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Everything posted by BrazilianHawk

  1. LOL. I hope we can win this, but now our hero is 4-16. Can they do it?
  2. They don't play a lick of defense. So when they can't score... 4th quarter will be interesting.
  3. I think we would be better served with him at SG and eventually find a replacement for Hunter if he doesn't develop a knack for rebounding the ball. It might be already too late for that. Problem is right now AJ can't rebound as well.
  4. I can't dispute the numbers but still, AJ isn't playing because he was horrendous in the limited time he got under Quin. He needs to get out of his funk, but every game matters from now on and I absolutely don't blame Quin for trying to win games.
  5. Great game by Trae, BTW. He's looking a lot smarter on his shot selection, not going right into their bigs in the paint. If he can keep this defensive intensity, watch out... I definitely wouldn't mind having a true superstar in our roster. DJ needs to be better than this, for sure. Great win, on to Friday!
  6. It's not the same in my opinion. JJ barely played under Nate but when he did, he did well. Still couldn't crack the rotation no matter how well he played. AJ played some under Quin, but he was terrible on the occasion. As of right now, JJ looks vastly superior to AJ. I don't think AJ should be taking minutes from anyone in the current rotation.
  7. Yes we're still trading baskets for the most part. At least the offensive side has been responding really well. Kudos to Trae, excellent 1st quarter. Keep it up!
  8. You can tell the guys want to play tonight. It looks like Quin is doing some magic, defense has improved a lot.
  9. Tricky question, I don't have an answer but sure hope Quin does! LET'S GO HAWKS!!!
  10. He should advocate for a 4th ref in every Hawks game. After all, having 3 of them against us night in and night out makes things really hard.
  11. I won't fret over this loss. I liked most of what I saw tonight.
  12. ugh this Hunter turnover definitely hurt.
  13. I feel like I've seen this many times before. Perhaps tonight will be different. GO HAWKS!
  14. FRAKKKKKK We got gangsters instead of refs.
  15. Some really hot shooting so far, we need to defend even harder now, 80% FG is just not sustainable. Let's put them away ASAP.
  16. Trae is disliked by many refs, that's no secret.
  17. Your description just made me think of Groo the Wanderer...
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