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Everything posted by dj_me

  1. dj_me


    What's his situation and contract like? What type of injury was it he had? If he would be able to play this season, what if we could swing a deal such as Hendu for Dickerson? Memphis wants bangers, and that's what Hendu is moving towards. JT/DD Dickerson/Hansen Diaw/CC SAR/Nazr Theo/Nazr We'd still need to pick up another SF and PF, but I'd give Nazr a lot of the sub time.
  2. dj_me

    Would you...

    All points taken, but with everyone looking for another scorer, I thought moving SAR, who is one but will never be able to produce over 25, for one would be good. Like I posted, Nazr can produce. He may only get 12+ points, but then JT would get around 20, Theo & Diaw both around 10, and then either Odom or Jamison getting close to 30. Then again, these are all wishful stats. After more thought on the subject, I do agree that this really wouldn't help us any.
  3. dj_me

    Would you...

    What I meant was... SAR for Odom/1st Rounder or SAR for Jamison/1st Rounder
  4. beav, When Stotts was making the decisions, this did not happen. He brought in Wilks and Newble. Wait, did he bring in Newble? Anyways, I believe that Stotts could pull another gem out of the rough (or something like that). My vote stands, KEEP STOTTS!
  5. dj_me

    Would you...

    trade SAR for Odom? I would add a pick in the deal but I'm not sure if that would be too much to ask. Another thought is SAR for Jamison (I really like him, probably more than Odom). My reasoning, even though I really like SAR, is that Nazr can start at PF and be able to score (granted, not as much as SAR), rebound and get 1+ blocks. I strongly believe that if Nazr was on another team in the East, he'd be starting. JT Diaw Odom Nazr Theo or JT Diaw Jamison Nazr Theo
  6. ...and why is it they haven't signed him yet? Maybe because he isn't NBA caliber yet. But maybe this is me thinking that a five year pro is better than a rookie who has yet to play one game in the NBA.
  7. What if that 15% that AOL/whatever is part of is exclusively for the Phil? It was said that they have no authority in decision making for the franchises, so, maybe they're in it for the money that the Phil makes. It's the only thing making money, so why wouldn't they want to stay in it to help with the debt that they are in. And just think, if McDavid can turn things around and make the Hawks and Thrashers into money makers, that adds to everyone's wallet. I'd say this is smart thinking on AOL/whatever's part and not a problem in McDavid's pocket. Oh, and that whole legal stuff, I understand it, I just can't argue with it. I went to Art College. Woo!
  8. I think that it would be awesome to get both Glover and DJ back. DJ resembles Diaw's frame and I believe the could be used equally. JT/DD Glover/Hansen Diaw/DJ/CC SAR/Hendu Theo/Nazr Our bench finally resembles our starters. Quickness in the backcourt and some-what power in the front. SAR will should now score around 25 ppg. With Diaw starting, there's less pressure on JT, so I see him (JT) getting around 20 ppg and 5+ apg (I also believe that this will help him defensively). Glover was doing guite well at the end of the season; he should contribute around 15+ ppg. I see Diaw getting around 8+ ppg, but what he is here for is the court vision and such. I'm thinking his stat line will look something like this: 8ppg / 5rpg / 7apg / 1spg / 3to (this being his rookie year and all). What we will really appreciate is his splitting time with JT bringing the ball up the floor. Hopefully with those four starting, it will help Theo out so he doesn't have to worry so much about who's so easily coming into the paint. On another not, what if DJ does come back fully. What about a starting lineup like: JT / Diaw / DJ / SAR / Theo
  9. Make it Hedo/GW for Theo and I'd do it, and, more importantly, I think they would too. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to have Christie, but I don't think Sac-town would be willing to trade him. Plus, don't you think Christie and Clark would be to much to ask. But Hedo and Wallace are both young and don't get enough minutes there. They'd get play here. JT/DD Diaw/Hansen Hedo/CC SAR/GW Nazr/Hendu
  10. dj_me

    This deal blows

    Big Dog pulled down 7 a night. Call it nonhustle... I'll call it nonhustle just like you would call JT's assist average overstated. ...we will still be a bad team and you can put the same blame on the Next SF. Not if we start Diaw or, well, pretty much any SF in the league considering they all can dribble better than GRob. I didn't see you mention anything about the blowouts that we took on the road during that same stretch. No, but then that's why we have you. To repeat the same nonsense over and over and over again. But wait, haven't there been playoff teams that have been blown out by the likes of the Clippers or the Grizzlies or whomever. You continue to make the same arguements. Thing is, many of us don't care. We are not blinded by GRob's 20+ ppg and his false rebounding. We see his horrible dribbling and lack of presence on the defensive end. Mostly, we see how terrible he is for team chemistry. Chemistry, can you say that. Chem... i... stry. You know, the more I read from you argueing for GRob, the more I like this trade the way it is.
  11. dj_me

    This deal blows

    In other words... DOWN the Road is the same endpoint as it was with Big Dog. No, we don't come to the same endpoint because this makes us better. Sure Terrell Brandon is injured and has a good sized contract, but it is off the books in February, not two years from now. Yeah, it would be nice to have a draft pick or maybe a couple role players along with him, but be happy that the Chemistry destroyer is going to be gone. I don't care what you say about GRob's worth, in my eyes he did not fit the role we gave him. Another added bonus is that this opens up the SF position for Diaw or some other young, talented player (need I say, a quicker player). [censored] it, re-sign Glover and DJ with JT. I'd start the season like that. JT/DD/Brandon(IR) Glover/Hansen Diaw/DJ/CC SAR/Hendu Theo/Nazr Another bonus is that maybe this trade will make Theo happy and allow him to stay. I see this all as a strictly business decision. McDavid is taking steps to make his pocket a little happier while making us better in the long-run. THIS WILL IMPROVE THE HAWKS.
  12. No, as much as Diesel sticks up for GRob... Diesel = GRob
  13. inexperienced. How many years did he work as an assistant? I think he is more than qualified. Plus, during the season I heard a lot of people b*tching and moaning cause we let our assistant go on to coach the Warriors last year. Do you want the same thing to happen again? Don't get me wrong, I like these other two; but who knows what the future holds for Stotts? I hate to miss the second coming of a Phil Jackson. Again, I'm not saying Stotts will be like Phil Jackson, but maybe he is enough to get us over the hump. Give Stotts a chance. peace. dj_me
  14. dj_me


    I'm going to stick up for our current coach. 1. Stotts 2. Scott 3. Carlisle 4. Fratello 5. Dunleavy
  15. To do list... 1. Finalize the sale. - Nothing can really be done without this. 2. Sign JT. - He is the spirit of the team. He just needs to be told this. He shouldn't think that this is SAR's or GRob's or Theo's team. It is his. 3. Sign Stotts. - He was proving himself the last part of this season and I'd hate to lose him like we lost what's his name. 4. Sign DJ. Allow DG & Newble to leave. We have Diaw & Hansen now, they need the PT. DJ may or may not work out, but I'm hoping he does. 5. GRob. - I will even give him the benefit of a doubt. I say we keep him for now. If, by half-way through the season, he doesn't prove to us that he can play our style of ball, we shop him. If he does prove to us that he can work with the team, we keep him throughout his contract. JT/DD Diaw/DJ/Hansen GRob/Diaw/CC SAR/Hendu Theo/Nazr
  16. dj_me


    I agree that this will not be LeBron's year. He will do decent and we may see glimpses of the future at the end of the season. But, like everyone knows, he's young. Personally, I think that Anthony will get the rookie of the year award. I just have a feeling about him.
  17. dj_me

    DDT 7/9/03

    McInnis is someone I wanted to get to play beside JT last year. One problem I see with this is we wouldn't have enough time to play everyone the way they should be played. If we could somehow package in DD & CC for a PF/C I would be very happy. JT/McInnis/DD Anderson/Hansen Artest/Diaw/CC SAR/Hendu Theo/Hendu
  18. It is true that having the right players doesn't always equal wins. Look at us! HA! Still, all the Lakers would have to do is pull a Dallas and just shoot everyone's lights out. I say they average about 120 ppg if all goes through. Lets hope and pray that the chemistry clashes and ruins the team. Oh, and I too never really liked the Lakers. I really dislike Kobe and Fox. Actually, the only member of the team that I do like is Shaq. Well, Payton too if it all goes through. I HATE the Jazz, always have, always will. The only way I'll ever like Malone is if he stops flopping. Flopping is not basketball, it's p*ssyb*ll.
  19. It pretty much should be, but we have to wait. Payton leaving the Bucks is going to help us in the East. It opens up that 7th-8th position (in the standings) a little more. I now see the Bucks falling to about 11th-12th in the East. Still, who will want to play against the Lakers? Payton/who-cares/Kobe/Malone/Shaq It's a freakin' all-star team! Even without Malone, it's scary.
  20. that you would not trade one GRob for three decent role players and maybe a first rounder? Sh*t, I would. Newble proved to me that being a star isn't everything. If you want to be in the league, I mean you really want it, then you're going to play your heart out and continue to become better. I'd rather have two Newble's and maybe a Hendu plus a first rounder for the likes of one GRob. It's only logical that we become better. JT/DD Diaw/Hansen DJ/Newble-type/Newble-type SAR/Hendu/Hendu-type Theo/Nazr Plus you have a future first rounder.
  21. is that Cleveland is already filled with talent at PG, SG, and SF. Wagner can play both point and shooting, Lebron's a SF who can play point, Davis is SG/SF, and then they have Miles and Jones (I think). I don't see them wanting a SF. It would more likely be Nazr/filler for Davis because Davis seemed to get some heat last year. I would like to see either Miles or Davis, but in order to get one or both (ooooh!) this would have to be a multi-team trade.
  22. Overall prediction... This is going to be a very close conference. Who won't win at least 25 games? In... 1. Detriot - Undoubtably the most improved, and only a couple games out of Finals as they were. They will still be very defensive-minded but will now show more offense. 2. New Jersey - If Kidd is back! I think he will. He likes the players there. Jefferson is getting better, Martin is going to begin dominating. 3. Orlando - One word, McGrady (MVP?!). Second word, Gooden. Gooden is going to be big. So will Giricek. 4. Indiana - If O'Neal is back. If they can't resign Miller, this team will go up in my book. Young team with talent and energy. They have the right pieces. 5. Boston - Will be the same as last year. They seem to always find a way. 6. Philadelphia - The slip continues. Still, AI=playoffs! The fight... 7. Atlanta - If we can click. We really do have the pieces, we just need to make them work. KEEP STOTTS! 8. (tied) New Orleans - I don't understand them. A bunch of second name (on any other team - Davis, Brown, Mashburn, etc.) players making it work. 8. (tied) Chicago - Young team with lots of energy, not a lot of experience. 10. Milwaukee - Even with Payton, the big three are gone. It is full blown rebuild. Team sort of reminds me of Seattle now. Maybe next year... 11. New York - Still too much of the wrong things. 12. Toronto - With a return of Carter & Co., could do better. 13. Washington - Stackhouse isn't enough. 14. Miami - The fall of Pat Riley continues. 15. Cleveland - All to young. It is a growing season.
  23. I'm hoping we have a deal in waiting with Cleveland, Miami, or Dallas. It all depends on how we will move GRob (this is me hoping that we trade him). Cleveland - drafted Lebron James (duh!) and Jason Kapono, both SF even if Cleveland plays James at point. I see Davis being dealt. ---Diaw/JT/Davis/SAR/Theo--- Miami - drafted Dwyane Wade, a SG who I see playing often. Hopefully this is a sign of a trade. I'm roling the dice and hoping for Eddie Jones. ---Diaw/JT/Jones/SAR/Theo--- Dallas - drafted Josh Howard, a SG. ESPN mentions Finley could be moving on. Oh, wouldn't it be nice. ---Diaw/JT/Finley/SAR/Theo--- And, for future reference, I will continue to play Diaw at starting point in my lineups. Not because I know he will, but because I hope he is good enough to deserve it. I will stick with what I have said in previous posts in that I believe for a player to truly develop, you must play him (a lot). For me, if you want Diaw to have an impact, start him. Even if at the beginning he doesn't actually win the spot. So, as of right now it is... --ATL-- Diaw/Dickau JT/Glover/Hansen GRob/DJ/CC SAR/Hendu Theo/Nazr
  24. I don't know how big he is, but by what I have read here it sounds like a guy that would break as easily as Camby.
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