (unlikely). I don't even think getting Bosh would be worth losing Joe, especially considering we have Horford and Smoove.
  16. Lot of people pointing to Phil Jackson and Pat Riley in these Woody posts. I'll admit - I'm a big fan of those coaches. I believe that some coaches just have a "vision". I think that D'Antoni has potential to be one of these as well. I'm still not sure if Woody is one of these or not. We have to remember he's still a fairly new head coach, and he is getting results, isn't he? I haven't been the biggest supporter, and sometime his substitution patterns boggle my mind, but we're at the top of the league right now. We have to remember - coaches like Phil and Pat are EXTREMELY RARE. Look at some of the other coaches in the league. Among active coaches - who would you rather have (outside of maybe Phil or D'Antoni, if even them)? P.S. - Doc is extremely overrated. So is Mike Brown. Right now the difference between Lebron and MJ is that MJ had a coach with vision.
  17. I would also like to jump on this bandwagon. Andersen provides of lots of elements that we need, including a fan favorite. Never underestimate the importance of having a fired up fanbase. Remember how different the Hawks were at home versus the Celts two years ago in the playoffs?
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